Double Agent Saga


Liu Qiuyue nodded, indicating that she understood.That's a really good idea.

Zuo Shaoqing continued: "The key is that we must be able to recognize this person, the person who read the announcement. This person is the person we are looking for. In terms of recognition, neither Qiuyue nor Sanhu should have Problem. They did this before. Guanglin should be more careful, you may not have dealt with this kind of people before."

Chen Sanhu got excited now, waving his thumb to Hu Guanglin and said: "Brother, you can see it, this is my skill, just wait and see."

Zuo Shaoqing smiled, "But maybe, Guanglin used to be the commander of the reconnaissance company of the People's Liberation Army, so he should have some experience. Okay, now let's assign tasks. Starting tomorrow, I will be watching the city government, and the three tigers will be watching Wuchang District government, Guanglin Dingqingshan District government. Three tigers, Wuchang District government should be the focus, you have to be careful."

Chen Sanhu nodded happily, "Success, master, just wait, I will definitely keep an eye on you."

Zuo Shaoqing turned around and grabbed Qiuyue's hand, and said, "Qiuyue, your task is the most important. You are familiar with Wuhan." She pointed to the map and said, "Your task is to patrol the streets in the northeast direction from here. Man, also look at the house that might have a radio station. You're an expert on both. I'm guessing that this [-]th team won't put the station here alone, there may be other people living around here. Be careful Suspicious person."

Of course Liu Qiuyue understood what she meant, so she nodded vigorously.

In this way, from the next day, the four members of Zuo Shaoqing's team began to separate and monitor the bulletin board in front of the city government.

One evening three days later, Chen Sanhu saw a suspicious person by the bulletin board in front of the Wuchang District Government.

It was later learned that he was Ji Baoxing who worked as a clerk at Wuchang Railway Station.It is inevitable to say that, Wuchang Railway Station is only two stations away from Wuchang District Government, which is too close.This is also a place that Ji Baoxing must visit every few days.

Chen Sanhu noticed him because he was not only reading, but also copying in a small notebook.

In this way, Zuo Shaoqing finally found the first clue she was looking for in Wuhan.

In contrast, Du Ziyuan found the clue he was looking for a little later than Zuo Shaoqing.

On that day, Du Ziyuan and Qin Donghai arrived in Wuhan, met Li Yunlin, and unexpectedly met Lin Wenxiu.He never thought that Lin Wenxiu would be able to survive.

After Li Yunlin introduced Captain Wu Jian, the reconnaissance staff officer of the Provincial Military Command, to him, Du Ziyuan did not leave immediately.Because Li Yunlin wanted them to stay no matter what, and have a drink with him.

The reason why Du Ziyuan didn't leave was because he suddenly had a thought that had just popped up in his heart, and it was a thought that he couldn't utter at the moment.

At the dinner table, Du Ziyuan didn't say anything because the nanny came in from time to time to serve the food.

When Li Yunlin clinked glasses with him, he seemed to have seen his hesitation, so he showed a sly smile on his face, and whispered: "Old Du, let's have a good chat tonight. Drink now! Come, let's touch."

After dinner, they went to Li Yunlin's small study.Li Yunlin asked the nanny to make tea for them, then closed the door, turned around and said, "Old Du, once this door is closed, no one can hear us. What about you, what else do you want to say? Tell me, I'll listen to you." on."

Du Ziyuan watched him silently, and also watched Qin Donghai and Lin Wenxiu sitting around the desk.In particular, he looked at Lin Wenxiu's face for a while longer.

He said, "Lao Li, I have a very important mission to come here this time."

Li Yunlin waved his hand and said, "I already guessed this, otherwise you wouldn't have come here."

Next, Du Ziyuan briefly introduced the information he had just received. A special agent team of the Kuomintang lurking in Jinan had recently quietly moved to Wuhan and established contact with Taiwan.

Du Ziyuan was very cautious, never mentioning the assassination of Ruan Qibo, Zuo Shaoqing who had fled from abroad, and never mentioning the stalled negotiations between China and the Soviet Union.But the fact that the spies were transferred to Wuhan is still very important.

Li Yunlin also did underground work.When he was the deputy commander of the guerrilla column on the border of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, he was in charge of intelligence work.He immediately moved from this special agent team to Wuhan, and noticed something unusual.

He said softly: "Old Du, I guess this case must involve more important cases."

At this time, Du Ziyuan's face changed completely, his mouth was already grinning, and his eyes were extremely serious.He whispered: "Old Li, I can't tell you more about the situation, but it does involve a more serious case. I beg you, Lao Li, to help me no matter what."

This sentence was said to each other when they were in Nanjing.At that time, they both encountered extremely serious situations, and they only mentioned this sentence to each other as a last resort.Just this sentence made Li Yunlin understand that the situation must be extremely serious.

He said, "Old Du, isn't Wu Jian enough?"

Du Ziyuan nodded to him, "Wu Jian is what we need, very much. But it's not enough."

Li Yunlin was a little surprised, "Tell me, what else do you need?"

Du Ziyuan stretched out his hand to hold Lin Wenxiu's hand, stared at her, and said after a long silence, "Old Li, I want to borrow another person from you. I beg you to promise me. I want to borrow Wenxiu from you."

Lin Wenxiu opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Ziyuan, me? I look like this, what can I do for you?"

Du Ziyuan nodded to her seriously, "Old Li, and Wenxiu, the special agent team transferred from Jinan, the team leader is Zhao Minggui. Wenxiu, you know him."

Lin Wenxiu let out an "ah", and immediately fell into a nightmare of memories in a trance.

In the torture room of the Security Bureau, it was Zhao Minggui and Cheng Yunfa who interrogated her together.He always wears a clean and neat military uniform, his hair is not messed up, but his face is always viciously pale in the gloom.He also once entered her cell and whispered softly to persuade her to confess.The female prisoners in the same cell told her that his name was Zhao Minggui.She will not forget him. In the end, the spies smashed her right foot with a hammer, which was his sign.

Lin Wenxiu looked at Du Ziyuan and said softly, "Ziyuan, you want me to recognize him?"

Du Ziyuan shook her hand, "Wenxiu, it's just my thoughts now. I want to see the situation of the spy team's reconnaissance in the next few days. Lao Li, do you agree that Wenxiu can help me if necessary? I will send someone to take care of her."

Li Yunlin looked at Lin Wenxiu with concern, and whispered in her ear, "Wenxiu, are you okay?"

Lin Wenxiu nodded to him, "Old Li, I can do it. If I can do something else, that would be great. Besides, I do know this man named Zhao Minggui. He is also responsible for the way I am now."

Li Yunlin held her hand and said softly, "Wenxiu, you must pay attention to your body."

Lin Wenxiu smiled and nodded to him, "Old Li, I know."

That night, Qin Donghai and Wu Jian started their radio monitoring work in the telecommunications room of the Hubei Provincial Military Region according to their prior agreement.

Their approach, in fact, was the same as Zuo Shaoqing's, by monitoring radio signals.The difference is that what Zuo Shaoqing listened to was the signal from Wuhan Fifth Team.What Qin Donghai and Wu Jian listened to was the signal from Zhao Minggui's team.Before coming to Wuhan, comrades from the Telecommunications Department of the Three Bureaus had provided them with the wavelength and radio signal recordings of the radio station used by Zhao Minggui's group.

The confidential room of the provincial military region is located in a large room with thick curtains on the wide windows.Along the wall, there is a row of seven high-power radio stations, and there are many antennas above the radio stations.Next to each radio station, there is a circular direction-finding antenna, which slowly rotates with the monitor's hand.The monitors wore headphones and sat quietly in front of the radio, adjusting the direction-finding antenna and adjusting the wavelength knob.When they spot a station signal, they press the tape recorder button next to it.

Qin Donghai looked at the situation in the confidential room, and said softly to Wu Jian: "Your strength is great."

Wu Jian smiled at him, and said softly: "We used to work with the Public Security Army Command. Sometimes we also do anti-special reconnaissance work. Therefore, these equipments are all used by us. Now, The commander of the Public Security Army has gone out and is placed under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Public Security Department. Otherwise, we have more such equipment. Let me tell you, we all have the means of investigation and search by the public security department.”

The headquarters of the Public Security Army mentioned by Wu Jian later evolved into the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Hubei Provincial Public Security Department.

After two days of searching and monitoring, they finally heard the radio signal of Zhao Minggui's group.

The recording of the signal brought by Qin Donghai was installed on the tape recorder, and the monitor listened to the recording while monitoring the received signal.He raised his head and nodded to Wu Jian, indicating that this was the signal.At the same time, he gestured to the direction finder next to him.On a large map board, the direction finder rotates a long wooden ruler with a protractor, and then marks the approximate direction of the station signal on the map.

After multi-point monitoring, the direction finder marked the location of the radio station on the map board, which is in the north-east direction of Hongshan, where the provincial military region is located, in a narrow strip between Shahu Lake and Donghu Lake.

Wu Jian drew a circle on this narrow strip, and whispered, "The radio station is in this area."

Qin Donghai looked at the map for a while and said, "This area is so large, what should we do next?"

Wu Jian said: "I think it is possible to use radio monitoring vehicles to search in that area every day. Especially when they send out the report. However, it may take a long time. The signal is only a few minutes at a time, and we only need to Can search a small area. If this station moves places, we have to start all over again."

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