Lie Feng saw it, and hurried forward to support Mu Ziqiu, and asked very worriedly:

"Ziqiu, what's wrong?!"

Mu Ziqiu's face turned pale for a while, and cold sweat broke out from his forehead. The severe pain from his head made him feel that his mind was about to split open at that moment, and his consciousness went blank.

He leaned on the wall, with his back against the strong wind, and it took him a long time before he managed to stand still.

He shook his head, held his forehead in some pain, and said after a long while: [

"It's okay! But I'm not feeling well now. As for drinking, let's drink next time!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Ziqiu secretly exerted force, and managed to recover to normal, but the pain on his forehead was still there, which was abnormally obvious.

The princess must have been punished.

Looking at Mu Ziqiu's appearance, Lie Feng said very worriedly:

"You can drink anytime, but I'll take you back now, do you need me to call the demon doctor over?"

Mu Ziqiu shook his head, his face still pale.

"No, I can go back by myself! That's it!"

After Mu Ziqiu finished speaking, he tried his best to return to his normal state, smiled gently at the strong wind, and then left towards his dormitory.

But as soon as he turned around, he suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer on the head. The sudden severe pain was a hundred times stronger than the pain just now, and Mu Ziqiu There was even an urge to smash his own head open.

Why did Gui Xu use such a severe punishment on the princess? !

No, he's going to have a look!

But the pain made him couldn't help but let out a low cry, and then he lost consciousness in his mind, his eyes were dark, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

Lie Feng was already worried about Mu Ziqiu. When he saw Mu Ziqiu's appearance, he knew that something was wrong with Mu Ziqiu. He quickly followed, but he didn't expect that Mu Ziqiu just turned around, let out a low cry, and then fell to the ground. down.

Lie Feng was taken aback, and quickly caught Mu Ziqiu. Mu Ziqiu didn't fall to the ground, but he passed out completely.

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