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"Hey, this one looks more comfortable than that one." Auman smiled and looked at Ming with a lecherous expression on his face.

"Oman, you can't take this from me, I'll give you that kid." Yisa said loudly, ignoring the wound on his back.

A very uncomfortable feeling came from the bottom of Ming's heart. "Damn, it's disgusting." Ming quickly moved to Isa's side, and swung a knife without hesitation.

This knife can be said to have used [-]% of Ming's strength.The tip of the knife cut directly from Issa's left shoulder, directly cutting a deep bone-deep gash, and the blood spewed out continuously like a fountain. [

"This kid is not simple, don't be like those things anymore, get rid of him quickly. Let's go together." Seeing Ming who suddenly became stronger, Auman who had been standing aside said loudly.Quickly attack the Ming Dynasty.Although the shaman kept spurting blood from his left shoulder, there was only a slight pained expression on his face.Cooperating with Auman's attack, the two kept attacking towards Ming.

In this small room, Ming kept changing the positions of these few, and kept waving the steel knife in his hand.Sima Duanhun on the side stared dumbfounded at the wonderful battle in front of him, completely forgetting the previous fear.

All the furnishings in the room were ruthlessly smashed by several people in a short period of time.There also appeared to be several large holes in the walls.Although the sound insulation effect is good, the sound is so loud that it still spreads out.

"Buck, why is there such a loud noise in the room of Auman and Issa? Is there something wrong? Do you want to go and see?" In the next room, a big shirtless man was wiping the blessing in his hand The big man with the gun said.

"What can happen? It's not the first time that Auman and Issa have made such a big commotion. Don't you want to disturb their climax just like last time?" The clean Lai Fuqian said slowly.

"Hey, that's also..." The big shirtless man scratched his head with a smile.The stench from the armpits charged through the house.

"This kid is really difficult to deal with." Auman said to Isa next to him with a strong breath.

"Yeah," Issa was also sweating profusely, still waving his fists to Ming.There were already a few more bloody cuts on their bodies, and black blood was constantly oozing out.

Ming's body also received a few punches from two Iraqi soldiers, but it didn't seem to have any major impact on Ming's amazing endurance.

"I said that Iraqi soldiers can only use guns. If they are fists, it won't work." Ming seems to have lost his seriousness at the beginning. Looking at the two Iraqi soldiers whose speed and strength have dropped significantly, Ming is obviously relaxed a lot.

"Ah..." Hearing what Ming said, Ouman seemed to have suffered a serious blow to his self-esteem, he yelled angrily, and punched Ming fiercely.

Ming dodged quickly, narrowly dodging Auman's punch, and directly hit the big bed behind Ming, and the big bed was instantly split in half.

"Go to hell..." Ming, who flashed behind Auman in an instant, roared, and the steel knife quickly inserted into the back of Auman's neck.The moment he pulled out the steel knife, blood spurted out from the back of Ouman's neck like a fountain, and Auman groaned and fell onto the big miscellaneous bed.

"Oman..." Yisa was obviously startled by the scene just now, and yelled out the moment he came to his senses.The man in front of him actually killed his teammate in this instant.A chill that was about to die hit Isa's whole body in an instant.

He quickly turned around and ran towards the door.

"I still want to call someone, do you think you still have a chance?" Ming Yin smiled fiercely, and quickly dodged towards the door, blocking the terrified Isa.

"Damn it..." Yisa yelled in that non-standard Mandarin, and punched Ming.

Due to the panic, Yisa's speed was obviously not as fast as before. With a slight dodge, Yisa dodged Yisa's fist, and Yisa's fist directly hit the door of the room. With a bang, the door was smashed into two by Yisa Half.

"Not good, it seems that something really happened." The door was smashed and the loud noise once again alarmed the two Iraqi soldiers next to it. [

"Come on, go over and have a look." The big man named Buck picked up the rifle beside him and jumped up from the bed.

"No, damn it," Ming An knew something was wrong, swung a knife at an extremely fast speed, and slashed from Isa's heavenly spirit, and Isa's huge head was shattered into two almost at the same instant.

"Follow me." Without even looking at Yisa, Ming quickly walked up to Sima Duanhun and grabbed his thin body.Leap towards the outside.

The moment Ming jumped out of the window, two Iraqi fighters next door had rushed over.

"Issa..." Looking at Issa with only half of his head left on his neck, Buck yelled.Another Iraqi soldier picked up Oman, who had been pierced in the back of the neck.The same look of anger.Several other Iraqi fighters in the villa also rushed over when they heard the noise in the room.Looking at the two corpses on the ground, his eyes became blood red.

"Damn it. What's going on." A big man next to him with his hair turned into a flaming cockscomb punched the wall beside him angrily, and a small crack appeared in the wall instantly.

There was a big swimming pool outside the villa, and Ming led Sima Duanhun directly jumped out of the window, like a cannonball, and slammed into the swimming pool.

"Damn..." Buck quickly ran towards the window, picked up the rifle in his hand, and kept shooting at the swimming pool.

Perhaps Sima Duanhun couldn't bear such a big impact, and after falling into the swimming pool, he passed out unexpectedly.

Carrying the unconscious Sima Duanhun, Ming quickly climbed out of the swimming pool.Run towards the gate of the villa.

"Boom..." There was a gunshot, and the moment Ming ran out of the gate, a bullet passed through Ming's left shoulder, and a sharp pain hit Ming's heart instantly.

"Fuck..." Ming secretly yelled, "I was actually shot. The power of the fucking rifle is really extraordinary. It can pierce my shoulder from such a distance. Your fucking Iraqi soldiers' marksmanship is not generally accurate." .”

Ignoring the sharp pain coming from his left shoulder, Ming carried the unconscious Sima Duanhun and quickly disappeared into the vast night.

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