Double Agent Saga

419: night watch

You Shaoqing hoped to establish contact with people from the Taiwan Secrecy Bureau, and finally notified the Taiwan side to send radio stations and funds to the Fifth Latent Team in Wuhan where she was.

However, she has now found Gu Shangbin, and found No. 41 Boundary Street through him, but she cannot get in touch with them.Because she has already noticed that both Gu Shangbin and the people in No. 41 are currently on high alert. The dark whistle around No. 41 illustrates this point.Under such circumstances, if she showed up, not only would she not be able to gain their trust, she might even be treated as a CCP spy and get rid of her directly.

Damn, if that's the case, she will be too wronged.Worse than the fucking "Dou E"!

However, it was precisely because of the possible serious situation in No. 41 that it aroused You Shaoqing's competitiveness and curiosity.She just wanted to see what happened here.If there is nothing serious, she can calmly get in touch with them.

Therefore, after returning from Wanchai, the daring You Shaoqing just wanted to sneak into No. 41 to find out what happened.

It is early morning, and it is the time when people fall asleep most fragrantly.Even people with insomnia will fall asleep again at this time. The surroundings of No. 41 were silent, and they were all in darkness.

You Shaoqing noticed that only a few lights were still on upstairs in No. 41.She believed that there must be someone or something in the room with the lights on.

Based on her observations of No. 41 in the past few days, she carefully walked around to the back of the old building. The building at 41 is located south of Boundary Street.So she went around to the back of the building, actually to the south side of the building.

Silently, she climbed up a high wall and looked into the narrow backyard to the south of the building. After 10 minutes, she confirmed that there were no guards here.She climbed up the high wall silently and jumped into the backyard.

The lights in the downstairs rooms were all dark, and the windows were tightly closed, so there was no chance for her to sneak in.She looked up, only the room on the third floor was still lit, and one window was open.She understood that she could only sneak in if she climbed to the third floor.

You Shaoqing walked slowly along the side of the building in the dark, touching the wall with his hands.She noticed that on the outside of the building, between two windows, there were brick columns protruding.This is both a decoration and to reinforce the facade.

She pulled off her belt, tied it into a loop, and put it around the ankles of her feet.She hugged the protruding brick pillar with both hands, and then clamped the brick pillar with the toes of her feet.The ankle straps add strength to her feet.Like a gecko, she began to climb upstairs one by one.

A few minutes later, she had climbed to the third floor.She moved slightly, letting her feet move to the lintel below, grasping the upper ledge with both hands, and looking out the window.However, with curtains in the windows, she couldn't see anything.But she could hear someone walking in and talking in a low voice.

Bolding up her courage, she firmly grasped the window frame with her left hand, and gently stretched out her right hand, opening the curtain bit by bit.She could now finally see what was inside.

Inside the window was a not-so-large foyer with a dim light on.At this time, two people were pushing open the door and entering the hall.She recognized that one of the middle-aged men came by car from the "Deli" fishing shop in Wanchai.It was Gu Shangbin who opened the car door for him.She never thought that she would see this person here again.She guessed that what happened here must have something to do with the "Deli" fishing company.

Next, she saw another person take out a key, unlock a small door, and pull the iron deadbolt.What he saw next made even the clever You Shaoqing puzzled.

She could tell at a glance that it was a small room without windows.There was a Simmons mattress on the floor in the room.When the small door opened, a middle-aged man with a haggard face just sat up from the mattress, and looked at the two people outside the door with nervous and suspicious eyes.

What surprised her was that the middle-aged man sitting against the wall was actually holding a leather bag in his arms.It looks like a briefcase.

The two people outside the door squatted down and talked to the middle-aged man sitting on the mattress.Their voices were so low that You Shaoqing couldn't hear what they were saying.But there was one movement she could see clearly.The middle-aged man from Wanchai was reaching out to the person sitting in the small room, as if wanting the leather bag in his arms.But the person inside hugged the leather bag even tighter, obviously not wanting to give it to him.The people squatting outside lowered their hands and didn't want any more, just whispered to the people inside.

But the middle-aged man sitting on the mattress stared at him suspiciously, and shook his head from time to time, as if he didn't trust them.After a few minutes, the two squatting outside stood up.One of them closes the door again and locks it.He put away the keys and pulled another person away.They seem to have gone downstairs.

You Shaoqing was hanging out of the window, almost unable to hold on anymore.She knew that if she didn't go down, she would fall down.

She followed the brick pillar again, slid little by little, and climbed down.

At this time, You Shaoqing already had a huge question in his heart.

There is no doubt that people from the Taiwan Security Bureau detained a person here and locked him in that small room.Because the door of the small room is locked from the outside.But what kind of person is this?He was obviously being detained, but he could not hand over his purse.He kept the purse in his arms.Obviously, there was something very important in that purse.Still the question, who is this person?

When You Shaoqing returned to the small hotel diagonally opposite No. 41 and lay down on the bed, he was thinking about this question while rubbing his convulsive hands.The focus of her thinking was on the leather bag in the man's arms.

This is not kidnapping.It is impossible for the kidnapped person to still be holding a leather bag in his arms.This purse had been snatched away long ago, and it would never stay in his arms again.

It's not confinement either.Secret Service agents who make mistakes may be locked up.But the middle-aged man coming from Wanchai must have a high status, and it was Gu Shangbin who opened the car door for him.He asked his spy for the leather bag in his arms, and that spy would not dare to refuse.

So, is this person from the CCP?People from the Taiwan Security Bureau arrested a member of the CCP, maybe even an intelligence officer, and secretly detained them here?

wrong.Judging by You Shaoqing, it seems that it is not detention.The two people outside squatted down to talk to the people inside, which seemed very polite.It is impossible for the CCP agents who were secretly arrested to still be holding their purses in their arms.

Then, You Shaoqing had to guess that this might be someone who came from the CCP, or even an important member of the CCP’s intelligence agency.He might even be carrying extremely important secrets.This can be seen from the leather bag in his arms.Yes, he must be someone who escaped from the CCP.

He was locked in that small room, not for detention, lest he escape.On the contrary, it was to protect him, lest he be plotted against.There were no windows in that small room, also for safety.

You Shaoqing thought over and over again, and finally confirmed that this must be the case.This also explains why there is such a tight security around this building.You Shaoqing was very upset at this moment.She finally arrived in Hong Kong and found someone from the Secrecy Bureau in Hong Kong, but this kind of thing happened to her, making her afraid to show up and contact her!

damn it!What should I do now!This is what You Shaoqing is anxious about!

It was broad daylight outside.You Shaoqing finally fell asleep.She was still thinking about it in her dream.

By this time, You Shaoqing was still able to fall asleep.However, there are still many people who dare not fall asleep.In addition to Guan Jinzhou and Chen Yintang, there are people like Du Ziyuan, Huang Zuozhu, and Feng Dun.

In Chaohai Hotel, Feng Dun arranged a large suite for Du Ziyuan.

In the outer room, three or four young people were gathering around a round table, sorting out a lot of materials.The information records the location of Taiwan's intelligence personnel in Hong Kong, as well as their names and occupations.

The phone on the coffee table rang from time to time, and someone would answer it in a low voice.Then, he would run into the back room and report what he had just received.

Du Ziyuan, Huang Zuozhu and Feng Dun were sitting in the back room, all three of them were smoking and meditating anxiously.

These three people sitting together actually represent the power of three aspects.

Huang Zuozhu is the secretary of the Hong Kong Working Committee of the Communist Party of China.Therefore, he is actually the top leader of the CCP in Hong Kong.

Feng Dun represented the Intelligence Department of the General Staff.He has a strong presence in Hong Kong.Although he must accept Huang Zuozhu's leadership within the party, Huang Zuozhu must also listen to his opinions carefully in terms of intelligence work.

Du Ziyuan was sent by the "Xiangbu" to take charge of this operation.He actually has an identity similar to the "special commissioner" of the central government, but he didn't say it so clearly.Therefore, in this operation, he is the real leader.

At this moment, Du Ziyuan was really anxious.

When he arrived at the Chaohai Hotel, he immediately asked Feng Dun's people to provide him with all the strongholds of Taiwan's intelligence agencies in Hong Kong.Feng Dun had some understanding of these strongholds, large and small.But Du Ziyuan asked to check again, to clarify the number of people in each stronghold, and to have a list.

Du Ziyuan's purpose was very clear, he just wanted to know which stronghold that Zheng Yuanshan might be hiding in.Which intelligence agency in Taiwan is responsible for protecting him, and who is protecting him, there must also be a list.

Therefore, the few young people in the outhouse are busy with this matter.Every time they found out about a stronghold and the situation of the people inside, they had to immediately report to Du Ziyuan in the back room.There are also some people, including those brought by Chu Bolin, who are outside to investigate every named Taiwan spy, as well as their current location, what they are doing, whether there is any abnormal situation, and so on.

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