Double Agent Saga

418: Exploring Mysteries

"Mr. Zheng, I will stand here personally, which is an absolute guarantee." Guan Jinzhou nodded to him.

"I know them, and their ability is above yours. They must already know this place!"

"Not necessarily, it's very remote here. There are very few pedestrians on the street, and my subordinates closely monitor everything here."

"Are you going to send me away when? How?"

"I'm making arrangements. Once the arrangements are made, I will send you away immediately."

"The airport and the port are impassable! They will send people to guard."

"I know, but we'll arrange other avenues."

"By sea? On a smuggled broken fishing boat?"

"Anyway, we'll make arrangements. Just wait patiently."

"I'm just waiting to die here! You can't save me! I'd rather find a way to get out of here by myself!"

"That's impossible. We must keep you safe!"

"Station Master Guan, I seriously beg you to leave me alone and find a way to get out of here!"

"Impossible! You can't go by yourself! I must be responsible for your safety!"

"You can't do it! Damn it, I'm just waiting to die here! Waiting to die!" Zheng Yuanshan was furious.

"Mr. Zheng, please rest assured, we will definitely send you away safely!" Guan Jinzhou tried his best to comfort him.

"Send me to the grave! I know!" Zheng Yuanshan's expression was close to collapse.

Guan Jinzhou didn't know what to say to this man who was almost hysterical.But in his heart, he was really worried.He just received information from the mainland today that the CCP has changed a person in charge to take charge of this "interception" operation!He believes that the CCP either "cuts" or "kills" Zheng Yuanshan!

The new person in charge, named Du Ziyuan, is a senior official in the CCP's intelligence system.He knows this man!

Guan Jinzhou had to worry about the situation in front of him.

At this time, a brother came quietly and whispered a few words in Guan Jinzhou's ear.

Guan Jinzhou nodded.He looked down at his watch and said, "Mr. Zheng, go to sleep and take a rest. You'll ruin your body if you always sit like this."

Zheng Yuanshan stared at him coldly, "Wait until you go out, lock the door, and I'll sleep again."

Guan Jinzhou looked at him silently, but said nothing.He stood up slowly, picked up the small bamboo chair, and exited the storage room.The storage room is really too small, and the door cannot be closed without taking out this little bamboo chair.After he closed the small door of the storage room, he locked the door as Zheng Yuanshan said.

He went downstairs.Yu Zhidao and Yang Zhi were already sitting in the living room downstairs waiting for him.

He said angrily: "My officer Yu, you really shouldn't have come here. I have something to do now, so I can't get away!"

Yu Zhidao didn't want to answer his words.He has his own worries in mind.He said viciously: "Jinzhou, I just want to ask you one thing, what is going on with that bastard Chen Yintang! Why is he in Hong Kong!"

Guan Jinzhou looked at him in surprise, "What's going on? Did you see him?"

Yu Zhidao said: "In Wanchai, Brother Yan's fishing shop! This bastard is trying to mess with me and ruin my business!"

Guan Jinzhou couldn't help cursing, this was also something that upset him!He said: "Why did this guy show his face? Damn! Isn't this attracting attention! Asshole!"

Yu Zhidao pulled Guan Jinzhou to sit down on the sofa, staring at him with heavy eyes, "Jinzhou, I have news that you are currently performing an important mission. I don't want to ask more about this. I only ask you, your mission and national security What does it have to do with the bureau? Why did Chen Yintang also intervene in this matter!"

Guan Jinzhou gritted his teeth and kept shaking his head.The pain in his heart made Yu Zhidao point it out in just one sentence.This operation was originally an operation of their Secret Bureau.Zheng Yuanshan had established contact with them many years ago.But recently he could no longer stay in the mainland, and had to withdraw due to increasingly strict scrutiny.From the beginning to the end, this is the task of the Secrecy Bureau!He is also responsible for it!

However, when Chen Yintang from the National Security Bureau came, the whole situation changed.Damn, he has a Ministry of Defense order in his hand!And Mr. Jing Guo's oral order!Director Mao in Taipei has nothing to do!What can he do as a small intelligence station manager!Son of a bitch!

After all, his Hong Kong intelligence station is now responsible for the entire operation.But the fucking credit, if any, is definitely their NSA's!When Guan Jinzhou thought of this, his heart became angry.

He said: "Mr. Yu, I have nothing to do now! The credit for this operation belongs to others. But if something goes wrong, it's mine! Do you know that! I It's fucking unlucky for eight lifetimes to encounter such a thing!"

Yu Zhidao took out a cigarette from his pocket, handed one to Guan Jinzhou, and asked casually, "What is the unlucky mission?"

Guan Jinzhou took a puff of cigarette, and said harshly, "Isn't it because someone ran over from the fucking CCP!" After the words came out, he also stopped, staring straight at Yu Zhidao.

He was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Officer Yu, you are my old officer, you can't hurt me! You must not tell this matter. If others hear this from you, they must You will guess that I said it. You must not say it!"

Yu Zhidao spat at him, "What a big deal! Isn't it just a person running over?"

Guan Jinzhou lowered his voice, "It's an important person, a high-ranking official from the Intelligence Department of the Communist Army!"

Yu Zhidao shook his head indifferently, "I don't fucking care about these things, I only care about my business! Now Brother Yan, because of this matter, won't talk to me anymore, saying that he will wait for this matter Let's talk about the matter in the past! Just tell me, when will your unlucky job pass!"

Guan Jinzhou nodded to him, "Hurry up. It's just a matter of a day or two, at most two or three days. Just wait patiently. When this matter is over, I will accompany you to see Brother Yan. That's all right!"

Yu Zhidao nodded to him seriously, "I didn't mistake you brother after all. You must keep your word. After this matter is over, you must accompany me to see Brother Yan. Brother, I must ask you to accompany me No more. I met Brother Yan tonight, and that Chen Yintang played tricks on me, and he was beaten by one of my subordinates. Tell you, Brother Yan may not be very happy with me."

Guan Jinzhou froze for a moment, then burst out laughing, his face full of joy, "My old officer, this subordinate of yours is so fucking exciting to me! Beat him up? It's so fucking exciting !"

"Brother, I can tell that the beating was serious." Yu Zhidao said seriously.

"Really! That's great! OK, no problem. Once this matter is over, I'll accompany you to see Brother Yan." Guan Jinzhou said.

Guan Jinzhou talked all kinds of things, and finally sent Yu Zhidao away.

He felt better.This Chen Yintang, someone really should teach him a lesson!

About an hour later, that is, at more than three o'clock in the morning, Gu Shangbin accompanied the beaten Chen Yintang to No. 41 Boundary Street.Chen Yintang came this time to discuss with Guan Jinzhou how to transport Zheng Yuanshan.

It was a secret meeting, held in a cramped office on the second floor.Apart from Guan Jinzhou and Chen Yintang, Gu Shangbin and Zeng Shaowu also attended the meeting.

One of the most secretive things they do is how to safely take Zheng Yuanshan out of this old building.

They are all experienced secret agents, and they must consider the worst when planning such an operation.That is, assuming that this place has been closely monitored by the CCP, how should they take Zheng Yuanshan away.This is the one thing that bothers them the most.But in the end, they negotiated a solution that both sides agreed with.In fact, it is also the simplest trick: so spread doubts.

From the sidelines, the most effective conspiracy in the world is often the simplest method.

The next thing they need to determine is the time, when to transport this person.First and foremost, of course, the sooner the better.It is already early morning.Therefore, the time for this transport operation is tonight or tomorrow night.Which day is best.

Guan Jinzhou's opinion is to ship tonight.He wanted this to end sooner.

However, Chen Yintang was more cunning. He smiled and said, "Jinzhou, I hope it will be tomorrow night. But tonight, you have to arrange at least two points to pretend to transport people. One is to confuse the CCP, Secondly, we can also take a look at how much they know about us."

Guan Jinzhou rolled his eyes and immediately agreed, because it was indeed a good idea.At the same time, he had other plans in mind.First, this operation is now in charge of Chen Yintang of the National Security Bureau, and he must listen to Chen Yintang.Second, Chen Yintang's idea does have its ingenuity.This is a test to see how much the CCP knows about him.When there is another action in the future, he can also prepare early.

In the end, they agreed together that the delivery operation would start at one o'clock in the morning tomorrow night.

After the meeting, Gu Shangbin and Zeng Shaowu were ordered to arrange personnel and confuse operations tonight.Guan Jinzhou accompanied Chen Yintang up to the third floor.Chen Yintang has never seen this Zheng Yuanshan until now.He wants to meet.

However, none of them thought that although Zheng Yuanshan lives above the third floor, the partition walls have eyes.

This eye is the eye of the shrewd You Shaoqing.

It was already four o'clock in the morning when You Shaoqing rushed back from the "Deli" fishing shop in Wanchai.Chen Yintang has a car, but she doesn't.Apart from taking a bus, she almost came here on foot.

When she arrived, the secret meeting between Guan Jinzhou and Chen Yintang had just ended, and they were walking upstairs together.

In fact, You Shaoqing's current situation is very embarrassing.She came to Hong Kong to find someone from the Taiwan Secrecy Bureau.

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