Underworld student 5 three points in the world

Chapter 22: The Ultimate Car God

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Carrying the unconscious Sima Duanhun on his shoulders, he ran all the way while enduring the heart-piercing pain in his left shoulder.Although it was summer, the wind was so cold on Ming's body.

"I don't seem to have any feeling in my left shoulder." Ming, who had been running wildly, knew his current situation very well in his heart.

"Who are you? Why did you save me?" Sima Duanhun didn't know when he woke up, possibly because of the stimulation of the cold wind.Said to Ming who was running wildly with his back.

Ming didn't seem to hear Sima Duanhun's words, and continued to run, the blood flowing from his shoulders had already stained Sima Duanhun's clothes red.His face was as pale as white paper. [

"You are hurt. Let me go, or you will die." Seeing that his clothes were stained red with the blood of the long-haired young man in front of him, Sima Duanhun was also very aware of Ming's current situation.

"If you are saying a word, I will send you back to those perverted Iraqi soldiers." Ming endured extreme pain and said with difficulty.

Sima Duanhun is not a child either, after all he is already 15 years old, so of course he will not be frightened by Ming's threats.But he was also a very sensible young man, Jian Ming seemed to get angry and closed his mouth wisely. "It should be someone sent by godfather." Sima Duanhun thought to himself.

After running all the way to a small forest far away from Yingyan Road, Ming slowly slowed down. The blood continuously gushing from his left shoulder was enough to kill an ordinary person two or three times, but Ming was definitely not normal. People, even after shedding so much blood, are still able to survive until now.

He fell to the ground with a bang, and together with Sima Duanhun, the two of them fell to the ground hard.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, wake up, wake up. Wake up. Are you alright?" Situ Duanhun yelled loudly looking at Ming who was lying on the ground and almost fainted.

"Call Ye Fan and ask him to pick us up...Call, the phone is on my right, in the pocket of my clothes." Ming seemed to have exhausted his last bit of strength, and intermittently said to Sima Duanhun.Then passed out.

"Oh..." Sima Duanhun nodded, and took out the phone from Ming's pocket. Seeing that Ming's body was still dripping with blood, Sima Duanhun tore off his shirt, which was wet all over his body. , bandaged Ming's wound briefly, and gradually, Ming's wound seemed not to bleed as fast as before, but the originally blue shirt had been stained red by blood.Picking up the phone quickly, Sima Duanhun opened Ming's phone book.

"What, what's going on, why do I remember all the numbers, but no names?" Sima Duanhun hurriedly flipped through the phone book on Ming's phone. Although there were only a few numbers in it, none of them had names. .

"I can't control that much anymore." Sima Duanhun squeezed the phone, and casually dialed a number displayed as 3.

"Hey, damn it, Ming, what happened to you? Why haven't you come back for so long? It's almost dawn. Can anyone be saved?" Not long after the call was made, before Sima Duanhun could speak, another person on the phone A man's rough voice came from one side.

"Help, help..." Facing the voice from the man on the other side of the phone, Sima Duanhun didn't know what to say, so he spit out these words in a panic.

"What? Help, help... What the hell are you talking about? Is something wrong?" The man opposite said loudly, and at the same time whispered: "Is it Ming? Why does the voice sound like a little fart? child."

"Old Jin, give me the phone quickly." In the hall of the small building, Ye Fan and the others had been waiting for Ming's return in the hall after Ming went out.Hearing Jin Buque's voice saying it was a kid, Ye Fan hurriedly took the phone from Jin Buque's hand.

"Duanhun, it's me, godfather..." Ye Fan took the phone and said hastily.

Hearing Ye Fan's voice, Sima Duanhun seemed to calm everything down. "Godfather, hurry up, come and save us, this, this long-haired uncle, hurry up, hurry up."

Hearing this, Ye Fan also became anxious, "What, it's too bad, tell me where you are, and we'll come over right away."

Sima Duanhun took the phone and looked around: "No, I don't know, godfather, what should I do." Having said this, Sima Duanhun became anxious again, and the tears in his eyes kept flowing from his sockets. poured out.

"Duanhun, don't be in a hurry, take a good look around..." Ye Fan seemed to suppress the anxiety in his heart, and said to Sima Duanhun as calmly as possible. [

"Yes, in a grove. There's a gas station up ahead."

"Small forest, gas station. Oh, I see, Duanhun, don't panic, take care of the long-haired uncle beside you. We'll be here soon." Ye Fan seemed to know the location of Sima Duanhun.Quickly hung up the phone.

"Hurry up, go to the mountain road in Yunqu." After hanging up the phone, Ye Fan anxiously said to Zilong and the others.

"What happened, is there any accident?" Seeing Ye Fan's anxious expression, Zilong asked hurriedly.

"I can't tell now, and I don't know the real situation. Let's go and talk about it soon." Ye Fan replied.

"Okay..." Several people got up quickly, walked out of the small building quickly, and drove Ye Fan's BMW that he seldom drove towards Yunqu mountain road.

"Damn Zilong, do you really know how to drive?" Seeing that Zilong had bumped into no less than ten trash cans and five utility poles before leaving Xinhua Street, Jin Buque was startled.

"Need for Speed, I run first every time." Zilong stared at the front, turning the steering wheel carelessly and said.

"Fuck, if there is no car accident this time, I will fucking worship you as my teacher." Jin Buque was speechless for a while.

"I can't control so much, if you don't hurry up, that kid might die." Fu Dong said.

"Well, Zilong, push the accelerator to the maximum." Ye Fan seemed to have put life and death aside, with a look of death on his face.

"Okay." Zilong stepped on the gas pedal hard, and the BMW rushed towards the mountain road in Yunqu like a rocket.

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