Double Agent Saga

567、The depth of love

Being touched by Li Yunlin's hand, Zhang Yalan's heart that had been lonely for a long time seemed to be plucked by someone.She wished the big man would touch her for a while longer.

At this moment, there was a moment of silence in the room.Everyone stared at Li Yunlin and Zhang Yalan.Watching Zhang Yalan grab Li Yunlin's hand and place it on her stomach.And look at their gazes at each other.

Du Ziyuan looked at them and thought, this is the best, this is the best!

Only Xiao Yuanyuan doesn't care about this.She pouted, walked up to Liang Shitou, grabbed his ear with one hand, and said fiercely: "Brother Shitou, you know now, don't you know? My aunt is a good person! You are alone You're a fool!" As she said so, she grabbed Liang Shitou's ears and kept shaking them.

After many years, it has become a habit for Xiao Yuanyuan to bully Liang Shitou by the ear.

She would twist his ears and say, "Look at how tall you are, how stupid you are! You're so stupid!" You don’t understand, your eyes, you can’t understand! How can my dad like you, an idiot!”

Liang Shitou was bullied by her, so he counterattacked and said, "Don't be so cruel to me. I bathed you when you were young, and I know what you look like when you are naked!" After speaking, he laughed and ran away. into another room.

Xiao Yuanyuan screamed and chased after him, pinned him on the bed, and hit him on the head with her arms.

This situation continued until they became husband and wife.

However, there are not many times when they can be entangled together as a couple.Liang Shitou focuses on Japan, while Xiao Yuanyuan mainly works in Europe.By then, they had already used quite a few names.So, I don't know what their names are now.

That night, Zuo Shaoqing sat quietly in Du Ziyuan's room in the guest house of the provincial military region.The two lovers of nearly 20 years can finally sit face to face.

At this time, You Shaoqing was at Wang's house, bathing and washing Xiao Yuanyuan, and coaxing her to sleep.

Zhang Yalan and Xiao Fanbing, Liu Qiuyue and Hu Guanglin had already taken the afternoon train back to Nanjing.

During this day, Director Ge cast a large net across the city of Wuhan, looking for Meng Wei and Tu Hexiang, code-named "Water Hyacinth", but there was no trace of them.Another piece of bad news is that Wei Mingshui and his three team members also escaped.

Du Ziyuan looked at Zuo Shaoqing opposite, and asked softly, "Where do you think they will go?"

Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while and said: "I reckon, they all went to Nanjing. Taiwan gave Zhao Minggui the place to retreat to Nanjing. Tu Hexiang was originally in Nanjing. He is the representative of 'Water Hyacinth'. I judge, 'Water Hyacinth' At least I have a foothold in Nanjing, and I may have gone to Nanjing now."

Du Ziyuan asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Zuo Shaoqing smiled and said, "Qiuyue and Yalan have already gone to Nanjing today. I want to go back to Nanjing tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. And you, are you going to Nanjing too?"

Du Ziyuan said: "I may stay here for a few more days to see if Lao Li and Director Ge of the Public Security Bureau have achieved anything in these few days. Then I have to go back to Beijing to report on my work."

When he said this, he couldn't help sighing, and said: "I have two tasks in Wuhan. One is to find the 'water hyacinth' and dig him out. The other is to find you and find out the death of Ruan Qibo in South Vietnam. The reason. However, these two tasks have not been completed completely. The 'water hyacinth' was found, that is, Meng Wei, but now it is missing. Looking for you, I also found it, but I don't know the crucial film Where. These two tasks are actually one task, which is to ensure that the negotiations on atomic weapons between China and the Soviet Union can proceed smoothly.”

Hearing what Du Ziyuan said, Zuo Shaoqing also became anxious.That crucial film, which she had been hiding on her body all along, was accidentally lost at the last moment.Although the judgment was in Tu Hexiang's hands, Tu Hexiang is nowhere to be seen now!That's what she got in exchange for her life after narrowly escaped death!

Thinking of this, she had to say: "So, I must go to Nanjing as soon as possible to find that film."

At this time, there was a silence in the room.An indescribable embarrassment, ripples generally spread between them.After all, the situation in front of them and the tasks on their shoulders were all too clear to these two experienced intelligence personnel.They don't have to repeat them at all.They said this and that, all to cover up the inexplicable embarrassment between them.

Du Ziyuan finally smiled and said, "I didn't expect Xiao Yuanyuan to be so beautiful, I like it so much. What about you?"

Zuo Shaoqing turned to look at the dark night outside the window, restraining the sourness in his heart, and reluctantly said: "My sister's daughter, how can I not like it? She is just like a doll."

At this time, Du Ziyuan leaned over to her, lowered his head halfway, looked into her eyes attentively, and said, "Fengying, can you give me a chance? Ever since we broke up in Luofengling, I have always been in my heart." thinking of you."

Zuo Shaoqing wanted to step back a little.But this couch is only so long, and she has nowhere to retreat even if she wants to.

Du Ziyuan moved closer to her and said, "Fengying, I know that you have always been concerned about your sister. But you also knew the situation at that time. You had to do that, and I had to cooperate with you. However, I also To be honest, it is because You Shao is really beautiful and looks so similar to you. But I have always only had you in my heart. Fengying, I can swear to the sky that my heart is all in you. Fengying Ying, I beg you, give me a chance."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him, but couldn't speak, just leaned back.

Du Ziyuan was already very close to her, so close that she smelled each other, and could even hear her heartbeat.He finally put his arms around her shoulders, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her lips lightly.He held her face, not letting her dodge.He felt that he could see her heart from her eyes.

Zuo Shaoqing's face was flushed, and his breathing gradually became short of breath.She reluctantly said, "Not good, not good."

But Du Ziyuan immediately picked her up and walked towards the bed.

When he put her on the bed and unbuttoned her shirt one by one, she felt dazed and dizzy, and felt the night wind outside the window slowly flowing through her fiery body.When Du Ziyuan leaned over, the long-awaited memory enveloped her so wonderfully, Hong Shankui's fierce attack, Wang Zhenqing's gentle temptation, all coiled and burned in her body like wind and fire.

In front of her, who was probing gently and attacking fiercely was Du Ziyuan, the man she had kept in her heart for nearly 20 years.The sour feeling that had been produced in her sister's hand was now passing through her whole body like an electric current.

Zuo Shaoqing vaguely remembered that sooner or later, she would tell her sister about today's incident, just like how her sister once described to her the first entanglement with their favorite brother.However, she can no longer remember the process just now.She only remembered the lights on the ceiling flickering on and off, shaking from side to side.She seemed to be sitting on Yu Zhidao's lifeboat, feeling the ups and downs and swaying of the waves.Her last memory is that she hugged her brother's body so hard, bearing his last blow.

The next afternoon, Sister Zuo Shaoqing took the same train that Zhang Yalan and Liu Qiuyue took, and returned to Nanjing.

The train was moving "bang bang", the cabin was very noisy, and the smell of smoke and sweat filled the air.The luggage racks were full of bundles and travel bags.The bamboo baskets were stuffed under the seats, and the chickens and ducks in the bamboo baskets poked out their heads from the net ropes, clucking and clucking.The old man squatting on the seat rolled the tobacco leaves with a newspaper and spewed choking smoke.The conductor yelled and squeezed through the cracks in the aisle.

Zuo Shaoqing and his sister sat facing each other by the window, looking at each other.They also light a cigarette for themselves to resist the spicy tobacco smell.My sister's eyes are like deep lakes with a look of inquiry hidden.But Zuo Shaoqing couldn't muster up the courage to tell his sister what happened last night.

She thought, wait until later, there will always be a chance to tell her sister in the future.She tried hard to guess what kind of expression her sister would have at that time, but she couldn't figure it out.The guess in her mind was that it must be weird and strange.

At noon the next day, the train finally arrived in Nanjing.Sister Zuo Shaoqing walked out of the station with the torrent of passengers.They saw that Zhang Yalan and Liu Qiuyue were waiting for them at the exit.

Zhang Yalan drove them in a jeep and took them directly to the guest house of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau.

The room Zhang Yalan arranged for them was very spacious, there were actually two rooms inside and outside.

She smiled and said, "Sister, live more comfortably. I still have this right."

After everything settled down, Sister Zuo Shaoqing, Zhang Yalan, Xiao Fanbing, Liu Qiuyue, and Hu Guanglin sat down on the sofa outside and began to discuss the current tasks.

Zuo Shaoqing looked at the people around him, only Chen Sanhu was not there.I feel really sad for him.This ugly, rogue-looking Chen Sanhu once said to her: "Master, remember what I said. You hold my head, Chen Sanhu, in your hand. Whenever you want to hear a sound, you can just pick it up." But it's hard to fall. If I don't give you a crisp, I'll be in the crotch..." He grinned with a big mouth, as if it was right in front of his eyes.

She said softly, "Our group is all here, but the three tigers are gone."

The people sitting around the round table were silent, and they were all thinking about Chen Sanhu's generous attitude.

Qiuyue said in a low voice: "That morning, I should have let him sleep a little longer, it would be fine."

Hu Guanglin waved his hand and said, "It's thanks to him that he arrived early that day, so he set his sights on that fat man surnamed Tu."

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