"Ye Miaomiao, although you are a princess, I told you not to use your power to resist!"

Gui Xu was instantly furious.

I cast spells twice in a row, the second time I almost used my full strength.

He knew that the princess's mana was low, not just him, everyone knew it.

But the punishment was ineffective in front of everyone, which made him feel very angry. [

"I do not have!"

The wild cat was very wronged.

"Since that's the case, it seems that there is nothing I can teach the princess. Go directly to the freshman competition next week! Let a more advanced instructor teach you!"

Gui Xu said angrily.


The wild cat was taken aback, but she had hardly learned anything well!

How do you want her to compete? !

"Your Highness, don't you understand what I mean? What I mean is, since the princess refuses to obey my punishment, from today onwards, you will no longer be my student of Guixu! Now, please go out, I Classes are about to start!"

Gui Xu said with a dark face.


Did all this happen too quickly?

The wild cat didn't have time to digest it, and didn't know what was going on.

Because she didn't resist at all?

How come this is so?

-----------------I am the scene crazy guy line-------------------------- -

After the wild cat was escorted by Gaefeng and Mu Ziqiu to the Xinsheng Building, Mu Ziqiu watched the wild cat's leaving back and remained silent.

Lie Feng took a look and knew that Mu Ziqiu was concerned about the wild cats. He sighed, then put his arms around Mu Ziqiu's shoulders and said:

"We haven't had a good chat for a long time, why don't we go and have a drink and chat?"

Mu Ziqiu glanced at Lie Feng and asked: [

"Yes, but..."

Mu Ziqiu hesitated.

"Don't worry, Xiao Fu is not here!"

Liefeng smiled knowingly.


Mu Ziqiu nodded, he really should have a good chat with Lie Feng, and talk about the princess.

The two headed towards Gale Feng's residence.

But just when he reached the door of Lie Feng's residence, Mu Ziqiu let out a low cry, then covered his head in pain, and supported Qiang with his other hand, and then managed to stand still.

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