Double Agent Saga

458、Diplomatic War

From this day on, the diplomatic war over the bombing of the "Kashmir Princess" plane started all over the world.World public opinion also fluctuated.

On the afternoon of April [-], Xinhua News Agency published the "Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China".The statement is as follows:

"A total of 11 staff members of the delegation of the People's Republic of China and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam who participated in the Asian-African Conference, as well as Chinese and foreign journalists who accompanied them to cover the news of the Asian-African Conference, took the Indian International Airlines chartered by our delegation. A Constellation passenger plane took off from Hong Kong at [-]:[-] on April [-], Beijing time, headed for Jakarta and transferred to Bandung. When the plane was flying over the sea northwest of Sarawak, North Borneo, it exploded and caught fire, and the fuselage crashed. Into the sea, the whereabouts of all the people on board are unknown.

"This unfortunate incident is by no means an ordinary plane crash, but a deliberate murder by the secret service agencies of the United States and Chiang Kai-shek. Long before the departure of this group of delegation members and journalists, the government of the People's Republic of China had learned that the United States and Chiang Kai-shek's The Secret Service is actively arranging to sabotage the Indian plane that our delegation will charter, in order to realize their plot to assassinate the members of our delegation to the Asian-African Conference headed by Premier Zhou Enlai and sabotage the Asian-African Conference.

"Therefore, at [-]:[-] on April [-], the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China notified the British agency in Beijing of this situation, requesting the British agency to inform the attention of the British authorities in Hong Kong and take measures to protect the above-mentioned delegation personnel. and the safety of journalists. After the officials of the British agency asked the airlines of the passenger planes these people were going to take, they replied to notify the British authorities in Hong Kong by telegram.

"Nevertheless, the conspiracy of the US-Chiang secret service has succeeded. The British government and the British authorities in Hong Kong are seriously responsible for this unfortunate incident. We demand that the British government and the British authorities in Hong Kong conduct a thorough investigation into this incident and will participate in this incident." A secret agent who conspired to assassinate the incident was arrested and brought to justice to clarify responsibility."

Please read this statement carefully.The statement first made a judgment in the above-mentioned second natural paragraph. After simplifying the text, it reads as follows: "The Chinese government has learned of the assassination plot of the US-Chiang secret agents." But in the third natural paragraph, this "judgment ", vaguely stated as "this circumstance", and the British agency has been notified.But all the observers know that what Zhang Yue, deputy director of the European and African Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the counselor of the British Charity Office, Etis, was "obstructing and disrupting", and there was no such thing as "assassination plot".

The statement made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was immediately noticed by Premier Zhou Enlai as abnormal.He immediately asked Wang Zhuoru to call Dong Yueqian to find out the record of Zhang Yue's meeting with Ai Tisi as soon as possible, and then pass it on to him.

Soon, Dong Yueqian called back.What he answered was more serious than Mr. Zhou had imagined!He answered two points:

11. Zhang Yue, deputy director of the Department of European and African Affairs, made an emergency meeting with Counselor of the British Chargé d'affaires in China at [-]:[-] am on April [-], and informed the Chinese journalists and a group of [-] people that they would fly from Hong Kong tomorrow morning ([-]th) Went to Bandung to cover the Asian-African Conference.We have learned that the Kuomintang secret agents will obstruct and make trouble, so we ask them to inform the Hong Kong authorities and take care of their safety.After inquiring about the situation of my delegation, Etis said that he would report the situation to Hong Kong as soon as possible.

[-]. On April [-], before the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement, Aides handed Zhang Yue a memorandum.The memorandum said: Upon receiving the telegram from Du Weilian (Charge d'affaires), the Governor of Hong Kong will arrange for the police to take appropriate precautionary measures.After the plane landed in Hong Kong, the police have been guarding it and have not seen any unauthorized persons entering or approaching the plane, and there is no sign of any attempt to cause difficulties.

Premier Zhou was surprised to find out: the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the [-]th.It did not truthfully express the conversation between Zhang Yue and Ai Tisi on the morning of the [-]th.And Zhang Yue's conversation this time.On the evening of the [-]th, Premier Zhou Enlai's urgent instructions conveyed by long-distance call from Kunming did not match!

But Ai Tisi's memo looked simple, but it was the first to attack, and immediately took the initiative!

When Premier Zhou looked at the phone records, his face changed completely.Anyone could see that he was very sad.

He sadly said to Wang Zhuoru beside him: "This is my responsibility! I didn't check the records of Zhang Yue's conversation with Ai Tisi in time. Yesterday, I didn't know the content of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' statement in advance. This is my serious mistake! "

The generosity of Zhou Enlai has already taken responsibility for this mistake at this time.

The two mistakes made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately put the Chinese government in a passive position.

After writing here, I can't help but post a few comments.China's diplomacy has been weak and habitual since ancient times, and there has been no major change so far.This sentence has already been said before.They have a nasty theory of weakness, the so-called "weak country without diplomacy", as a fig leaf for their weakness.Take a look around China today, there are so many small and weak countries, and how many of them put China in their eyes!This is the result!Do weak countries really have no diplomacy?

The phrase "a weak country has no diplomacy" means betrayal of the country!Even, it is traitorous!

"Delivery Department" ah "Delivery Department", what do people say about you!

Facing the statement of the Chinese Foreign Ministry on April [-], the United States, Britain and Taiwan immediately counterattacked.

On April [-], the US government spokesman accused the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my statement of being "ridiculous", "without the slightest basis", and "having a strong propaganda motive".

On the same day, U.S. Senator Mansfield said: "If this incident involves sabotage, it probably comes from within the Communist Party of China, and it may be from separatists within the Chinese Communist Party."

On the same day, the "New York Herald Tribune" published an editorial saying: "It is not impossible for the CCP to sabotage this plane in order to arouse the sentiments of Asian and African countries against the United States and Britain at the Asian-African Conference."

Also on this day, Taiwan officials also expressed their opinions on the "Kashmir Princess" plane bombing.They said: "The plane was definitely not destroyed by people." "The CCP's cry of 'destroy' was too fast, and it shouted 'destroy' almost before the plane fell into the sea." They also said: "The plane was destroyed by the CCP. Designed to instigate anti-Americanism and lay the groundwork for the 'liberation of Hong Kong'."

Faced with this situation, Premier Zhou Enlai, who was still living in Kunming, had to devote all his energy to deal with it, although he was deeply saddened.

Under the instructions of Premier Zhou Enlai, at [-]:[-] a.m. on April [-], the Deputy Foreign Minister summoned William Du, the Chargé d’Affaires of the United Kingdom to China, read out a note and handed it in person.

Du Weilian immediately protested against what he said in the meeting that "the British government and the Hong Kong authorities bear the inescapable responsibility for this unfortunate incident".He claimed that the cause of the crash had not yet been determined and the results of the investigation should be awaited.

He also said that on April [-]th, when Zhang Yue informed Ai Tisi, he only mentioned that there might be disturbances, but did not say that there were attempts to sabotage.But Hong Kong authorities still took adequate precautions.He asked China to provide detailed evidence at its disposal.

At this time, the executive vice minister could only follow Premier Zhou's instructions and try to turn the "Kashmir Princess" incident to the investigation of the case.

He said: "We cannot accept the protest from the British side. Our accusation is well-founded. The Hong Kong authorities know that there are US and Chiang Kai-shek agents operating at the airport, and they can find enough evidence from there. The British government and the Hong Kong government must first be determined. If you have the determination to investigate, the case will not be difficult to find out."

On the afternoon of April [-]th, the Counselor of the British Charity Office, Etis, sent the statement letter issued by the Governor of Hong Kong Gregory to the press at [-]:[-] pm that day to Zhang Yue, Deputy Director of the European and African Department of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

The statement said: "The Hong Kong government received a telegram from the British agency last weekend saying that the Chinese Foreign Ministry had received intelligence that Chinese Kuomintang sympathizers might be interested Journalists are making trouble, please take appropriate precautionary measures from the Hong Kong government."

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again fell into a passive position.

On April [-], the British Agency sent a "memorandum" to the Chinese Foreign Ministry as a reply to the note from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the British Agency on April [-].

The memorandum stated that the British government does not accept any responsibility for the "Kashmir Princess" accident.There was a strong protest that the Chinese government had not given time to conduct any investigations before filing a complaint against the British authorities.The memorandum stated that on April [-], the Deputy Director of the Department of Western Europe and Africa of the Chinese Foreign Ministry notified the British Counselor that the Kuomintang elements might disrupt a group of Chinese journalists when they left Hong Kong for the Bandung Conference the next day, and requested that appropriate precautions be taken. measure.This notice is not detailed in any respect nor is it intended to be detrimental.The British Counselor asked about the number of this group of personnel, their places of residence, the names of the relevant airlines, and their departure routes. At that time, the deputy director-general could not answer any of the questions raised, but informed them by phone afterwards.

The British side tried its best to seize the negligence of the Chinese Foreign Ministry on April [-] and get rid of its own responsibility.

From the sidelines, because of the negligence of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it has put itself in a very passive situation.

On April [-], the "People's Daily" published Jiang Yuanchun's article "The British Authorities Must Take Responsibility", refuting the memorandum submitted by the British government to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of my country on the [-]th.

The article says that the British government refuses to take serious responsibility for this unfortunate incident, and it is actually impossible to ask our country to give a detailed account of the circumstances in which the secret agents are going to sabotage in advance.And this is a matter where the Hong Kong authorities have a duty to take appropriate precautions.

The article stated that the British memorandum showed that after the Hong Kong authorities received the warning from the Chinese government on the 24th, they did not take preventive measures for more than [-] hours.

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