Double Agent Saga

65. Sister Bath

Zuo Shaoqing and You Shaoqing brought their own people, and when they returned to the headquarters of the bureau, it was already daylight. 【】

Zuo Shaoqing ordered Lu Cheng to send the suspect to the detention center first.The rest of the people went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

Zuo Shaoqing didn't want to eat breakfast.She felt tired and tired, stiff as iron, and covered in dust.She went to the office to get towels and soap, and went to the bathroom to take a shower by herself.

There is hot water in the bathroom 24 hours a day, which was strictly stipulated by Boss Dai when he was alive.Another benefit provided by Boss Dai is the cafeteria, where fish, meat, vegetables, steamed buns and rice are provided openly and free of charge.

The hot water sprayed from the shower head rushed to Zuo Shaoqing's body.She felt that the blood was running slowly in her body, and her muscles and joints were gradually relaxing.She let out a long breath.She hadn't slept well for two days, and the drowsiness covered her eyes like mist.

Her heart was struggling back and forth between the two ends of a matter.On one end is Liang Jicheng who has just been arrested, and on the other end is her sister.When the younger sister was hanging outside the eaves, the eyes watching her always appeared in front of her eyes.At this time, Zuo Shaoqing once again deeply felt that she wanted this sister too much.She is her only relative.However, they met like enemies, fighting secretly.This state, right now, was like a knife piercing straight into her heart.

Zuo Shaoqing raised his face and let the hot water directly hit his face.She felt that she was already in tears at this moment.In his chest, he was trembling and undulating, as if he was being shocked by an electric shock.

The bathroom door slammed.Zuo Shaoqing turned his head and saw his sister walking in.She had already undressed, holding a towel and soap in her hand, and looked at her with some surprise.I really don't know why, they still didn't speak, as if they were still standing on the high wall.

You Shaoqing quietly walked to the side of her sister, unscrewed the other shower head, and wiped her body with a towel.

For a long time in the bathroom, there was only the sound of rushing water.What's more, the water mist rising continuously, filled the space between the two of them, like a shaped wall, blocking them.

Zuo Shaoqing turned his back to his sister from time to time.She had a feeling that she was looking at herself in a mirror.Their body skin is exactly the same.She took the soap in her sister's hand and dabbed it on her back.Impulsive, she walked over, took the soap in her hand, and soaped her sister's back.The sister didn't move.But Zuo Shaoqing's heart was beating rustlingly, like a stream flowing over rocks, gurgling and undulating.She rubbed her sister's back with her other hand.

You Shaoqing turned his face to the side, and said in a low voice, but somewhat viciously: "Use some strength!"

Zuo Shaoqing stepped up a little bit.Soap foamed on her smooth jade back.Her hand rubbed her younger sister's shoulder, then slid down her left arm, and touched the imperceptible scar in an instant.She slowly stretched out her left arm, and joined her sister's left arm.On two arms that were equally smooth and round, there was an almost identical scar.Both sisters lowered their heads, staring at the scar.

That moment seemed like forever.

You Shaoqing made a move first.She pushed her sister's hand away, turned around and took the soap from her hand.She grabbed her sister's shoulders and pulled her, turning her around.That action was like telling a suspect to turn around.She started soaping her sister's back.

Zuo Shaoqing closed his eyes, tears rolling down his face.When my sister scrubbed her back, she used her fingernails.Her nails were sharp and sharp, slashing fiercely across her back.She knew there would be dozens of red scratches on her back, but she endured it.My sister's nails gave her skin a refreshing feeling like a knife was cut.

You Shaoqing stopped, and she leaned close to her sister's ear, whispering conspiringly: "Don't think that I will thank you if you give me a hand. Even if I fall, at most I will break my ankle."

Zuo Shaoqing turned his face away, but she couldn't see her younger sister's face, she also said softly: "I know. I didn't expect you to thank me either. I pulled you out of instinct, you don't have to think about it."

"It's good that you know." The voice was still vicious.

"It's okay to break your ankle, just don't break your neck." Zuo Shaoqing whispered.

"You curse me!"

"I'm just reminding you."

"I tell you, the matter between me and you is not over yet, just wait!"

"I know. The matter between me and you will never end, so you can wait too. "

At this time, Zuo Shaoqing's heart was already in pain like a knife.

Neither sister spoke any more.Mist hung over them.Two identical, jade-like smooth bodies loomed in the water mist.They all took a shower, got dressed, and left the bathroom one after the other.

When they walked out of the bathroom, they were like two blooming, but cold peonies.

Zuo Shaoqing returned to the office.When Liu Qiuyue saw her, she took out a horn comb from the drawer, and got up to hug her.Zuo Shaoqing didn't say anything, turned around and sat down on the chair.Liu Qiuyue wrapped the towel around her shoulders, untied her wet hair, and began to comb it gently.

Just 10 minutes ago, Liu Qiuyue went to the bathroom.She guessed that the young master might need her to help scrub his back when he took a bath.But as soon as she entered the dressing room, across the door covered with water drops, she saw the young master and her sister standing under the shower head, scrubbing each other's backs.

At that moment, Liu Qiuyue couldn't tell why, that warm and beautiful scene made her feel fear from the bottom of her heart.In the second place, they are the sworn enemies known to everyone!

Liu Qiuyue vaguely felt that she had to be extremely careful between the two sisters.There is no eternal enemy in the world, time changes everything.Liu Qiuyue is smart and intelligent, she thought of this before everyone else.

Liu Qiuyue moved closer to Zuo Shaoqing's ear and said in a low voice, "Just now, Lao He came to inform that there will be a meeting at ten o'clock."

Zuo Shaoqing nodded, "Got it." She knew in her heart that this was another level she had to pass.

The work meeting of the second office will be held at ten o'clock sharp.The military officers participating in the meeting sat upright and looked at each other.

What I did this morning can't be called good or bad.The main target has been captured, which is the bright side.But still one person ran away.In this matter, there is something unclear.

Ye Gongjin looked at the officers at the table with a gentle smile on her face, but anger was hidden in her eyes.He already knew about the actions this morning.But in every link, there is something that surprised him, which he must investigate clearly.

Ye Gongjin said softly: "Today's meeting is short, not long. I ask, you answer." He looked around at the officers at the table again, and finally his eyes fell on Zuo Shaoqing's face, "Young Master Zuo, tell me first , why did you suddenly take action this morning?"

Zuo Shaoqing glanced at him and said softly: "Yesterday, the director ordered to wait a few days before taking action. I also prepared in the same way. But at 04:30 this morning, the brothers below called and suspected that the target might escape. So, I acted ahead of time."

"Is there any sign?" Ye Gongjin seemed to ask casually.

"Yes." Zuo Shaoqing replied, "The monitoring brothers found that the lights in the target's room had not been turned off all night. In addition, smoke had been coming out of the chimney on the roof. They suspected that he was burning parts and wanted to run away."

"What else?"

"Before the brothers below called me, they found that a person had rushed to the target's home. I think the purpose of the director asking me to wait a few days before acting is to wait for someone to come to the door. This purpose has been achieved."

Ye Gongjin turned to Zhao Minggui, "Is the target really burning parts?"

Zhao Minggui nodded and said, "Yes. Many pieces were burned. But we still grabbed some."

"Is it valuable?"

"One point. At present, there are two preliminary judgments. First, this person is related to the Communist Party's Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi guerrilla columns. Further, it may also be related to the wounded person we had monitored before. Second, from the remnants It is judged that they are still related to the arms case. Whether there are other circumstances is still being analyzed."

This situation surprised Ye Gongjin.He couldn't help thinking that maybe the wounded man was still in Nanjing.

Ye Gongjin asked: "Young Master Zuo, have you caught the person who came later?"

Zuo Shaoqing replied in a low voice: "No, let him run away." She raised her head and glanced at her sister.

Ye Gongjin observed this look.This is also one of the questions in his mind.He heard that You Shaoqing came back in Zuo Shaoqing's car this morning.These two sisters...they...?In Ye Gongjin's heart, she had many doubts about the two young ministers.

He asked, "Young Master You, is there you too?"

You Shaoqing raised his head and said with some reluctance: "Yes, Zuo Shao and I. That man's kung fu is very good and he runs very fast. We didn't catch up." She didn't mention the scene of hanging outside the eaves at that time.People knew about it, and she didn't want to mention it.She couldn't help but stared at Zuo Shaoqing again.

Ye Gongjin also stared at Zuo Shaoqing, "Young Master Zuo, did the person who came later come to report the letter?"

Zuo Shaoqing stared at him, knowing in his heart that he had reached the point.She said: "Like, but not like."


"The brothers below reported that this person came running, which seems to be a report. He said that he was not like, because after he came, neither of them left immediately, and they stayed in the house for nearly An hour. He didn't run away until we came in the door. I can't think of anything he had to say for so long. Also, this is a young man who doesn't seem like an important person. Last point, before this man came, The target has already started burning, and it took about three hours. So, I can't tell if he came to report."

Ye Gongjin kept this question in her heart.What Zuo Shao said is indeed reasonable.But if this person really came to report the letter, it means that someone inside has leaked the secret.He didn't want to alarm anyone because of this, and he would find out later.

The squad leader Zheng that Ye Gongjin wanted to find out had returned to Lao Li's secret residence at around [-]:[-] in the morning.He didn't dare to knock on the door.He walked back and forth on that street twice to confirm that there was no suspicious person around, and then he knocked on the door.

When Lao Li heard that Liang Jicheng might have been arrested, he couldn't help stamping his feet.Lin Xiu hurriedly supported him, telling him not to use too much force, so as not to vibrate the wound.

Lao Li asked: "Xiao Zheng, did you notify me in time?"

Squad leader Zheng began to sweat, and replied: "I arrived at 04:30. Lao Liang said that the documents must be burned and cannot fall into the hands of the secret agents. I will burn the documents for him. After five o'clock, the secret agents came Here we come." He was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Chief, I should stay and let Comrade Liang go first..."

Lao Li frowned, "I didn't say this to you. You should tell him to retreat immediately!"

Xiao Zheng didn't dare to speak, and lowered his head, the sweat was already streaming down his forehead.

Lin Xiu stood beside him, and said softly, "Old Li, Xiao Zheng should not be blamed for this matter. When he gets there, he should follow Comrade Liang's orders. Besides, the matter may be really important and cannot fall into the hands of the secret agents."

Lao Li didn't say anything, she just paced back and forth in the room.

Lin Xiu waved Xiao Zheng to leave, and continued, "Old Li, I'm not guessing what will happen to Comrade Liang. It's just that once he is arrested, this place can't stay anymore, you have to leave here."

Lao Li stared at her, knowing that she was right.He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up and tell them to pack up, let's go."

At about ten o'clock, Du Ziyuan had already received the news and rushed here.Everyone in the house was packing up their things, so they felt relieved.

He went upstairs and saw that Lao Li was already dressed, with a wide-brimmed top hat covering his gauze.Lin Xiu stood beside him, holding his arm.

When Lao Li saw Du Ziyuan, he hurriedly grabbed his arm, "Old Du, you came just in time. This time, I really want to beg you."

Du Ziyuan helped him sit down first, "Lao Li, if you have something to say, just say it."

Lao Li thought for a while, and said softly: "I received a telegram from the East China Bureau the day before yesterday, asking me not to return to the base area for the time being, but to stay in Nanjing and complete the arms deal first. This matter is very important."

Du Ziyuan said, "I know, and I understand."

"Old Du, Liang Jicheng is very likely to have been arrested now. I have someone in hand now. I can only ask you to help me with this matter. Okay?"

Du Ziyuan was very embarrassed for a while, and the arms deal was not within the scope of his work.But in the final analysis, the East China Bureau is also the superior.He nodded, "Okay, Lao Li, I will try my best. You should go now, you can't stay here for a moment."

When Lin Xiu helped Lao Li to go out, he still turned his head from time to time, looking at Du Ziyuan earnestly.

A few minutes later, Lao Li and Lin Xiuru, a couple, went out and got into the rickshaw outside.Several of his guards scattered around and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Du Ziyuan came out last, got into the rickshaw, and followed at a distance.What worries him most is whether Lao Li's arms deal will affect the "fishbone", which is what he is most worried about.

"Fishbone" is already on pins and needles at this time.

When the work meeting of the Second Office was coming to an end, Ye Gongjin slowly raised her head, her eyes fell on Zuo Shaoqing's face, "Young Master Zuo, you were the one who discovered this person first, and you also arrested him. You should be in charge of the interrogation. We must let him He spoke."

When Zuo Shaoqing heard this order, it was as if ten thousand cold needles had pierced her body.She really had no choice but to stand up slowly and say, "Yes, I will."

From the corner of her eyes, she saw You Shaoqing looking up at her intently.

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