Double Agent Saga

475、The secret police of all parties

Qin Donghai shook his head.He has already seen that this area is full of ordinary houses, and if a radio monitoring vehicle drives around here, it may be discovered by secret agents.He said, "Let's report to Lao Du and see what he says."

In the small conference room next to the telecommunications room of the provincial military region, Qin Donghai and Wu Jian reported the monitoring situation to Du Ziyuan, and pointed out the approximate location of the station on the map.

Du Ziyuan also felt that using a radio direction-finding vehicle was not a good idea, as he didn't have so long to search slowly.

In this way, the three of them leaned over the map, carefully observed the streets and directions in this area, and looked for other ways.Du Ziyuan noticed that to the west of this narrow strip was the Sand Lake, and to the east was the East Lake, which was a larger lake.In this narrow strip, Zhongbei Road, which runs from north to south, is almost the only road leading to the city center.

At this time, Du Ziyuan thought of Lin Wenxiu.

Du Ziyuan looked at Wu Jian and said, "This Zhongbei Road is the only way through this narrow strip, right?"

Wu Jian thought for a while and said, "It's almost the only one. There are a few other roads, but they are all alleys, which are relatively curved and narrow. Most of the vehicles and pedestrians take Zhongbei Road."

Du Ziyuan's finger moved south along Zhongbei Road, and finally stopped at an intersection.He asked, "What is this place?"

Wu Jian immediately said, "This is the intersection of Zhongbei Road and Chuhan Road."

Du Ziyuan said: "In fact, this is the only way to go to the city center from the narrow strip, right?"

Wu Jian nodded, "Yes, that's exactly it."

Du Ziyuan looked up at Qin Donghai, "Donghai, you and Staff Officer Wu think of a way to set up a monitoring point at this intersection. For example, set up a small department store or tea shop to monitor this intersection."

Two days later, Wu Jian tried every means and finally rented a small department store at the intersection of Zhongbei Road and Chuhan Road.The shop is very small, in addition to general needles, threads, brains and other small department stores, there are tobacco, wine and tea and so on.

From then on, Lin Wenxiu, who was borrowed by Du Ziyuan, became the proprietress of this small shop.Every day, on crutches, she gives this and that to passers-by, and collects money for change.Qin Donghai also became a shop clerk, helping Lin Wenxiu to load goods and clean up.When no one was around, I sat with her in the small shop and chatted, and looked at the passers-by.

At that time, Zhongbei Road and Chuhan Road were not as wide as they are today. Judging from today's perspective, they can only be regarded as small streets.There are dilapidated houses on both sides of the small street, and there are signs everywhere.The sky above the small street is covered with random wires, and there are bamboo poles for drying clothes.

But this small street is really an important traffic road, and it is the only way to go in the direction of Shuiyunju from between Shahu Lake and Donghu Lake.Therefore, this small street is full of traffic and people coming and going every day.

Lin Wenxiu and Qin Donghai stood at the counter, silently observing the passers-by.As God intended, they soon made a major discovery in this small department store.

One day about a week later, it was a cloudy and rainy day.Light rain fell from the sky, blowing with the wind.The small streets that used to be full of dust, and the dust would be rolled up as soon as vehicles passed by, have become a bit muddy at this time.People stepped over the stagnant water carefully, and hurried past with their heads down.

Around evening, a customer came into the shop.He was holding an umbrella and stomping his feet as soon as he entered the door.He walked up to the counter and said, "Bring me two packs of big front doors, and matches."

Lin Wenxiu glanced at him, lowered her eyes, leaned on her crutches and went to the shelf to get cigarettes and matches.

No one expected that the person who came in was none other than Zhao Minggui who had been transferred here from Jinan.

He took the cigarette and matches from Lin Wenxiu.While she was looking for money, she smoked a cigarette and put it in her mouth, lit it, and then silently looked at the small shop and the proprietress on crutches.

This is a thin and thin woman, and the crutches she is leaning on seem to be heavier than her body.It seemed like she might fall at any moment.From Zhao Minggui's point of view, this proprietress seemed very unpleasant.She kept her face sombre, and she refused to even raise her eyes.She put the recovered money on the counter, and went back to organize the department stores on the shelves.

Qin Donghai, who was at the other end of the shop, could already see something unusual on Lin Wenxiu's face.While wiping the counter, he stared at the new guest out of the corner of his eye.

Zhao Minggui put the recovered money into his pocket.When he walked out of the small shop smoking a cigarette, he felt some doubts in his heart.It was an inexplicable doubt.He opened his umbrella and continued walking in the rainy alley.

About 10 minutes later, it was Qin Donghai who followed behind Zhao Minggui, and later told Du Ziyuan the time.

Zhao Minggui, who was walking in the small street, stopped slowly.He turned around and looked at the small shop in the distance through the drizzle.A light rain fell on his face, cold and wet.Oh shit!He finally remembered, no wonder it looks familiar, the proprietress of that shop should be called Lin Wenxiu!

Zhao Minggui's heart was filled with coldness and fear.Since he carried out the latent mission, whether in Jinan or now Wuhan, he has never had a chance in his heart.He understood that it was no accident that Lin Wenxiu appeared here, and it must be closely related to the mission he was currently performing.There is no doubt that this is also a very dangerous signal!

By this time, the invisible war in Wuhan had gradually begun.

All relevant characters have been present, and all have a vague awareness of the enemy.

The reason why You Shaoqing discovered the real stalker.This is because Zhao Minggui's men finally tracked her down.

At this time, Chen Sanhu was in front of the Wuchang District Government and noticed Ji Baoxing who was copying the government announcement.

Du Ziyuan found Zhao Minggui through Lin Wenxiu.Zhao Minggui, on the other hand, was aware of this.

By this time, all parties have tightened their nerves, raised their vigilance, and made better preparations. They are all determined to complete the mission in the fierce battle.

To be more precise, this vicious battle started quietly ten days ago.It was Zhao Minggui and his latent team who started the curtain.Zhao Minggui's shrewdness has been known to the judges for a long time.

At this point in the story, it is necessary to tell about Zhao Minggui's latent experience.He is undoubtedly an important character in this story.

Speaking of this Zhao Minggui, it is also somewhat unusual.Almost from his first day on a covert mission, he has transformed from a bright, shrewd intelligence officer to a dark, sinister and cunning villain.

The reason is extremely simple, because his wife and his son were sent to Taiwan by the Security Bureau.

In June [-], when he was still in Changsha with Ye Gongjin's No. [-] Office, he received an order from the bureau headquarters asking him to stay and carry out latent tasks.

It is impossible for Zhao Minggui to disobey the military order.He went to Hangzhou first.

The Secrecy Bureau had already left Hangzhou at this time.But the Intelligence Department also has an office in Hangzhou, which is responsible for arranging latent personnel.The director of the intelligence department personally confessed the task to Zhao Minggui, and designated his lurking location as Jinan.

Zhao Minggui had no choice at all.More importantly, he also knew that he could not go to Taiwan.For an officer of the Secrecy Bureau like him, if he wants to survive on the mainland, he can only hide.To lurk is to hide.More importantly, he wants to be with his wife and son.

However, when he went to the train station and was about to board the train bound for Jinan, the intelligence director who saw him off told him two unexpected news.

The Director of Intelligence first handed him a big envelope and said, "Brother Minggui, the Ministry of National Defense has officially appointed you. You have been appointed as the Major General and Head of the Jinan Section of the Secrecy Bureau. This envelope is your letter of appointment." .”

Zhao Minggui was a little surprised.He worked cautiously and cautiously for many years before finally getting a colonel.But today, just because of lurking, he was promoted to major general.In his heart, there was a feeling of mixed sorrow and joy.At this time, he could only thank the director of intelligence again and again.

"There is another piece of good news to tell you," the thin intelligence director stared at Zhao Minggui through his glasses.He continued: "Brother Minggui, the second piece of good news is that I have just been notified that just an hour ago, your wife and son have been sent to the plane to Taiwan. Brother Minggui, this time , you can work for the party-state with peace of mind. Do it well, and I will wait for your good news."

Zhao Minggui stared blankly at the Director of Intelligence.He knew in his heart that although he was lurking, the senior officials of the Security Bureau did not trust him, fearing that he would vote for the Communist Party.

That night, Zhao Minggui, who was sitting on the train, was cold physically and mentally, like stepping into a glacier in the middle of a cold winter night.

His wife is his middle school and high school classmate.In the three years of junior high school, they had already eye-to-eye and were in love with each other, but they had never spoken.On their first day of high school, they couldn't wait to see each other.On that night, his wife gave him her tender and cute little body.

The first pain made her paler.She put her arms around his neck and said, "Ah Gui, don't let me down."

Zhao Minggui swore to the sky, "The next time I'm with you, it must be on the wedding night."

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Zhao Minggui married his wife in a hurry the day before joining the army.Since then, they have been separated from each other, and they have written all the tenderness and longing in their hearts to letters.It wasn't until Juntong returned to Nanjing that they embraced each other.Zhao Minggui swore to his wife that he would never be separated again.

"But, from now on, how will she live on!" Sitting in the train, Zhao Minggui was thinking about this.

They have little savings, and their wives have no jobs and no skills.Their son is only five years old.How can a wife who can only be a wife survive without him?Zhao Minggui was very worried about this.

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