Lao Li's guards are all capable soldiers selected from the army. They were secretly transferred from the base area after Lao Li lived in the secret residence on Huayuan Road. 【】There are four of them.The guard that Lao Li ordered was surnamed Zheng, and he was the squad leader of the guard.

Squad leader Zheng listened to Lao Li's order and knew that the matter was urgent, so he quietly left the residence.When he saw people around, he ran away.But the problem is that he only came to Nanjing from the base area for about ten days, and he is not familiar with the streets of Nanjing.In addition, after twelve o'clock at night, the city of Nanjing is under martial law, and pedestrians are not allowed to go to the streets.Therefore, this squad leader Zheng took a long detour, and also took a little wrong way.When he arrived at Nanpu West Lane, it was already 04:30 in the morning.

Liang Jicheng has been cleaning things at home and destroying pieces.Some pieces could not be destroyed, so he picked them out and put them in a bag.At this moment, he heard very light footsteps outside the door, and someone knocked on the door lightly. The rhythm of knocking on the door was three short and one long.

Liang Jicheng hesitated for a second, then gently opened the door.When he saw that it was Lao Li's guard and he was sweating profusely, he knew something was wrong.He asked: "What's going on?"

Xiao Zheng replied: "The chief ordered you to retreat urgently. The secret agents will come to arrest you in the morning."

Liang Jicheng's expression changed drastically.When he turned his head, it was still dark.He was thinking, to arrest people in the morning, it should be after dawn, maybe there is still a little time.He whispered: "You help me, burn these documents. These documents cannot fall into the hands of secret agents."

Both men crowded into the kitchenette, hastily burning pieces.

Also at 04:30 in the morning, Zuo Shaoqing, who had not fallen asleep, received a call from Chen Sanhu.

Chen Sanhu said on the phone: "Master, I think it's a little bad."

Zuo Shaoqing immediately said: "Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!"

Chen Sanhu caught the point when he spoke.He said: "Master, a man came to the target's house just now, he came running, and he has already gone in. Another thing, the lights in the target's house were on all night. I went out just now, and the chimney of the target's house was smoking. I'm worried the target might run."

Zuo Shaoqing understood immediately.She said: "Hurry up and go back, everyone comes out and guards around the old restaurant. I'll take people there right away!" She pressed the phone hard, called Lucheng again, and ordered him to take people to Nanpu West Lane immediately, Meet her in East Alley. "Hurry up!" she growled and hung up the phone with a bang.

In Nanpu West Lane, Chen Sanhu led people out of the monitoring point.There were three of them, guarding both ends of the alleyway and behind the old restaurant.

This action of Chen Sanhu was immediately noticed by a group of people.One group of people does not know the exact location of the target, so they can only monitor the second group of people.As soon as the people in the second group moved, the people in the first group immediately understood that the situation had changed.

A group of spies ran out along the alleyway in the darkness and called You Shaoqing.

You Shaoqing got the call and rolled over from the bed.While getting dressed, he ordered the monitoring agents to block the surrounding streets.Then, she called Cheng Yunfa and asked him to bring someone over immediately.

Lu Cheng from the second group and Cheng Yunfa from the first group led people away from the Honggong Temple.They are only 10 minutes apart.Their cars rushed through the silent street one after another.

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, and the morning mist was like water, gathering dewdrops on the leaves by the roadside.The people in the car glanced over, only to see a piece of crystal dark green under the street lamp.

At a quarter past five in the morning, Nanpu West Lane was completely silent.The old restaurant is like a trapped beast, crouching in the darkness.When the east was showing a line of bluish white, there was a slight sound of cars from Nanpu East Lane.

When Zuo Shaoqing's car stopped in Nanpu East Lane, Lu Cheng also rushed over with his people.Zuo Shaoqing didn't speak, waved his hand, and took the lead to rush to the old restaurant in front.When approaching the old restaurant, she pointed to an alley, and immediately several spies ran into the alley and circled behind the old restaurant.

Chen Sanhu had already seen Zuo Shaoqing, ran out of the darkness in a hurry, and pointed to the upstairs of the old restaurant.

Zuo Shaoqing looked up, and saw a huge old building, only the lights were on in the two upper floors.She retreated to the side of the road and went to the roof, and sure enough, she saw blue smoke coming out of the chimney on the roof, which was somewhat conspicuous in the already blue sky.

Zuo Shaoqing turned around and asked, "People?"

Chen Sanhu nodded, "Yes."

Zuo Shaoqing waved his hand, "Go!"

Lu Cheng immediately rushed up with five or six spies, kicked open the door of the building with one kick, and rushed in.

Liang Jicheng and squad leader Zheng were still throwing pieces into the stove.There was a loud bang at the door downstairs, which startled them.Immediately they heard someone rushing up the stairs, and the sound of running in the building.

Liang Jicheng turned his head to Squad Leader Zheng, "Go! Go!"

Squad leader Zheng said: "Old Liang, you go first, I will block them."

Liang Jicheng was anxious, "Go and inform the chief! Go! Go!"

Squad leader Zheng didn't hesitate anymore, he ran into the house, opened an account, and crawled out loudly.He moved sideways along the waistline outside the building.

Liang Jicheng was in the kitchen. He gritted his teeth, threw the whole package into the stove, and stirred it vigorously with fire chopsticks.There was already a heavy knock on the door outside.He rushed forward and glanced out.Squad leader Zheng was still moving on his waist.He saw a few spies running over in the distance.

The agents pointed to the upstairs and shouted: "There are people upstairs! There are people upstairs!"

Liang Jicheng shouted: "Xiao Zheng, run!"

Squad leader Zheng stood on the edge of his waist, jumped up like a civet cat, and jumped onto the roof next to him.The roof tiles shattered and fell to the ground with a clatter.Squad leader Zheng turned over the ridge and ran to the other side.

The door behind Liang Jicheng slammed open and was smashed open.Several agents rushed in.Liang Jicheng knocked down the spy in front with his fist, but was quickly thrown to the ground by the spy rushing from behind.Two spies rushed forward and shot Squad Leader Zheng in the back.The sudden sound of gunfire broke the silence of dawn.

In the kitchen, a bucket of water was suddenly poured into the stove, and there was only a "boom", and the water vapor and ashes rushed to the roof.Then, another bucket of water was poured into the stove.The two spies covered their mouths and noses, and quickly took out the unburned pieces of paper from the stove.

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing was furious, with his hands on his waist, standing outside the door of the old restaurant.The gunshots from upstairs already made her feel a little bad. Something was out of her control, which she didn't allow.

Liu Qiuyue, who was standing behind her, already felt her anger, and looked around anxiously.

Lu Cheng rushed out of the old restaurant first, and yelled at Zuo Shaoqing: "Young master, I caught one, and the other ran away!"

Zuo Shaoqing roared angrily, "You bastard! Drive and chase!"

Lu Cheng hurriedly got into the car.Liu Qiuyue followed closely behind Zuo Shaoqing and got into the car.

The car roared, hurtling forward down the winding alley.The alleyway ahead is getting narrower.Lu Cheng didn't dare to slow down, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and turned the steering wheel quickly.When the car whizzed and turned a corner, everyone in the car saw that a person jumped off the roof in front of him.

When the man saw the speeding car, he turned around and ran to the other side. He rushed into a narrow alley quickly.

The car roared and stopped in front of the narrow alley.Zuo Shaoqing had already jumped out of the car and followed closely into the alley.

It was gradually getting brighter.There are some houses in the narrow alleys, and some early risers are already cleaning the toilets, lighting the stove outside the door, and setting breakfast on the small dining table.

When Zuo Shaoqing rushed into the narrow alley, the residents inside stared at her as if frozen.Zuo Shaoqing didn't slow down, she first jumped over a small dining table, then she jumped up vigorously, flying over a long formation of more than a dozen toilets, and the young woman who was bending over to clean the toilet.Both Lu Cheng and Liu Qiuyue were left far behind by her.

Zuo Shaoqing quickly walked through the alley and rushed out of the alley.But there were no escapees outside.When she regained her composure, she saw You Shaoqing rushing out from another alley.Before she had time to think about it, she reached out and pointed to the alley on the side of You Shaoqing, and rushed into the alley in front of her again.You Shaoqing didn't hesitate at all, and rushed into the alley in front of him.

You Shaoqing rushed here with his people, only a few minutes later than Zuo Shaoqing.As soon as she heard gunshots in the distance, she immediately jumped out of the car and ordered her spies to rush into the nearby alleys and block the surrounding intersections.She led the two of them, judged the direction of the gunshots, and rushed into another alley.

As soon as she rushed out of the alley, she saw Zuo Shaoqing rushing out of the alley in the distance, and her unquestionable gesture.She only remembered this when she rushed into the alley.

You Shaoqing ran wildly and rushed out of the alley.There is a small street in front of you.There are already pedestrians on the small street, and some people are busy at the door of their homes.There were no fleeing people nearby, and it didn't look like someone was running past here.She turned her head and saw Zuo Shaoqing also rushing out of the alley over there, looking around.

They looked at each other from a distance, their faces were covered with sweat, and they were all panting violently.Then, she saw Zuo Shaoqing pointing to the surrounding wall.It was clear to her that the fleeing people should be in the residential area within the walls.She saw Zuo Shaoqing stepping on the stone platform next to the wall and jumping onto the high wall.

You Shaoqing refused to show weakness.She moved to the side.There was a telegraph pole standing beside the wall, and she stood between the telegraph pole and the wall, spread her arms and legs, and climbed up to the roof in a few strokes.

The two young ministers, standing on the roof and the wall, echoed each other, and ran to the depths of the residential area.

They were really running, on roofs and walls.They overcame obstacles, flew over the roof, climbed onto the stage, and jumped up and down on the roofs of different heights, just like antelopes galloping on the cliffs.At this time, they all saw a black figure in the distance, also quickly crossing the roof and the wall, and the swift figure flickered.

Left and right Shaoqing rushed over there.They have run together, one behind the other.But in front is an old house.When You Shaoqing ran across the roof, the tiles under his feet suddenly slid and fell to the ground with a splash.You Shaoqing fell on the roof and slid down, almost slipping out of the eaves.

Seeing him from behind, Zuo Shaoqing jumped over, stepped on the roof with one foot, hooked his feet, threw his upper body forward, and grabbed You Shaoqing's hand.You Shaoqing has already hung himself outside the eaves, hanging in the air.

The two sisters, one above and one below, looked at each other.

Zuo Shaoqing gritted his teeth and shouted: "Get up!" You Shaoqing retracted his abdomen and lifted his knees, kicked the wall hard, and climbed up to the roof with his strength.The two sisters fell on the roof, looking at each other.They still didn't speak.

When they stood up and looked into the distance, they saw that the black figure had crossed the wall and disappeared into the dense alley.They all know that it will be good to keep chasing.They turned their heads and looked at each other.But for no reason, no one would speak.But there was something complicated in their eyes.

They walked along the roof to the top of the alley wall and stood side by side, looking into the distance.

Lu Cheng was driving a car, saw them from a distance, and hurried over.He and Liu Qiuyue got out of the car, and stood on the wall in amazement, Zuo Shaoqing and You Shaoqing, who were sweating profusely and covered in dust.

Liu Qiuyue stood under the fence, looking up at them.That wall is high.She said, "My lord, do you want me to find a ladder?"

Zuo Shaoqing shook his head at her, then looked back at You Shaoqing.The two squatted on the top of the wall, hooked the ridge of the wall with one hand, and supported the wall with the other, turned their heads and jumped off the high wall at the same time.Neither of them spoke, they walked to the car, opened the door and sat in.

On the way back, Lu Cheng and Liu Qiuyue sat in front.None of them looked back, but they could all feel that Zuo Shaoqing and You Shaoqing were sitting behind, neither talking nor looking at each other, not even moving a bit.They were somewhat panicked, not knowing what would happen to these two young ministers.

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