Double Agent Saga

476: Zhao Minggui

Zhao Minggui was worried about the future life of his wife and son in Taiwan, and he was extremely disturbed. There was a reason for this.When he was still in Hangzhou, he heard that some military officers, including family members of generals, went to Taiwan first, but they couldn't find a job, and they soon fell into the predicament of having no food and clothing.Some family members of military officers have become prostitutes to earn three meals.

Sitting on the train, Zhao Minggui's extremely worrying thoughts and worries kept him awake all night.When he arrived in Jinan, he was walking alone in the dark like a lost ghost.

He was in a trance and couldn't remember how he got into the hotel where he was waiting for a meeting.

As soon as he fell on the big bed in the hotel, he fell into a coma, without eating or drinking for two days and two nights.Occasionally, when he was awake, he would scold the Bureau of Secrecy, Mao Renfeng, and even Pan Qiwu in his heart.These bastards actually used his wife and his son to restrain him and make him work for those bastards!

Zhao Minggui almost suffered a nervous breakdown because he missed his wife and son.

Just two days later, his first team member entered his room and joined him.

This is a woman named Xu Wenmei.She was the captain operator of the Henan Station of the former Security Bureau.This Xu Wenmei had just given birth four months ago.It was when she gave birth that she accidentally received news that her man was captured by the communist army on the battlefield, and his life and death are still uncertain.

While Xu Wenmei was nursing her four-month-old child in grief, she received an order to carry out a latent mission.

Xu Wenmei looked at the baby in her arms, bursting into tears, mourning again and again, but there was nothing she could do.She didn't even dare to disobey the military order.She had no choice but to send the child to her hometown in the countryside, and came to Jinan to report for duty with a suitcase containing the radio station.

It was evening when Xu Wenmei entered Zhao Minggui's room that day.The room was half dark and filled with a foul smell.She looked at Zhao Minggui, who was pale, with disheveled hair, and fell asleep on the bed, and was very shocked.

She leaned over the bed and asked softly, "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Minggui looked at her weakly, and said quietly, "I'm going to die."

"Are you sick?" Xu Wenmei asked with concern.

"I'm going to die." Zhao Minggui's eyes had already scattered, looking at the dark roof.

"Have you eaten yet?" Xu Wenmei asked again.

"I'm going to die." Zhao Minggui's voice became lower and lower, almost inaudible.

Xu Wenmei saw depression and frustration in his eyes, as well as his pain and sadness.This mood is exactly the same as her mood at this time.She felt that the officer lying on the bed was like a child who had lost his mother's love, isolated and helpless, waiting to die.What I need most at this moment is probably only her love.

She said softly: "Sir, don't do this, everything will pass and everything will be fine."

Zhao Minggui still said: "I'm going to die." That voice, breathless.

Xu Wenmei stared quietly at Zhao Minggui who was curled up on the bed, feeling the depression and despair in his heart, as if they were the same as herself.She sat gently on the edge of the bed and stroked his forehead.His forehead was cold and dry, like a hungry baby, almost lifeless.This feeling moved Xu Wenmei's heart slightly.

Then, she held Zhao Minggui in her arms like she was holding her four-month-old child, and let his face stick to her chest.Then, as if in a dream, she unbuttoned her clothes naturally, sent her bulging breasts to his face, and directly sent them into his mouth.

She waited a moment, but there was no sucking sensation on the nipples.The man in her arms looked at her in bewilderment, as if he didn't know how to suck.She rubbed and squeezed her breasts, letting the warm milk flow into his mouth.

She murmured: "Sir, okay, no matter what happens, it will pass and get better." When she said this, she couldn't help but sighed and said, "No matter what, I will be with you around."

When it was very late at night, the atmosphere in this semi-dark room became serene and peaceful.

The dying Zhao Minggui finally came back to life in Xu Wenmei's arms.He vaguely felt that the Xu Wenmei in front of him was as good, gentle and lovely as his wife.It's also something he can't do without in the future.

At this time, Zhao Minggui was like a dissatisfied child, crawling on Xu Wenmei's chest, sucking greedily.Xu Wenmei opened herself completely like a book, allowing him to touch and enter.

In this way, two people who are mourning the loss of their loved ones find in each other the desire to survive.

Zhao Minggui must survive.As for why, he didn't want to think about it.He just wants to live.

This was also what Xu Wenmei told him later.They live like a husband and wife and depend on each other.For several years, Zhao Minggui has regarded Xu Wenmei as his new wife, or in other words, Mrs. Ru.

Zhao Minggui has been lurking in Jinan for the past few years, and he has been obedient and obedient.The bureau headquarters sent a telegram asking them to take "decisive action", and he always delayed it as long as he could.Or report an action plan, stating that it will be implemented on a certain day of the month.But in the end, they used various excuses, saying that the action could not be implemented for some reason, and it would be carried out later.In any case, all his actions are premised on survival.

In [-], the Korean War broke out.Jinan is an important transportation hub.Zhao Minggui telegraphed three times a week, saying how many military trains pass through Jinan Station every day.As for the supplies transported by the military trains, they were mostly reported based on his guesses.

In the past few years, Zhao Minggui and his team have survived in this way.However, according to the records of the bureau headquarters, the achievements are impressive, and the funds are continuously remitted.

Sometimes at night, Zhao Minggui and Xu Wenmei would look at each other silently, with only a slight smile on their faces.They know each other's thoughts without saying anything: it's good to live like this.

However, at the end of last month, a telegram from the headquarters made him think a lot.The order in the telegram required him to secretly transfer the whole team to Wuhan as soon as possible.After settling in, contact the headquarters immediately and prepare to accept new tasks.

Xu Wenmei was a radio operator, and she saw the telegram first.When I was lying in bed at night, I talked with him quietly.

"Ah Gui, how is Wuhan?" She leaned against Zhao Minggui and asked.

"One of the three major furnaces on the Yangtze River." He replied.

"That's very hot, it must be much hotter than Jinan." Xu Wenmei was still a little naive.

"It's okay to say whether it's hot or not. I don't know what task we are given." Zhao Minggui was a little more worried.

"We're fine now, can we delay?" Xu Wenmei asked.

Zhao Minggui shook his head, "Looking at the tone in the telegram, maybe we can't go." When he said this, he couldn't help but sigh. "Amei, it's better to be quiet than to move. The whole group has gone, and it's a new place. I'm worried that something will happen."

Xu Wenmei didn't want to see the man next to her worry, so she used a woman's method to comfort him.She reached under him, to touch his thing, hoping he would feel comfortable.

She said softly: "Ah Gui, you are so smart and cautious, you can handle anything. We will be fine, so relax your mind."

Zhao Minggui also knew that he had no choice.When new tasks come, he can only execute them.What Amei said was right, he had to gather his energy and try to deal with it.

Zhao Minggui took a breath at this moment, closed his eyes and said, "Amei, hold me."

Xu Wenmei smiled.Agui asked her to hug him, indicating that he had relaxed.

She turned over and sat up, crossed her legs, and put her arms around his neck, easily hugging the thin Zhao Minggui into her arms, just like holding a child.When he opened his mouth, put a milk pea into his mouth and let him suck it.

In fact, nothing can be sucked out.Zhao Minggui just sucked her milk beans and licked them occasionally.Sometimes, this is how he thinks about things.They have been a couple like this for seven years.

Xu Wenmei sometimes thinks that her own child is already seven or eight years old, and she doesn't know what it will look like.Agui has been sucking her milk beans like this every night for seven or eight years.Whenever he was in a bad mood, he would lie in her arms and suck her milk like a child.

After a moment of silence, Xu Wenmei vaguely felt the commotion in his body, and touched between his legs.The thing has already risen, and it is very firm to hold in his hand, and it clings to his ear and says, "Ah Gui, I'm itching so badly. Let me lie down, and you come up." She didn't have to wait for Zhao Minggui's answer, and just She lay down slowly and hugged him on her body.

Zhao Minggui closed his eyes as if pampered, and without any effort, he just waited for Amei to find the right place for him, and then sent his stick-like thing into Xu Wenmei's body, feeling the moisture and warmth inside.

Xu Wenmei whispered in his ear: "Ah Gui, take your time, take a little longer."

Of course, Zhao Minggui also hopes to enjoy it for a longer time.He slowed down his movements, stroking her body up and down with his hands, pinching the soft flesh on her body.However, for a woman like Xu Wenmei, it is not easy to make the time last longer.Zhao Minggui couldn't bear it any longer, he held her body tightly like a cooper holding a wooden barrel, and finally let out all the desire in his body.

At this time, Zhao Minggui breathed a sigh of relief, thinking, well, let's do it this way.

So, two days later, after some meticulous preparations, Zhao Minggui took his entire group of eight people to Wuhan by train.

Xu Wenmei rented a few bungalows on the east bank of Shahu Lake in Wuhan as her residence for Zhao Minggui.Other brothers also rented houses nearby to live in.

At night, Xu Wenmei set up a radio at home to contact the headquarters.She used to be a captain radio operator, and such a military rank shows that her sending skills are top-notch.She pinched the key with three fingers and shook slightly, and a set of codes flew into the air.

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