Double Agent Saga


Du Ziyuan said: "Mr. Governor, let me tell you this. There are a large number of Taiwan spies within the British government in Hong Kong, within the police and courts, and among prison guards. The Hong Kong government is actually controlled by Taiwan spies. and manipulative. It's a fact!"

At this time, Governor Ge Lianghong was already very uncomfortable.He wriggled in the wide seat.

At this time, Du Ziyuan took out a document from his purse and sent it to Mr. Governor, "Mr. Governor, this is a list, including their addresses. This is hidden in the Hong Kong government, police, courts and prisons." Some Taiwanese spies. We provide this part of the information because these Taiwanese spies are directly or indirectly related to the bombing of the Kashmir Princess plane, and some spies are also related to the handling of the bombing by the Hong Kong police. Director Mak, I hope this Once, the Hong Kong police can keep secrets, and stop letting so many Taiwan spies escape or hide.”

Having said this, Du Ziyuan stood up gently, "Mr. Governor, Mr. Director, this is the purpose of my coming here today. Our government hopes that the case of the 'Kashmir Princess' must be handled fairly! Thank you, my words say It's over. Goodbye."

This time the meeting made Mr. Grantham, the Governor of Hong Kong, and Mr. Maxwell, the Commissioner of Police, feel ashamed.They never imagined that they would be forced to this point by the CCP.However, when they read the list, they did feel that the Hong Kong government and police were full of Taiwan spies.

For them, the list provided by Du Ziyuan was simply a blockbuster!Shock them!

Therefore, this time, the Hong Kong police took more severe measures.Director Maxwell issued orders directly from his office.As a first step, all police officers on the list were arrested.This is tantamount to immediately cutting off the Taiwanese secret agents' sources of information about police operations.Next, Maxwell personally directed the Hong Kong police to carry out a large-scale raid.This time, many Taiwan spies were arrested.

As a result of this arrest, Guan Jinzhou could no longer gain a foothold in Hong Kong.He had to withdraw to Macau and use the phone to direct the work of the Hong Kong intelligence station.Chen Yintang and Yu Zhidao were also threatened.But they have Brother Yan's protection, which is somewhat better.

However, many agents of the Hong Kong intelligence station were arrested, and only a few escaped.This result made Director Mao of the Secrecy Bureau very angry and asked Guan Jinzhou to resolve these contradictions immediately.

But Guan Jinzhou is in Macau and has limited mobility, so he had to contact Chen Yintang by phone, asking him to think of ways to take measures to reverse the current passive situation.At this time, Chen Yintang also received instructions from Zheng Jiemin, asking him to meet with the Governor of Hong Kong, Ge Lianghong, and to change the way the Hong Kong police are doing by all means.

On June [-], [-], Chen Yintang secretly called on the Governor of Hong Kong, Mr. Ge Lianghong.

It would be too polite to call it a "visit" this time.Chen Yintang went there with murderous intent.

First of all, he accused Ge Lianghong of siding with the CCP, which is totally unreasonable!Second, he asked the Hong Kong police to immediately release all those arrested.If they cannot be released, the next best thing is to deport all the arrested persons back to Taiwan.If the Hong Kong side does not agree, he said viciously that he would take three actions:

First, he will secretly send more people from Taiwan to Hong Kong to take various sabotage and disruptive actions, so that Hong Kong will never have peace!

Second, he wants to organize pro-Taiwan trade unions and public groups in Hong Kong to take to the streets to march and besiege the Governor's Mansion!Let the Hong Kong government stop functioning!

Third, he wants to print a large number of counterfeit Hong Kong dollar banknotes in Taiwan, and wants Hong Kong's economy to collapse!

These three points hit the sore spot of Hong Kong Governor Gregory Gregory, which he cannot bear.In addition, during this period, the US government also secretly discussed the Hong Kong issue with the British government, and even exerted a lot of pressure.Under such circumstances, Mr. Grantham, the governor of Hong Kong, had to ask Director Maxwell to slow down his actions, and shortly thereafter, deported the arrested Taiwan spies back to Taiwan in batches.

As a result, the Hong Kong police's handling of the "Kashmir Princess" bombing can only end without a problem.

However, during this period of time, the intelligent Zuo Shaoqing was not idle.After in-depth investigation and careful analysis, she finally drafted a special research report.The title is: "Research Report on the "Kashmir Princess" Bombing and the Special Situations of the CCP's "Star" Project."

During this period of time, she got more news from Zeng Shaowu.In addition, between her and Chen Yintang, although the two sides did not trust each other, they had to tolerate each other. After several conversations, she also got some things that surprised her.In addition, she also specifically visited relevant personnel at Kai Tak Airport, as well as the manager of Air India's Hong Kong office.She made serious analysis and research on all the situations, and by June [-], the research report was finally drafted.

The first person to read this research report was naturally Zeng Shaowu.

On this day, when he finished reading the research report, his face was pale with fright and his hands were shaking.He looked at Zuo Shaoqing in fear, not knowing what to say to her.In his heart, he dared not send this report back to Taiwan.

The research report written by Zuo Shaoqing is concise, well-organized, profound and well-founded.The report is eloquent, and there are more than ten pages.And her analysis of the entire "Kashmir Princess" case and the CCP's "Star" project was like a dagger, stabbing Zeng Shaowu's heart fiercely.

He quickly saw that this research report was a blockbuster, and once it was sent to Taiwan, it would immediately cause a major earthquake.

Zuo Shaoqing stared at him sternly and said, "Mr. Zeng, you must send this report back to the headquarters as soon as possible!"

Although Zeng Shaowu was terrified and terrified, he dared not not send the research report back.

The research report drafted by Zuo Shaoqing is very long, and only a brief excerpt of it is as follows:

[-]. Doubts about the Asian and African itinerary of the CCP delegation.

1. The Asian-African Conference in Bandung will be held on April 06.However, the "Kashmir Princess" plane scheduled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Communist Party to Air India was scheduled to take off from Hong Kong on April 30 and was expected to arrive at around [-]:[-] that evening.Why did the CCP delegation arrive in Bandung seven days in advance?Checking the diplomatic history of all countries in the world, there is no precedent for arriving so long in advance.Why?

2. According to reliable information, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has two couriers who will carry important documents to Jakarta.They arrived in Hong Kong on April [-], but they did not take the "Kashmir Princess" plane that would take off the next day. Instead, they were accompanied by two staff members sent by the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency. They took a Dutch ship on the afternoon of the [-]th and passed by It took seven days of sailing to reach Jakarta.Why?

3. The CCP delegation went to Jakarta and was divided into three parts.In the first part, Zhou Enlai of the Communist Party of China led the main members of the delegation to take a plane named "Sky Train" of the Indian Air Force on April [-]. Conceal or deceive.) The plane flew from Kunming Wujiaba Airport to Yangon, Myanmar, and flew to Jakarta via Singapore on April [-].The second part is the journalists and a few members of the delegation on board the Kashmir Princess.There is also a third group, which arrived in Hong Kong on April [-] and flew to Jakarta on April [-] on a United Airlines flight.Why can't these people arrive in Hong Kong one day earlier and take the "Kashmir Princess" plane?According to the wiretapping of the surveillance personnel, they deliberately chose the United Airlines plane, thinking that the Americans would not bomb their own planes.Why?

4. The main members of the delegation led by Zhou Enlai of the Communist Party of China flew from Kunming to Jakarta via Yangon.But before that, there was no international flight between Kunming and Yangon.And opening an international route is by no means a simple matter.After consulting the airlines, it takes at least half a year, usually one to two years, to open an international route.Based on this, it can be judged that as early as June [-], at the beginning of the preparations for the Asian-African Conference, the CCP had started to open the Kunming-Rangoon route.According to intelligence, the CCP opened the route on April [-].At this time, the CCP delegation was already waiting in Kunming.Why?

5. Why did the CCP order a large plane with 84 seats and take off from Hong Kong?And there were only eleven people on this plane?

Conclusion [-]: The CCP delegation never considered transiting through Hong Kong.

Conclusion [-]: This aircraft should be a "bait".

Conclusion [-]: The CCP ordered the "Kashmir Princess" plane for a special purpose.

This special purpose of the CCP will be described later in this article.

[-]. Reasons for the successful explosion of Air India's "Kashmir Princess" aircraft.

1. According to reliable information, at around [-] am on April [-], the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the British Agency in China, warned the British government in Hong Kong to strengthen the protection of the "Kashmir Princess" aircraft, but it was ignored.

2. Huang Zuozhu, director of the Hong Kong branch of Xinhua News Agency, personally met Mr. Wim, the manager of Air India's Hong Kong office twice, and asked him to strengthen the protection of the "Kashmir Princess" aircraft, but he was not taken seriously.

3. After analyzing the diplomatic statements of China and Britain after the explosion of the "Kashmir Princess" plane, it seems that there was an internal error in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China. It was clearly stated that someone was going to blow up the "Kashmir Princess" aircraft.Therefore, the plane was not fully protected by the Hong Kong police.

Conclusion [-]: If any of the above warnings are taken seriously, the explosion will be difficult to succeed.

Conclusion [-]: The success of the explosion has a certain chance.

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