Double Agent Saga

466、Exposing the spy

Chen Yintang had seen the intelligence materials provided by the CCP to the Governor of Hong Kong, and knew that Yu Zhidao would definitely encounter this trouble.Moreover, it was indeed he who used Yu Zhidao's "Shu Chuan" to deliver bombs to Hong Kong.This situation is clearly stated in the CCP’s intelligence materials.This is where he was wrong.Therefore, he couldn't say anything, but struggled desperately.

Although Yu Zhidao was a little older, he was getting angry, grabbed him tightly, swayed him left and right, kept bumping into the wall, and almost hit him with his fist.

Zuo Shaoqing, who was standing behind, was angry, but after all, he was a high-ranking official of Taiwan's National Security Bureau.She is still working now, so she can't do anything excessive.He just stood by and stared at Chen Yintang.

In the end, it was Brother Yan who heard the sound and ran out, so he could talk about separating them and push them towards the living room.

After they sat down in the living room, the shrewd Brother Yan understood the matter with just a few words.

It is really unreasonable for Chen Yintang to use Yu Zhidao's boat to transport the bomb without explaining it to others.On the other hand, the Taiwan side actually bombed the plane of the CCP delegation and killed more than a dozen people.Even in Brother Yan's view, this matter was too bad.If the CCP took back Hong Kong in a fit of anger, wouldn’t it be bad for everyone?

However, he also knew that the power behind Chen Yintang must not be messed with.But on Yu Zhidao's side, he didn't want to offend either.Yu Zhidao's smuggling business is obviously beneficial to him, and he doesn't want to mess with the God of Wealth.In this way, Brother Yan could only rely on his own face to fight between the two aspects, and tried to persuade him back and forth.

After everything was clarified, Zuo Shaoqing gave Chen Yintang a hard look, said in a low voice: "Stupid!" and turned his head to look out the window.

Everyone in the living room heard it, but no one spoke.Everyone is in trouble!

Brother Yan said with a smile: "Boss Yu and Uncle Chen, both of them live here. Brother's conditions here are not as good, but it's still relatively safe. Brother has some connections with the police, so I won't refute it easily." My face."

However, this time, the Hong Kong police still want to refute his face.

Last night, Gu Shangbin, who had already been arrested, was rescued by his accomplices and injured two policemen.Secondly, at the Wharf Wharf, two people from Taiwan actually shot and seriously injured a policeman.These two incidents annoyed the "first brother" of the Hong Kong police, the Commissioner of Police Maxwell.

He immediately ordered that the people on the list provided by the CCP be strictly hunted down.This trouble was found on Brother Yan.Because someone reported that Yu Zhidao lived in Brother Yan's "Deli" fishing shop.

Brother Yan had to spend a lot of money to settle this matter.He was a little surprised that no one mentioned Chen Yintang's name.In the intelligence materials provided by the CCP, Chen Yintang was not mentioned.

In fact, Du Ziyuan had this matter in mind when he listed Taiwan's intelligence personnel.Although Taiwan's National Security Bureau has a high status, it is not an operational department, and its power in Taiwan is also very small, so it will not pose relatively great harm.Furthermore, he did not want to lump together several intelligence agencies in Taiwan that were deeply contradictory.I hope they will continue to intrigue and fight each other.

On May [-], [-], Du Ziyuan paid another visit to Mr. Ge Lianghong, Governor of Hong Kong, through the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency.Also present at this meeting is Maxwell, Commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force.

Director Maxwell met Du Ziyuan at No. 41 Boundary Street.At that time, people from both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party were fighting for Zheng Yuanshan.However, Du Ziyuan is now the deputy director of the Information Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and has the status of a government official.Therefore, he had no choice but to pretend that he didn't know him, and sat beside him.

Governor Ge Lianghong ordered the servants to serve tea, exchanged greetings with Du Ziyuan, then looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to speak first.There is a big war of words between China and Britain over the "Kashmir Princess" case, and the situation is a bit unfavorable.He also had to be polite to the Chinese government official.

Du Ziyuan said calmly: "Mr. Governor, I am here this time to express the concerns of the Chinese government on the bombing of the 'Kashmir Princess' on the instructions of the Chinese Foreign Ministry."

The governor showed a smile on his thin face and said, "Mr. Du, please continue."

Du Ziyuan said: "The Chinese government is not satisfied with the handling of the 'bombing' case by the British government in Hong Kong. It has been so long and the case has almost no progress at all. My government would like to know, why?"

Governor Ge Lianghong pursed his lips, frowned, put his ten fingertips together, and looked at Du Ziyuan with some dissatisfaction.After a moment of silence, he said, "Mr. Du, this case is mainly handled by Mr. Maxwell. I hope you can listen to Director Mai's opinion."

Du Ziyuan turned to Maxwell, "Director Mai, I would like to hear your opinion."

The yellow-haired Maxwell stared at Du Ziyuan indifferently, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Du, since we received the intelligence information from your government last time, we have launched a search in the whole of Hong Kong without any delay. Action. But, unfortunately, we only caught a few people from the Taiwanese side. Most of them were not found.”

Du Ziyuan stared at him calmly, and said softly: "Director Mai, I have received reliable information. After I handed over the intelligence information to Mr. Governor, only an hour later, the intelligence information appeared in the Taiwan Secrecy Bureau." Guan Jinzhou, the head of the Hong Kong intelligence station. I am very grateful to the Hong Kong police for their swift action. Otherwise, if you delay for a few minutes, you may not be able to catch even one person!"

Director Maxwell's expression became very unnatural, "Mr. Du, I protest your statement. You mean, we sent that intelligence information to people in Taiwan! We will never do that !"

Du Ziyuan said: "Let's put this question aside for now, let's talk about the Taiwan spies you have already captured. Did you get any results?"

Maxwell shook his head, "Mr. Du, we can't say that they are people from Taiwan. In the information you provided, you think they are people from Taiwan. However, these people who were arrested did not admit They are from the Taiwanese side. I regret that none of them admitted it."

Du Ziyuan said calmly: "This is because there are Taiwan spies in the Hong Kong Police Force that you are in charge of!"

Maxwell glared at him and said, "Mr. Du, you need evidence for what you say!"

Du Ziyuan immediately said: "Of course I have evidence for what I said. First of all, in the Political Department of the Police Department, Li Fuji, the assistant of the Kuomintang investigation team, is a Taiwan spy. He belongs to the Hong Kong Intelligence Station of the Taiwan Security Bureau. This Li Fuji was interrogating the arrested spy , expressly demand that they admit nothing.”

Maxwell immediately said: "He is a senior police officer of our police force, I don't believe he is a Taiwan spy!"

Du Ziyuan said solemnly: "Director Mai, he is indeed, and he has been for a long time. At least since last year, Hong Kong police have banned and arrested Taiwan spies in Hong Kong every time. Zheng Ju, an overhaul worker at Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong, who installed the bomb on the plane, fled to Taiwan a few days ago. The attitude towards the bombing, and the actions to be taken. He also recently made a suggestion to the Taiwan Secret Service, suggesting that senior officials of the US government meet with the Governor of Hong Kong to discuss deporting the arrested secret agents back to Taiwan by Hong Kong. Mr. Governor, Is there such a thing?"

Governor Ge Lianghong's face turned red, and he stared at Du Ziyuan unnaturally.

Just a few days ago, the counselor of the US Consulate in Hong Kong did meet with him.But he couldn't admit it.

He was silent for a moment, then turned to Maxwell and said, "Director Mai, how about this? Since Li Heji has some suspicions and needs to be investigated, let's not let him participate in the interrogation for the time being."

Director Maxwell nodded, and said to Du Ziyuan: "Okay, Mr. Du, we can change people. How about this, I can send Li Luofu, the senior deputy of the political department of the police department, to take over Li Fuji's job. Is that all right?"

Du Ziyuan didn't say a word, just stared at him coldly for a full minute.After confirming that this gesture made both Governor Ge and Director Mai a little uneasy, he said softly: "Director Mai, the senior assistant you mentioned, Li Luofu, is also a Taiwan spy. I got the news that he is now interrogating The information I got is that this Li Luofu will meet with Zeng Shaowu, an important leader of Taiwan’s Hong Kong intelligence station, in the "Phoenix" teahouse in Kowloon every day after work, report the interrogation situation, and accept instructions from Taiwan. That Zeng Shaowu , his name was included in the intelligence materials that were handed over to you last time. Although the Hong Kong police did not catch him, they searched his residence on Paozhang Street in Ma Tau Kok. Judging from the searched information, he is the Hong Kong intelligence station In this situation, can’t the identity of Li Luofu be explained? In addition, Li Luofu deliberately changed the content during the translation process, and even directly told the person being interrogated how to answer. In this case, the interrogation by the Hong Kong police will Does it work?"

Both Governor Ge Lianghong and Director Maxwell stared at Du Ziyuan dumbfounded, speechless.

Du Ziyuan said softly: "Mr. Governor, under such circumstances, can the Hong Kong police interrogate any results? The Chinese government asked me to tell the Governor of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong police that this situation must change!"

Governor Ge Lianghong looked at him in disbelief and said, "Mr. Du, what else do you know? Please provide us with everything you can. Please believe that the Hong Kong police will take it seriously."

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