Inside the gate of the test building, soldiers were everywhere in the yard.There is a soldier every three or five steps, and the entire test building is tightly surrounded, and no one is allowed to enter or exit.

Liu, the deputy director of the institute in charge of security, and Meng Wei, the director of the intelligence department of the general staff, were anxiously guarding the gate at this time.They had absolutely no idea what was going on.Wu Jian just told them that he was following orders.

Du Ziyuan got off the car outside the gate of the experimental building.Deputy director Liu and Meng Wei all surrounded him and asked him what happened, why did the troops surround the test building?

Du Ziyuan didn't answer.He took a look around and confirmed that the test building was surrounded, then he turned to Deputy Director Liu and said, "Go and ask Director Huang to come out, I have something important to say to him."

Deputy director Liu called the laboratory building from the guard room.After a while, Director Huang, who was wearing a white coat, hurried out of the laboratory building.He stood inside the cordon at the gate, looking at Du Ziyuan outside.

Du Ziyuan didn't apply for a pass, so he could only stand outside the cordon.He was extremely anxious, and said to Director Huang: "Director Huang, is there anything unusual in the test building?"

Director Huang looked at him in surprise, shook his head and said, "There is nothing unusual. We are testing."

But Du Ziyuan looked at him with disbelief. "Water Hyacinth" prepared three time bombs, and used one last night.There are two more, the target must be here!How could there be no abnormal situation!

He gritted his teeth, tried to use a calm tone, and said: "Director Huang, I have indeed received reliable information. Secret agents have already taken control of our test building. A bomb may have been installed. It is a time bomb. Director Huang, I want to Let these soldiers go in and check, and find this bomb immediately!"

Director Huang looked at him in astonishment, with a very embarrassed expression on his face.He said: "Director Du, it's not possible now! The final test is being done inside now, it's the final test! Don't stop! It will be a disaster if you stop!"

Du Ziyuan immediately said: "However, the secret agents may have installed a bomb inside, and once it explodes, it will be even more serious!"

Director Huang's eyes widened, "You said the spy planted the bomb? When?"

Du Ziyuan said: "It should be today!"

Director Huang said in surprise: "It's impossible! This test building is actually a large factory building, and everyone can see each other. We didn't see any outsiders! How did they install it? There are two roads outside. Sentry, how did they... get in?"

Du Ziyuan was very anxious.To be honest, he couldn't guess how the secret agents could install this bomb in the test building.However, he is sure that the secret agent has been installed!Last night, an explosion occurred at Wuchang Railway Station.The spies did this in order to entice us to put our strength at the train station.But it also shows that the spies will no longer plant bombs on train stations or train cars, because the guards there will be tighter.On the other hand, the "core components" will be shipped out tonight.If the secret agents didn't blow up the test building today and blow up the "core components", they would have no chance!Xu Wenmei told him: "They have prepared three pieces of special equipment!"

From this, Du Ziyuan judged that the secret agents must!already!Bombs are installed in the test building!

He said: "Director Huang, I believe that the secret agents have already installed a bomb in the test building, and it must have been installed! We can't take risks, we must go in and find this bomb! We must find it as soon as possible!"

Director Huang grinned and looked back and forth at the people around him, his face full of panic and anxiety.He finally said: "Director Du, the current situation is like this, the 'core component' is undergoing the final test, there must be no pause in the middle! Director Du, once it stops, this thing is very likely to be scrapped! This... this... , if it is like this, it is almost the same as an explosion! These two situations are the same result!"

Du Ziyuan was speechless again.He realized that the timing chosen by the spies, or "water hyacinth", was really extremely precise, exactly at a fatal point in time.Even if you find that someone has planted a bomb, you can't move it!damn it!Could it be that they can only stand and wait for the explosion!

He tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart, tried his best to calm himself down, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

Both Deputy Director Liu and Director Meng looked at him nervously.Now is a critical moment, none of them dare to speak casually.

Du Ziyuan told himself not to be too impatient, otherwise it would be even worse.He stared at Director Huang, and said as calmly as possible: "I want to ask, is it possible to advance the test completion time? This is very important!"

At this moment, Director Huang also hesitated.He looked into the distance, frowning and thinking desperately.

Du Ziyuan said: "Director Huang, this matter is very important! You must understand! If you can complete the test ahead of time, we may still have time to find the bomb! This is the best result! Otherwise, it will be too bad! "

Director Huang nodded and said, "I know, I know! How could I not know!" He thought for a moment, and finally said, "If... I mean, if everything goes well, maybe... maybe there is Maybe a little earlier. But, I'm really not sure!"

Du Ziyuan immediately said: "Director Huang, please think of a way and try to advance as much as possible! Try to advance! Otherwise, our previous efforts will be wasted! Even if you succeed in the test, you may be blown up!"

Director Huang said: "Yes, yes, I understand, I will try my best, please rest assured. This is also my hard work! I must find a way to complete the test ahead of time. So, now I am going in."

Director Huang hurried into the laboratory building.Outside the test building, and outside the gate, everything fell silent.Everyone looked at the laboratory building where Director Huang entered.Everyone's heart is very disturbed.

Du Ziyuan turned to Deputy Director Liu and asked, "From yesterday to now, has any accident occurred in the research institute, especially in the laboratory building? I mean, anything suspicious, no matter how small it is!"

Deputy Director Liu thought for a while and said, "There are indeed unexpected things, and we are also very surprised. But there is no doubt."

Du Ziyuan's nerves tensed involuntarily.He asked, "What is it?"

Deputy Director Liu said: "At noon today, a comrade in the security inspection room belonged to Director Meng. After eating, he lay down on the table and took a nap, and died in his sleep. We were in the inspection room with him. The comrades at work saw that he was already at work, and he was still sleeping on the table, so he pushed him. As a result, he fell to the ground. Only then did he find that he was dead. We sent this person to the clinic, the doctor Checked it out and said he died suddenly."

Du Ziyuan stared at him with wide eyes, "Sudden death!"

Deputy Director Liu said: "The doctor explained it this way. He said that he might have taken a nap on the table and died from shortness of breath, or some other reason. The doctor said that this kind of situation often happens to young people."

"Where's the corpse?" Du Ziyuan asked immediately.

"It's still in the bathroom. It's just ahead, do you want to go and have a look?"

Du Ziyuan waved his hand, "Let's go and have a look now! Sudden death? This is by no means a trivial matter!"

A few minutes later, Du Ziyuan, Qin Donghai, and Meng Wei all went down to the clinic led by Deputy Director Liu.

The deceased has been placed on a treatment bed.Du Ziyuan lifted the white sheet and looked at it, and knew that the doctors had conducted a comprehensive examination on the deceased.All the clothes of the deceased had been taken off.

The doctor stood by and said: "The deceased had no external injuries, no signs of struggling, and no internal injuries. He has been sleeping on the table, and there are traces of pressing on his hands on his forehead. Therefore, we can only judge it as sudden death. To If you know the real reason, you can only send it to the hospital for further examination."

This situation surprised Du Ziyuan.A good person, unexpectedly "died suddenly"?Under the current circumstances, he never dared to easily believe that it was a "sudden death".Now, he must know the cause of this person's death as soon as possible.This inspection must be done by an expert.He turned his head and nodded to Qin Donghai.

Qin Donghai immediately understood Lao Du's intentions.He walked over, lifted the white sheet completely, and made another comprehensive and detailed inspection of the deceased.Qin Donghai's inspection was an inspection by a special agent.To put it bluntly, it is assumed that this person was assassinated and died.What he is looking for is not how he was assassinated, but the signs that confirm that he was assassinated.Just look for the slightest sign of an unnatural death.

However, he went from head to toe, checking not only his hair, which was the most overlooked place, but also his heels, and even his genitals and anus.But he really didn't find any scars on this person, not even a bit of bruising.At this time, Qin Donghai seemed to have no choice.He stopped and stared at the dead man.At this time, he stretched out his hand and rolled over the eyelids of the deceased.He immediately called out and looked back at Du Ziyuan.

Du Ziyuan immediately went up to have a look.Qin Donghai opened the other eye.At this time, not only Du Ziyuan, but also the doctor, Deputy Director Liu and Director Meng Wei all saw the dead man's black eyes tilted to the right, as if he was staring at someone from the corner of his eyes.People who died from normal causes don't have eyes like this.Everyone realized that what was revealed in those eyes that had lost their mind was definitely not tranquility!But fear!

Du Ziyuan turned his head and stared at the people around him, and said, "He didn't die suddenly! He was killed! Donghai, send the deceased to the public security hospital immediately, and thoroughly examine the cause of his death!"

Qin Donghai nodded to him, and immediately pulled off the white sheet to cover the body of the deceased, collecting all the things that belonged to the deceased.He asked the doctor to find a stretcher as soon as possible.

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