Elder Xuan looked at the wild cat very seriously, this time, the smiling smile had disappeared.

When the wild cat heard this, he pinched the corner of his clothes nervously, and absolutely must not let them know about Gu Yue's smile.

"No...it's just...after I was punished by Teacher Gui Xu, I didn't feel any discomfort, so I went back to look for Mu Ziqiu, but I couldn't find it, so I had to go out to look for it.

But when I was walking, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable, as if a force was poured into my body, rampant, and then I felt that there was a force in my body to contend with him.

In short, it was as if the body was going to explode, which was very uncomfortable.Later, I didn’t know why nothing happened, and strangely, I still felt a lot lighter...”[

Yemao described the feeling at that time in detail, but avoided Gu Yue with a smile.

As soon as the wild cat finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

Elder Xuan frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"Elder, I heard from An Ti that Gui Xu used almost [-]% of his strength to punish the princess for the second time.

And Gui Xu's strength is [-]% for the princess, it is very powerful.I wonder if the power that the princess said just now entered her body is the power that Gui Xu poured into when he punished the princess.

Gui Xu's original intention was to punish, or this force accidentally opened up the princess's airway. "

Xuan Xiao frowned and explained.

As soon as Xuan Xiao's words fell, everyone nodded, as if what they said made a lot of sense.

"Then the princess was a blessing in disguise! Although Gui Xu didn't mean it that way, from this point of view, he did the right thing! If that's the case, how do you think it's better to punish Gui Xu?"

Elder Xuan looked at the crowd and asked for their opinions.

"Of course I killed him!"

Bei Mingcang spoke suddenly.

"No...don't...let him go!"

When the wild cat heard it, he said quickly.

"Let him go? Princess, are you sure?"

When Wu Liyang heard this, he smiled.

"Sure, sure! Very sure! It was my fault in the first place, and I should be punished. Besides, didn't you say that he opened up my airway?"

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