Hearing this, Chen Yintang stopped talking.He understood that if the Hong Kong police knew the news, the method of transporting Zheng Yuanshan by sea would be completely useless.At this time, he looked up and saw Gu Shangbin standing at the door.

In the Hong Kong intelligence station, Gu Shangbin is a figure of his size.But here, in front of Chen Yintang and Brother Yan, he can only be regarded as a little carrot.So, he didn't dare to speak when he entered the door, so he could only stand quietly at the door.

Chen Yintang stared at him and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Gu Shangbin whispered: "Commissioner Chen, our station manager asked you to go to him, saying that he has something important to discuss."

Chen Yintang knew that it must be about transporting Zheng Yuanshan.This matter is too important and has alarmed the presidential palace.Mr. Jing Guo even personally explained the task to him, and must send this Zheng Yuanshan to Taiwan.Therefore, although Chen Yintang was full of anger, he did not dare to be careless.

He looked down at his watch and said, "Brother Yan, please arrange a car for me. I'll leave at dawn."

Brother Yan nodded and said, "Okay, there is no problem. But you must leave before dawn to avoid being seen."

At this time, a horse boy came in quietly, holding a pair of plasters and an oil lamp in his hand.He baked the plaster slowly on the oil lamp.After the plaster was softened, he slowly peeled off the plaster, and carefully handed it to Chen Yintang.

Brother Yan took the plaster and put it on Chen Yintang's throat with his own hands.

He said, "Uncle Chen, take it slowly, it will be fine in a day or two."

Chen Yintang held his throat, the anger in his heart still persisted, he cursed in a low voice and stood up.He turned around and said, "Okay, brother Yan, that's it. I'm leaving. You must choose a good boat and be ready."

Brother Yan nodded to him, "Uncle Chen, don't worry, I will never miss anything here. But, you must be careful when delivering your goods. If others find out, it will be difficult for me. "

As Chen Yintang walked out, he said, "I know, I will make arrangements."

Brother Yan sent Chen Yintang and Gu Shangbin out, watched them get into the car and left, and then returned to the fishing shop.

All of this was seen by You Shaoqing who was hiding in the corner.

She followed behind Gu Shangbin until here.During the nearly hour-long wait, she kept carefully observing her surroundings.She could see that this was a fishing shop."Deli" Fishing Co. is written on the door.But the situation around her made her uneasy.She saw many dark whistles around.A person playing poker under a street lamp, a person sleeping in a corner, a person standing in a darkened window and looking out, etc., they are all secret whistles.Not to mention the two young men guarding the entrance of the fishery.

She kept guessing in her heart, why did Gu Shangbin come here?Why is it heavily guarded here?

At this time, she saw Gu Shangbin come out first, and opened the car door for a middle-aged man behind.She judged that this middle-aged man might be a more important person, and he was also from Taiwan.

Can she get in touch with Taiwan through this person?However, after thinking twice, she did not dare to appear suddenly in front of them.Under such a strict precautionary measure, no accidents are allowed.

She didn't want to be dealt with as an accident.She thought, it's better to go back to Boundary Street as soon as possible to see if there are other opportunities.

At this time, Guan Jinzhou, who had been sitting in the old building at No. 41 Boundary Street, hadn't waited for Chen Yintang.But waiting for Yu Zhidao who he never expected.

With Yu Zhidao's shrewdness, he didn't come to Hong Kong for fun.Before he came to Hong Kong, he had already figured out the situation in Hong Kong.He knew that the Secrecy Bureau, the National Security Bureau, and the Military Intelligence Room all had stations in Hong Kong.However, there are many contradictions between the intelligence station groups of these different systems.They pit each other against each other, and may even tear each other down.He didn't want his business to be ruined by the intrigue of these people.

So, after he sent Zuo Shaoqing back to her accommodation on Paozhang Street, he went directly to No. 41 Boundary Street.

He got the news that Guan Jinzhou, the head of the Hong Kong intelligence station of the Security Bureau, has been living in the old building at No. 41 Boundary Street recently.In his feeling, his relationship with Guan Jinzhou is closer.When he was in Nanjing that year, Guan Jinzhou used to be the chief of the inspection department of the Joint Logistics Headquarters.Although the Inspection Office of the Joint Logistics Headquarters belongs to the Security Bureau system, it can also be said to be his subordinate.

Just before Yu Zhidao arrived at No. 41 Boundary Street, Guan Jinzhou, the station chief of the Hong Kong Special Intelligence Station of Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense Secrecy Bureau, had been sitting in a small storage room on the third floor of No. 41 building.

Let me first say that it was five months after Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense Security Bureau was reorganized into the Ministry of National Defense Intelligence Bureau.Therefore, it is still the Bureau of Secrecy that leads the Hong Kong Special Intelligence Station.In this story, it is the Bureau of Secrets for a while, and the Bureau of Intelligence for a while, which is a bit confusing to say.But I can't be wrong.

At this time, the small storage room where Guan Jinzhou was located was really small, only three or four square meters.It used to be a place where all kinds of sundries were stored.But at this time, all the sundries that were originally stored inside have been moved out.There was just a Simmons mattress on the floor in the storage room.Besides, the only piece of furniture in this storage room was a small bamboo chair sitting under Guan Jinzhou's buttocks.

At this moment, he was sitting on the only small bamboo chair, and what he was looking at was a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the mattress.The middle-aged man held a briefcase in his arms, sat cross-legged with his back against the wall, and looked at Guan Jinzhou with suspicious eyes.

This middle-aged man is Zheng Yuanshan who is being watched by everyone.

His face at this time was haggard from exhaustion, and his hair was even more messy.A beard had also grown on his chin, apparently having not shaved in days.

Zheng Yuanshan has been in Hong Kong for two days and has been living in this small storage room.What Guan Jinzhou was most worried about was that someone would see his shadow from the window and even shoot him.In front of me, there is no window in this small storage room except for a small door.Therefore, this is the safest hiding place for Zheng Yuanshan.

During these two days, Zheng Yuanshan seldom spoke, just sat quietly holding his briefcase.

Guan Jinzhou really wanted to see the documents in his purse.He didn't need to think about it to understand that there must be extremely important documents in this purse, the documents of the CCP, and it may even include top-secret documents such as the army's combat plan.

At present, whether it is Taiwan's military or the various intelligence systems, one of the most worried things is that the mainland's communist army will launch a war against Taiwan.Since last year, the shadow of war has been hanging over Taiwan, making people panic.

On July 26, [-], the CCP government in the mainland officially announced to the outside world that Taiwan must be liberated.This news has scared people from all walks of life in Taiwan.

From September [-]rd to [-]th of the same year, the Communist Army successively carried out punitive strikes against the national troops on the Kinmen and Matsu islands.

The situation on both sides of the strait has taken a turn for the worse.

On December [-], the United States signed a "Mutual Defense Treaty" with Taiwan.

On December [-], Zhou Enlai of the CCP issued a statement condemning and criticizing the US-Taiwan "mutual defense treaty" as an "illegal treaty of war".

On December [-], the United States and Taiwan exchanged "exchange of understanding" and formally obtained the "right" to deploy troops in Taiwan, Penghu and nearby areas.

The CCP army immediately retaliated and captured Yijiangshan Island off the coast of Zhejiang on January 24, [-].On January [-], Zhou Enlai of the CCP issued the "Statement on the U.S. Government's Interference in the Chinese People's Liberation of Taiwan," accusing the U.S. of interfering in China's internal affairs.

A few days later, the U.S. Congress turned tit-for-tat, authorizing the President of the United States on January 28 to use the U.S. military to defend Taiwan and its coastal islands if necessary.So far, the United States has concentrated six aircraft carriers and nearly a hundred cruisers and destroyers in the Taiwan Strait. There are hundreds of warships in total, just to demonstrate against the CCP regime.

Guan Jinzhou understood that the danger of war was imminent.Between China and the United States, it seems that there will be a big war for Taiwan at any time.It may even trigger World War III!

But President Chiang, despite all the support the Americans gave him, never trusted the Americans.Americans are never loyal to anyone.If the communist army attacks Taiwan, whether the Americans will really support him and protect him is a big question mark!

Guan Jinzhou also had this big question mark in his heart, and he couldn't hide it.One of the key points of his intelligence work in Hong Kong is the mobilization and deployment of the Communist army.

Now, Guan Jinzhou had to guess that in Zheng Yuanshan's purse, there might really be a battle plan for the communist army to attack Taiwan.However, he also believed that this Zheng Yuanshan would definitely not show him the documents in this purse.In the final analysis, this is a bargaining chip for people to settle down.After arriving in Taiwan, he can exchange for the capital of prosperity and wealth, how could he easily show it to him?He actually understood this in his heart.

However, how to send Zheng Yuanshan to leave Hong Kong and arrive in Taiwan safely is the biggest problem in Guan Jinzhou's mind.What he worries most is that this place may already be closely monitored by the CCP.If this is the case, it will be difficult for him to take Zheng Yuanshan and leave here alive.

Guan Jinzhou has been anxious about this for two days.His face was also unshaven.

For two days, whenever they sat face to face, there was the following conversation, or something like it.

"Station Master Guan, are you safe here?" When Zheng Yuanshan said this, he always stared at Guan Jinzhou with gloomy eyes.It seems that he wants to discern the truth from his expression.

"Mr. Zheng, I guarantee that this place is absolutely safe." When Guan Jinzhou answered, he tried his best to show that he had absolute confidence and ability, and hoped that Zheng Yuanshan could rest assured.

"Impossible, you can't guarantee it absolutely!" Zheng Yuanshan's eyes were full of distrust.

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