Double Agent Saga

569、Mr. Shui

Tu Hexiang recalled the scene at that time, and continued: "Later, I saw a man appearing upstairs with a rifle in his hand. Shi San was also about to shoot Zuo Shaoqing. But that man beat him first. Shi San Three was beaten to death by that man. I had no choice but to drive away in the truck. Then, after a few minutes, I heard the sound of an explosion...Mr. Water, the explosion didn't work either?"

Mr. "Water" shook his head and did not speak again.

Tu Hexiang looked at him in surprise, but was also speechless.What a fate that Zuo Shaoqing had!He was not killed by the bomb!He had more questions in his mind.How did Mr. "Water" know this result?He is there?

Mr. "Water" silently looked out the window.He is an extremely intelligent man.He immediately understood why the operation had failed.No one would believe it, it turned out that this operation was set up "too" precisely!

The setting of covert operations should always be as precise and detailed as possible. This is the basic common sense of secret service organizations and operators.But fuck it!There is also a question of proportion!Once the plan is "too" sophisticated, it may backfire!This measure is not something that everyone can grasp.

If Mr. "Shui" thought quietly, if he didn't let Zhao Minggui go to ambush on the roof of the three-story building, the situation might be completely different.Even if the other party saw that Nuomi Lane was a trap and searched on the roof, they couldn't find anything abnormal.In particular, they wouldn't be able to get that sniper rifle.Even if they saw Cui Shisan preparing to shoot, there was nothing he could do.Cui Shisan may successfully kill Zuo Shaoqing!damn it!This is the fate that makes him unconvinced!

Mr. "Water" wanted to understand this point, but he didn't want to say it out loud.

This is the case with all the officials in the world, and they will not expose their shortcomings.They will only be more cruel in their hearts.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I know the process."

Tu Hexiang asked cautiously: "Mr. 'Shui', how do you know that Nuomi Lane...failed?"

Mr. "Shui" looked at him calmly, "I saw them outside the guest house of Nanjing Public Security Bureau. There were quite a few of them, and they all came. Among them was Zuo Shaoqing and her younger sister." .That bomb didn't hurt their fur." ​​His voice was too low to hear.

Tu Hexiang was almost terrified.He asked: "Have they come to Nanjing?" This situation was beyond his expectation.For him, Nanjing is no longer a safe place. "Then, what shall we do next?"

Mr. "Shui" took out a small paper square from his pocket, handed it to Tu Hexiang, and said, "We have one more chance. This is the next step, and you are responsible for carrying it out." He paused for a moment, his eyes darkened Staring at Tu Hexiang, "Mr. Tu, this time, we must succeed!"

Tu Hexiang unfolded the small paper square and glanced at it.The note was indeed written in pencil that he was familiar with.It was only at this time that he finally decided that the person opposite was indeed Mr. "Shui".

He quickly read the contents of the note, looked at Mr. "Shui" with some surprise, and whispered: "You personally participated in this operation? It may be dangerous!"

Mr. "Shui" smiled lightly, "I want to ensure the success of this operation!"

Tu Hexiang's small eyes blinked, "But, I don't have a weapon, what should I do?"

Mr. "Water" was clearly prepared for this.He took out a cloth bag from his canvas handbag and handed it to Tu Hexiang from the table, "This is for you."

Tu Hexiang took the cloth bag in his hand and weighed it. It was heavy, obviously it was a pistol.He looked around, put the cloth bag into his leather bag, and said, "Okay, I'll contact you tonight." He glanced at the note, "The address is the warehouse of Changjiang Shipping Company, Lu Zetai?"

Mr. "Shui" nodded to him, "It's him. You have to be more careful, and nothing will happen."

Tu Hexiang nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, I will be cautious."

Speaking of which, this Tu Hexiang is also a very alert and shrewd person.He thought for a while and asked again: "Mr. 'Shui', why did you meet me here and not give me a note like in the past?"

Mr. "Shui" curled his lips and said: "I feel that your hardware store may not be safe. I walked outside your store twice, and I feel very bad. Zuo Shaoqing and the others have already arrived in Nanjing. Will not be eyeing your store. So, I suggest, you better not go to the store anymore."

Upon hearing this, Tu Hexiang felt pain in his heart.This is his shop, there is a lot of turnover every day, which can make him a lot of money.He very much hopes to maintain the situation before he went to Wuhan.On the other hand, he spent a lot of money on his trip to Wuhan this time, and his money is running out.He can't get the money without going back to the store.He once got some extra money by accident in Wuhan, but was accidentally stolen by that little whore.Thinking about it now, it still hurts him.

However, these things, compared with their own safety, are small things after all.At this time, he thought of another thing.

He said: "Mr. 'Shui', I accidentally got a microfilm in Wuhan. I don't know what it contains. But it seems that someone is looking for this film. A telegram from the headquarters, let me give you this film."

When Tu Hexiang said this, he vaguely saw Mr. "Shui"'s eyes flash like lightning behind his black-rimmed glasses.But he immediately lowered his head and hid his gaze.Tu Hexiang felt his nerves jump up.He believed that this film must be extremely important.

Mr. "Shui" looked out the window and asked, "Did you bring the film?"

Tu Hexiang watched him carefully, and said, "I didn't bring it with me, it was hidden in my luggage."

Mr. "Water" nodded and said casually: "You take it with you next time, and give it to me when we meet next time. I need to find a way to develop this film and see if it is important."

Tu Hexiang asked: "So, when will I hand it over to you?"

"Shui" had already made the appearance of leaving, and said: "You can just carry it with you, and I will find you. Now I am leaving, please sit down for a while, and contact Lu Zetai tonight."

Mr. "Shui" left the teahouse silently.

Through the window, Tu Hexiang watched him quickly disappear among the pedestrians on the street, without a trace.He looked carefully at the contents of the note again to confirm that he had memorized it all, then struck a match and burned the note.

At this time, he thought of the microfilm, and made up his mind.

If his store was indeed under surveillance by plainclothes police, then not only would he lose his income, he would not even be able to return home.As a result, he has no store, no home, no career, and no money.He has almost nothing now!Damn, all I have now is this little film!Maybe, the rest of my life will be pinned on this little film!This is something that Tu Hexiang must consider.

When Tu Hexiang left this small teahouse, it was already completely dark.He walked in a hurry, hoping to establish contact with Lu Zetai tonight.As for the small film, I can only think about it tomorrow.Judging from the contents of the small note, the operation planned by Mr. "Shui" actually started this evening.

Tu Hexiang had something on his mind and was in a hurry to hurry, so he didn't notice Liu Qiuyue who was standing in the shadow across the street and was staring at him dumbfounded.He almost walked past her.

Liu Qiuyue tonight was actually just a routine inspection.

Zhang Yalan has already arranged plainclothes public security personnel in all the places that need attention to secretly monitor.Therefore, Liu Qiuyue's mission was to take a look around the scrap hardware store.She is in charge of patrolling the area.After all, she met Tu Hexiang.Lao Hu is in charge of patrolling No. 12, Xiaofenqiao Second Lane.They had to report to Zhang Yalan every night about the day's inspections.As a result, she saw Tu Hexiang very unexpectedly on the night of the third day of inspection.

At the beginning, she only saw Tu Hexiang's bloated back looming among the pedestrians in the evening.But she had followed Tu Hexiang, and this figure immediately alerted her.After that, I saw him enter a small teahouse.

After the sky gradually darkened, she walked back and forth twice outside the window of the small teahouse.She saw Tu Hexiang, and saw him talking in a low voice with a bearded man.

At this time, Liu Qiuyue's heart became entangled.These two people will break up sooner or later, which one will she follow?Which of them is more important?She dared not leave here to find the phone, fearing that the two would have disappeared by the time she returned.She could only stand quietly in the shadows across the street and observe, wondering which one she would eventually follow.

When the two broke up, she still decided to follow Tu Hexiang.There is only one reason, Tu Hexiang has Zuo Shaoqing's lost film in his hand.She always felt guilty about it, thinking that the film was lost from her hands.Zuo Shaoqing even got seriously ill because of this film.Therefore, she must track down Tu Hexiang.

However, Liu Qiuyue followed all the way, but lost her target near the Yangtze River Shipping Company.

In this area, there are fewer pedestrians at night, so she dare not follow too closely.But it is very difficult to follow people in a quiet side street.Therefore, she suspected that it was Tu Hexiang who found her and dumped her.She walked around the nearby streets a few times, but she couldn't see anything unusual, so she had to go back to the Guest House of the Public Security Bureau and report to Zuo Shaoqing as soon as possible.

On the night before Liu Qiuyue came back, only Sister Zuo Shaoqing was left in the guest room of Nanjing Public Security Bureau.They sat quietly at the table, while smoking a cigarette, while telling each other their respective experiences in the past few years.These days, whenever they had the opportunity to be alone together, they would talk intermittently about their past experiences.

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