Double Agent Saga

63. Hemostasis

Liang Jicheng, who is about to run into a catastrophe, has been in Hangzhou for the past few days. 【】

He went to Hangzhou to transfer funds.He quietly and unobtrusively visited those underground banks.

The amount of arms purchased is huge.For the sake of safety, these funds have to be broken up and transferred in small amounts through different underground banks.Although this matter is very troublesome, it has generally been negotiated.In the next step, once the arms deal has taken shape, the transfer of funds can be initiated.

From a small vendor by the West Lake in Hangzhou, he bought a wooden waist knife, about two feet long, with exquisite workmanship.He knew his son liked this, he was a boy after all.

With his back facing forward, Liang Jicheng sat on the train back to Nanjing.The external scenery he saw gradually faded away.The eyes below are like his life that is about to die.

He was secretly worried about his son.He also thought of his brother's words from time to time.He is indeed living on the tip of a knife, but this life is his inevitable choice, and it is the same to live again.He thought, be more cautious, even if it is for his son.

However, let me tell you officials, no amount of caution can change his fate.He didn't realize until the end that he was doomed to sacrifice.

When Liang Jicheng returned to Nanjing, he did not go to his brother's house first.He first returned to his home in Nanpu West Lane.

This is an old house, which used to be a restaurant, but because the business was negotiable, it was converted into a house for rent by the landlord.People in the neighborhood call this house an "old restaurant".Inside and outside the house, dilapidated and messy.There were more than a dozen households living in the house who were not well-off, and they were noisy and noisy all day long.But for Liang Jicheng, it was a good cover.

Liang Jicheng called his assistant Zhao Guang, and told him about the transfer of funds one by one.Tell him to start transferring funds when he receives his notification.After it was completely dark, he broke up with Zhao Guang and went to his brother's house.

As soon as Liang Jicheng entered the door, he noticed that the atmosphere in his brother's house was not right, and he was deserted and uneasy.The elder brother was not there, and the sister-in-law showed panic and help on her face, her eyes fixed on his face for a long time before letting him in.When he asked, he realized that his brother had been missing for more than ten days.

His sister-in-law told him that he had already reported the case to the police station.The police responded that there had been no recent robberies or homicides.Police promised to continue the search at a later date, but it could take a long time.

Liang Ji suddenly became suspicious.The sister-in-law has lost her mind, and she looked at him suspiciously in silence, which made him feel a chill down his spine.The son sat quietly with the wooden waist knife in his hand, his eyes only turned on the faces of the aunt and father.The six-year-old child has already noticed the abnormality at home.

Liang Jicheng didn't dare to stay longer, so he hurriedly said goodbye and went out.He thought to himself, is this because of me?It was a coincidence that my brother disappeared just a few days after I left.He carefully looked behind him, but found no suspicious person.

Liang Jicheng didn't know that the person following him was not behind him, but in front of him and on the other side of the street.

From the moment Liang Jicheng entered the door of the small courtyard, there was a burst of excitement in the opposite surveillance point.The surveillance spies all became nervous, lying on the mouth and watching carefully.While they sent someone to call back to report, they first asked two people to guard the alley and the opposite road, ready to follow.

Zuo Shaoqing received the call and immediately ordered more manpower.Some secret agents rushed to the vicinity of Nanpu West Lane by car, set up eyeliner on the road that Liang Jicheng might take, and prepared to relay on the way.Therefore, after Liang Jicheng left his brother's house, it was impossible to find someone following him on the road.He didn't know that there were as many as a dozen spies relaying and covering.

At this time, You Shaoqing also received a report that a suspicious person had come to Liang Fucheng's house.She also immediately ordered more manpower.But her men couldn't get close to Liang Jicheng.

The on-site commander of the second group is Chen Sanhu.Taking advantage of the thick night, he led a few spies to follow Liang Jicheng from a distance as a cover.He knew that this matter was of great importance to the second group, so he didn't dare to take it lightly.The brothers around him found a group of people, he raised his arms and immediately ordered to block them.

A group of agents tried to pass them and approach the target.Chen Sanhu waved his hand in the dark, and several spies from the second group rushed over, punching the spies to the ground.

A group of spies rushed forward angrily to support.Chen Sanhu pulled out his pistol first, squinted his eyes and shouted in a low voice: "If you dare to move, I will kill you right now!"

Seeing this posture, a group of people did not dare to insist on it, and hurriedly called back to report.

When You Shaoqing got the news, he was furious and dropped the phone with a "bang".She rushed into Zuo Shaoqing's office and yelled, "Zuo Shaoqing, what do you want!"

Zuo Shaoqing also stood up and stared at her coldly, "Just say what you have to do, don't yell."

You Shaoqing was furious, "Your Chen Sanhu, why did you block our people! What do you mean?"

Zuo Shaoqing immediately understood what was going on, "This is our task, why do your people rush forward?"

"Are you doing this to let that person go!"

"You're talking nonsense! Tell your people not to interfere with our actions, or I won't be polite!"

"you dare!"

"Try it! Do I dare!"

You Shaoqing stared at her, but couldn't think of anything.She turned and went out, slamming the door hard.

Zuo Shaoqing's face was stern, his brain hissed like a howling wind, and his chest was burning with worry.She stood alone in the silent office, motionless.She felt that the danger was like the wind outside, rushing towards her.She understands that she has a way to go.

At this time, Ye Gongjin was sitting in the office, smiling at Cheng Yunfa and You Shaoqing.One of them looked stern, and the other was angry.

Ye Gongjin said gently: "Young Master, don't be angry, don't be angry. The advice you gave me is very good, and I'm very happy. You suggested that I leave that person to your sister. Then, why are you in a hurry at this time?"

You Shaoqing was calm and introverted, controlled the anger in his heart, still shook his head and said: "Director, I'm afraid she will release the suspect privately!"

Ye Gongjin smiled slightly, "Young Master You, you should know your sister better. I believe she will not release the suspect privately. Let's wait, shall we?"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside.Ye Gongjin turned around and said, "Come in."

Zuo Shaoqing walked into the office.Seeing Cheng Yunfa and You Shaoqing still in the room, he stopped for a while and stared at them with alert and suspicious eyes.

Ye Gongjin smiled and said, "Young Master Zuo, I was just mentioning you, and you just came, just in time. Come in. I guess, you must have good news for me." He paused, and asked softly, "What is it?"

Zuo Shaoqing was silent for a moment, and finally said softly: "Director, the brothers below reported that someone went to Liang Fucheng's house tonight. We tracked this person and found his residence. I judge that he may be Liang Fucheng's younger brother. "

Ye Gongjin clapped her hands and laughed loudly, "Okay, okay. What are you going to do?"

Zuo Shaoqing said: "Listen to the director's instructions."

Ye Gongjin shook her head and said, "No, no, I want to hear your opinion, so go ahead."

Zuo Shaoqing looked up at Cheng Yunfa and You Shaoqing who were beside him, and said softly: "Director, my opinion is that one is to arrest him now. The other is to wait a while and then arrest him in a few days. I think it is better to arrest now." good."

Ye Gongjin's heart skipped a beat, this is what he was thinking at this time.But he didn't want to conform to Zuo Shaoqing.His mind was coiled in his chest, weighing the pros and cons.He turned his head to Cheng Yunfa and You Shaoqing, "You two, what's your opinion?"

Cheng Yunfa nodded, "Director, I agree with the arrest, and arrest it now."

Ye Gongjin nodded, and turned to You Shaoqing, "You Shao, what's your opinion?"

You Shaoqing looked up at Zuo Shaoqing, looking for flaws in her eyes.But in his heart he was like a chess master, calculating step by step, judging the pros and cons of each step. "Director," she said softly, "I hope it might be better to wait until later."

Zuo Shaoqing's heart sank, feeling that this younger sister was more cunning and shrewd than she had imagined.

Everything in the world is the same.Once you make a mistake, the top priority is to terminate.The damage has been done and the bleeding must be stopped as soon as possible.Although Liang Fucheng's younger brother is his own, he has been exposed.The only way to stop the bleeding is to arrest him immediately so as not to spread to others.This was what Zuo Shaoqing was thinking at this time.She guessed that You Shaoqing had also reached this point.

Ye Gongjin turned around with a smile on her face, "Master Zuo, do you agree with this opinion?"

Zuo Shaoqing said softly: "Director, I'm worried, nights are long and dreams are many."

You Shaoqing immediately shouted, "What do you have to worry about! You have sent so many people, can't you keep an eye on him alone? Let me tell you, our group will not compete with you for this merit, and we will block the periphery. Never let him get away!"

The sisters stared sharply at each other, contesting in the silent blinding light.

Ye Gongjin looked back at Zuo Shaoqing, and said softly, "Young Master Zuo, I also agree to wait until later."

Zuo Shaoqing stared at Ye Gongjin and said calmly, "Understood." After speaking, he turned and left the office.

Ye Gongjin turned her head to look at You Shaoqing, "You Shao, I hope, as you said, to seal off the perimeter. No one can escape."

Zuo Shaoqing returned to his office and stood quietly in front of him, looking out at the dark night.At this time, her whole body was as hard as cement, only the deep part of her mind was churning, thinking about countermeasures.

If that person was really Liang Fucheng's younger brother, he returned to his elder brother's house and left in a hurry after only staying for a few minutes.Zuo Shaoqing couldn't help thinking that he was most likely already alert.So, what will he do next?Zuo Shaoqing soon felt that he would run.But this is what she cannot allow.However, this is also an opportunity for her.The sister game has reached the tip of the knife at this time.She can't lose!

As she guessed, Liang Jicheng did feel the danger.The disappearance of his brother must not be a coincidence, but a serious warning to him.After he returned to his home above the old restaurant, he thought for a while and started to pack his things.Only now did he discover that he had a large number of documents to be destroyed, mainly account books and records of fund transfers.He moved the pieces into the kitchenette and started burning them.

In the middle of the night, Zuo Shaoqing left Honggong Temple.Instead of going home, she went to the "revolving door".In fact, she had already made up her mind to arrest him tomorrow morning.Although Ye Gongjin asked her to wait, but she will be outside, and the king's life will not accept it.The only thing she can do now is to stop the bleeding.

In the "revolving door", some restaurants or shops have been closed, only the music is still flying in the dance hall, and the dancers are slowly spinning under the dim colored lights.Others sat at small tables around them, whispering ghostly in the dark.A singer, standing on a small stage, twisted her waist, singing softly.

Zuo Shaoqing sat down in the corner and looked around quietly.After a while, a fat figure sat down beside her.Zhang Bowei blinked his small eyes, watching Zuo Shaoqing from the corner of his eyes from time to time.He is very strange, there is no appointment to meet today.

Zuo Shaoqing took a sip of coffee and said softly, "Nanpu West Alley, old restaurant, No. 12 upstairs. Who is this? I'm going to arrest people tomorrow morning. What should I do, you." After finishing speaking, she sat quietly After a while, he got up and left.

Zhang Bowei sat still.This is their previous agreement.If Zuo Shaoqing wants to arrest someone, he will be notified in advance.If this person is very important, Du Ziyuan will notify this person to retreat as soon as possible.But he also made an agreement with Du Ziyuan that the notice of such evacuation should be as little as possible to protect the "fishbone".

But to arrest people tomorrow morning, the time is too tight.Zhang Bowei considered for 10 minutes and decided to notify Du Ziyuan as soon as possible.He got up and left the ballroom, found a phone in the corner of the "revolving door" hall, and called Du Ziyuan.

When Du Ziyuan received the call at home, he was a little puzzled.In his memory, no one of his own lives in Nanpu West Lane.But he still made a few phone calls, which were both inquiries and warnings, and no one should approach Nanpu West Lane.But it is true that no one of my own lives in Nanpu West Lane.

At two o'clock in the morning, he suddenly thought, could it be Lao Li's person?He calls again.It was Lin Xiu who answered the phone.

At a little after two o'clock in the morning, Lin Xiu hurried upstairs to wake up Lao Li, "Old Li, Mr. Du called to ask, is there anyone in Nanpu West Lane?"

Shocked, Lao Li hurriedly turned over and sat up, and said nervously, "Yes, what's going on?"

Lin Xiu said in a low voice: "Mr. Du said that the secret service will arrest someone in the morning. If this person is important, he must be notified immediately to withdraw. If it is not important, then give up."

Old Li opened his mouth wide, "This man is very important, he cannot be arrested."

Lao Li immediately dressed and got out of bed, called his guards, and told him to rush to Nanpu West Lane immediately, and inform Liang Jicheng to retreat without delay.

To put it bluntly, the problem lies with this guard.

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