When Qin Donghai was about to go out, he looked back and saw Du Ziyuan staring at him with stern eyes.He nodded silently, and followed the stretcher out of the clinic.

The deceased was carried away on a stretcher.Du Ziyuan immediately led the others out of the clinic.

The sun outside was so strong that those who followed Du Ziyuan had to walk under the shade of the trees.They were all silent.The chirping of cicadas among the branches made one disturbing.

Du Ziyuan felt even more agitated because of this.If this person was killed by a spy, then how did the spy enter the test building.The murderer will not be someone in the building.If the secret agent is someone in the building, he doesn't need to kill the security inspector.So, how did the spies get in!He thought about it over and over again.

He turned his head and stared at Deputy Director Liu, "Is there any unexpected situation? Tell me quickly! What else!"

Deputy Director Liu's face turned pale, and sweat was already profuse on his forehead.He had already realized that if the security inspector hadn't "died suddenly", then the situation in front of him would be terrible.

He said: "Director Du, there is one more thing. Looking at it now, it may be more problematic! Yesterday morning, an engineer went out to buy something, to buy a switch, a special air switch. He didn’t come back. Director Huang and I judged that he might go home to get something he needed, or he might stay at home overnight. However, this morning, he still didn’t come back. I sent someone to his house to find But his family said that he never went back. Director Du, this person is missing!"

Du Ziyuan's eyes widened, and he said viciously, "Why didn't you report such a big matter!"

Deputy Director Liu was already a little scared.He pointed to Director Meng beside him, "This morning, I reported to Director Meng. We sent people to look for it together."

Du Ziyuan's gaze was like a knife on Meng Wei's face, and he stared at him sternly, "Director Meng, why didn't you report such a big thing?"

Director Meng was nervous, but his eyes were very tough.He also stared at Du Ziyuan sternly.

He said in a hoarse voice: "Director Du, you must be reasonable! Who do you want me to report to when such a big incident happened! Where is our Director Zhang now? Tell me, and I will report to him right now! Du Director, I want to report to you. But this morning, I called the Provincial Military District Guest House twice, but I couldn’t find you. Where are you! We are on the front line! All the burdens are on our shoulders Come on!"

Du Ziyuan was speechless.It's not because he's not in the provincial military district guest house, but because he thought of something else, even more terrifying.

If we say that the explosion at Wuchang Railway Station last night was to attract everyone's attention.Well, this morning, he was shot at the small department store at the Zhongbei intersection to prevent him from dealing with anything that happened in the test building.This is only one aspect.

On the other hand, as Director Meng mentioned, he detained Zhang Zhengdong.It was a risky move on his part, and the idea was his own.However, the "water hyacinth" lurking in the dark may also be promoting this matter intentionally or unintentionally.Director Meng mentioned to him twice that he suspected that there was something wrong with them!

Now, he couldn't help thinking that if neither he nor Zhang Zhengdong could deal with what happened in the test building in time, then there would be only one consequence, that crucial "core component" would be blown up!

Du Ziyuan made another judgment on this, the spies must!And already!Bombs are installed in the test building!no doubt!However, the question remains, how did the spies get in!

Du Ziyuan and the others returned to the gate again.Wu Jian and his soldiers were standing at the door watching him.Everyone was watching him nervously.

Du Ziyuan walked up to the officer in charge of the squad and said, "From this morning until now, has anyone come in or out of here?"

The officer in charge stood up and said, "Yes. Besides these soldiers, there are two other people." He opened the registration book on the table and handed it to Du Ziyuan.

Du Ziyuan took a look, and there were indeed two people coming in and out.One is director Huang, and the time of entry and exit is 46:[-] in the morning.Another person, named Li Zhiliang, came in and out at [-]:[-] noon, and he left at [-]:[-] pm.

Du Ziyuan pointed to this person's name, turned around and asked Deputy Director Liu, "Do you know this person? Why did he come in and out at noon today?"

Deputy Director Liu stared at the name on the registration book, with a look of terror in his eyes.He looked at Du Ziyuan, then looked down at the log book.He murmured, "Du...Director Du, he...he is the engineer who went out to purchase!"

Du Ziyuan immediately understood that something was wrong, and it was a serious problem.It happened to this man named Li Zhiliang.

He said coldly: "Deputy Director Liu, please call inside and ask Director Huang to verify it." In fact, he already understood in his heart that there was no need to verify it at all!The person who entered under the name of Li Zhiliang is a spy!

The result of Deputy Director Liu's phone call was exactly as he had guessed.Director Huang said on the phone that no one saw Li Zhiliang today.Haven't seen him since yesterday.

This situation was confirmed from another aspect, because Director Ge of the Public Security Bureau came.

As soon as he saw everyone gathered at the gate of the laboratory building, he knew something had happened.Without delay, he immediately took out a photo from his purse and asked Deputy Director Liu, "Is this one of yours?"

Deputy Director Liu widened his eyes again, looked at Director Ge and Du Ziyuan in horror, and stammered, "He...he is Li Zhiliang! He...is he dead?"

Director Ge turned to Du Ziyuan, "At 10:30 this morning, I received a report that there was a murder case at the Hongyan Hotel on Yichun Road. The deceased were two people. The other person, I soon found out, was a man named Sun Ba. People. But this one, there is nothing on his body to prove his identity. Then I noticed the rubber-soled cloth shoes he was wearing. I remember that the staff in the test building seemed to wear these rubber-soled cloth shoes. That’s when I rushed over to check .”

Du Ziyuan looked at the photo.The face of the deceased was covered with blood, and it seemed that he had been dead for a long time.

Director Ge said softly: "Initial judgment, he died yesterday morning."

So far, Du Ziyuan has understood when the bomb in the test building was installed and how the spy got in.He turned around and said calmly to Deputy Director Liu, "Please call Director Huang again."

The call went through quickly.

Du Ziyuan said to the phone as calmly as possible: "Director Huang, is it possible for the test to end early?"

Director Huang said on the phone: "It's possible, if everything goes well. I'll let you know as soon as the test is over."

Du Ziyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, Director Huang, do everything possible to end early, you know the reason. I'm right outside the gate, waiting for your good news."

He glanced at his watch.Following his movements, everyone looked down at their watches.It's 25:[-] in the afternoon.At this time, it was very quiet outside the gate, and no one spoke again.They all looked at the tall laboratory building quietly but with anxiety and uneasiness hidden in their hearts.They can only wait now.

They all forgot the scorching sun, the heat, and the sweat that kept flowing from their foreheads.They looked at the test building motionlessly.Time, however, slowed down like a snail, passing by second by second.

While they were waiting, Tu Hexiang and Cui Shisan were completing their third task of the day.

They still drove the tarpaulin-covered pick-up truck through the narrow and winding streets of Wuhan.

Cui Shisan honked the horn from time to time, urging the pedestrians who were almost in the middle of the road.It's just that none of them understood why Mr. "Water" arranged for them to complete such a task.They really don't see any point in the task.However, Mr. "Water"'s orders are irresistible, and they must be fulfilled.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, when Du Ziyuan and others were waiting anxiously outside the gate of the experimental building. They drove to a place not too far outside the house that You Shaoqing rented.They stopped the car on the side of the street, sat quietly in the car, and looked at the courtyard gate in the distance.

They didn't wait too long, and saw a boy about 15 years old, holding the hand of a little girl, walking towards the gate of the courtyard.They walked and talked and laughed.

Tu Hexiang knew that the boy was the landlord's son.And that little girl is You Shaoqing's daughter.Their goal today is that little girl.They couldn't see at all what role this little girl would serve.

Wang Shitou led Xiao Yuanyuan to the gate of the courtyard and had to stop.They are discussing a very important matter.

Xiao Yuanyuan pouted and said, "Brother Shitou, I have to buy two new homework books today. The teacher said that if I don't bring a new book tomorrow, I won't be allowed to go to school."

Wang Shitou looked at her in embarrassment and said, "Do you have any money in your pocket? Two new notebooks cost more than [-] cents."

Xiao Yuanyuan shook her head, "I don't have any money. Do you have any?"

Wang Shitou said, "I have no money either. You have to wait for your mother to come back, right?"

Xiao Yuanyuan said: "I don't know if my mother will come back today. She doesn't come back often. She didn't come back last night. Brother Shitou, can I borrow [-] cents from grandma? I have to buy a notebook today, and I can't do it if I don't!" "

Wang Shitou thought for a while and said, "Okay then, I have to ask my mother if I can borrow it first. Give me your schoolbag, you wait here for me. I'll be out in a while."

Xiao Yuanyuan handed him her schoolbag and smiled happily, "Brother Shitou, you are so kind."

Wang Shishi pouted and entered the courtyard gate.Xiao Yuanyuan sat down on the steps, pouted her little red mouth, blinked her big eyes, and looked around happily.

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