When Hu Guanglin spoke, he was also a little sad, "I used to think that he had no ability, he just ate and slept. He looked like a rascal. But that morning, he was the one who found that Zhao Minggui first. Hey, this guy, I really miss him now."

You Shaoqing said: "It's because of him that I can see my sister. Sister, is there anyone else in his family?"

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head, "I've never heard him say that there are still people at home. There should be no one left. Okay, let's not talk about that. Let's talk about our current situation. Yalan, when we arrive in Nanjing, we will all Listen to you."

Zhang Yalan smiled and said: "Sister, I have mobilized all the people I can mobilize. I have also reported the current situation to our director and bureau chief, and they are very supportive. Now we are focusing on one thing. One of Tu Hexiang’s old hardware and electrical stores is his home, and we have arranged people to monitor it day and night. In addition, there is another place, which is the retreat place for Zhao Minggui from Taiwan, No. 12, Xiaofenqiao Second Lane.”

Zuo Shaoqing asked: "Who lives in this place?"

Zhang Yalan said: "The head of the household at this location is Lu Zetai, an employee of the Yangtze River Shipping Company. We investigated and found no problems with him. If he hadn't been mentioned in Taiwan's telegram to Zhao Minggui, we might have difficulty Pay attention to this person. We have arranged people near his home and workplace to monitor him."

Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while, and said: "There is another person, you should also pay attention to, that is Qian Yuhong." She looked up at Liu Qiuyue, and said: "Qiuyue and I have always had a feeling that she and 'Shui Hulu should be related. Now we know that 'Water Hyacinth' is called Meng Wei. But this is his current name. What is his real name, we don't know. If Qian Yuhong really has a relationship with 'Water Hyacinth' relationship, maybe we can find clues from her."

Zhang Yalan immediately said, "No problem, I'll arrange someone when I get back today. Sis," she said with a corner of her mouth raised, "From last night until now, we haven't found anything yet."

Zuo Shaoqing smiled, "Don't worry, take your time. These few clues in Nanjing are all related to them. I feel that they will show up sooner or later. Yalan, the point is that fat man surnamed Tu."

Zhang Yalan nodded, "I know. He took your things!"

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing's face became serious.She looked at everyone around her and said, "There is one thing I want to remind everyone that this 'water hyacinth' is a very cunning person. Whether it is the explosion at the Wuhan Institute of Physics or the explosion at Nuomi Lane, it is very important." The planning is extremely precise. Now he, Tu Hexiang, and even Wei Mingshui and others are all in the dark, and we must prevent them from attacking us secretly. Everyone should be careful."

Everyone at the table looked at her and nodded silently.

Three days later, the Tu Hexiang mentioned by Zuo Shaoqing quietly returned to Nanjing.

At the end of May, Nanjing has entered the yellow plum season.In this season, the weather is always cloudy, and it will rain from time to time.The streets are always wet, as if washed with water.Most of the people who went out carried an oilcloth umbrella in their hand, or had a raincoat on their arm.In such weather, the air is always moist and clean.

The fat and bloated Tu Hexiang carried a canvas schoolbag on his shoulders, like a person who just got off work and was walking home.But his small eyes looked back and forth, left and right, warily.

That day, two gunshots from the distant roof made him extremely nervous.Through the mirror, he saw Cui Shisan let go of the two children's hands.The two children rushed towards the two women in the distance.He recognized the woman with the curly hair as Zuo Shaoqing.He stepped on his foot and started the car with a bang.He hoped that Cui Shisan would shoot quickly.He did see Cui Shisan raise his carbine.

However, there was another shot from the top of the building.He saw Cui Shisan fall backwards.He understood that the operation had failed and there was no chance.He stepped on the gas pedal, and the pickup rushed out like crazy.

Tu Hexiang had a huge doubt in his heart, who is the person who appeared on the roof of the building?In his panic, all he saw was this man standing on the roof, holding a rifle in his hand.Did the Public Security Bureau set up an ambush there?The thought terrified him.

There was a second huge doubt in his mind.As he drove out of Nuomi Lane and eventually turned onto Main Street, he heard a loud explosion behind him.But he never dared to go back to see the result, fleeing for his life was his biggest priority now.However, did the time bomb kill Zuo Shaoqing?He has no idea.

That day, he drove the pickup truck to the south, the farther away from Wuhan the safer.From Wuhan to the south, you can go directly to Xianning City.But he did not go to Xianning City, but turned to Guanbuqiao Town in the north of Xianning, and then went west.The pickup truck would eventually be found by the Public Security Bureau, and he hoped to give the impression of going west.Not long after, he arrived at Tingsiqiao Town.He drove a truck through the town of Tingsiqiao.

In the wilderness outside town, he dumped the pickup truck on the side of the road and turned back.He went east again through Tingsiqiao Town, and then boarded a long-distance bus heading east.

Along the way, he changed several long-distance buses and finally arrived in Nanjing three days later.He stayed in a small inn in the suburbs of Nanjing.Because there is a third huge doubt in his heart.

Before the Nuomi Lane operation, he was the "bait"! Mr. "Shui" gave him extremely precise instructions, that is, to lure Zuo Shaoqing to Nuomi Lane and then eliminate him.However, this shows that someone knows him!

Thinking of this made Tu Hexiang's scalp numb and his mouth dry.The fear of death followed him like a shadow, even hiding in his heart.It also made him toss and turn in this small inn in the suburbs of Nanjing, unable to sleep peacefully.

He thought until midnight, gradually clearing his mind.First, the two men and women who asked him for money found him, but the girl ran away with the money.Tu Hexiang believed that she most likely described his appearance to the Public Security Bureau.Second, when he and Cui Shisan hijacked the two children, they might have remembered their appearance and described it to the Public Security Bureau.Third, Wei Mingshui may have already been under surveillance by the Public Security Bureau.damn it!It is precisely because of the above three points that it is possible for him to lure Zuo Shaoqing to Nuomi Lane! Mr. "Water" must have judged in the same way!

So, the next question is, those who already know his appearance, whether it is the Public Security Bureau or Zuo Shaoqing, do they know that he will go to Nanjing?Do you know that his residence is in Nanjing?

Tu Hexiang thought it over and over again, thinking it was impossible.He had covered his escape route.Cui Shisan is dead.No one knew he would go to Nanjing.Thinking of this, Tu Hexiang felt more at ease.

At noon the next day, after having lunch, he decided to go to his old hardware, electrical and electronic store in Confucius Temple to have a look.He guessed that Mr. "Shui" might have returned to Nanjing, and he might leave new instructions for him in his shop.He must know what to do next.

When Tu Hexiang arrived at the Confucius Temple in Nanjing, it was already close to evening in the afternoon.The sun is already westward.But the pedestrians in the Confucius Temple were as crowded as ever, and the small shops on the street were also lively and busy.He looked around cautiously and walked in.

He'd seen his junk hardware store.Stores are still open.His employees would work until ten o'clock at night before closing the shop with the door panels.He looked around, but couldn't see anything unusual.

Just when Tu Hexiang was about to walk towards his shop, a person passing by him whispered, "Mr. Tu, follow me." Then he walked over.

At this moment, Tu Hexiang was so startled that the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he felt a chill on his back.He was recognized unexpectedly!Fortunately, he was experienced and didn't make a frightened expression.He turned around slowly and looked at the man's back.He vaguely remembered that the man had a full beard and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses.He hesitated for a second, then decided to follow that person.He judged that that person must not be a public security officer.

He followed the man, walking slowly through the busy and crowded alley.Finally, he saw the man walk into a small teahouse.When the man entered, he looked back at him.

There are not many customers in the small teahouse.When Tu Hexiang sat across from that person, he vaguely noticed that the beard on his face was glued on.He immediately had a judgment in his mind that this person's appearance had been leaked and he needed to cover it up.

The man looked at Tu Hexiang calmly, and said softly, "My surname is 'Shui'."

Tu Hexiang was shocked.He didn't expect that through the disguise, this person who looked about 45 years old was his superior, "Water Hyacinth", who had only seen words and disappeared all these years.His superhuman intelligence, his precise planning, and his understanding and mastery of the overall situation all made him admire.

Tu Hexiang stared at him dumbfounded, and said, "It's Mr. Shui!"

Mr. "Shui" still looked at him so calmly, and said, "Tell me about the operation process of Nuomi Lane."

Tu Hexiang shook his head uneasily, "Mr. 'Shui', I don't know the result. At that time..."

Mr. "Water" shook his head, "I know the result, I failed. I just want to know the process."

Tu Hexiang looked at him even more uneasily, "At that time, everything was normal and it was within your plan. According to your request, I was waiting in the truck. Both Shi San and I saw that Zuo Shaoqing appear, and we were all in It was within your plan. Later, Shisan came out with those two children. I know, he was waiting for a chance to do something. But, for some reason, two shots were fired on the third floor over there. "

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