"In fact, this is still a great achievement, isn't it? So if the merits and demerits are offset, forget it!"

Wildcat said quickly.

There's no need for this matter to be so serious as to kill someone.

Although Gui Xu was indeed very strict, and when he punished himself, he was somewhat angry, but Ye Mao couldn't accept killing someone just like that.

Because, this is equivalent to killing her! [

How could she kill someone?

She is willing to trample an ant to death!

"However, Gui Xu made a mistake after all. If you don't punish him lightly, who else in the demon clan will obey the demon king and the elders' house in the future?"

The one who spoke was Mu Ziqiu.

"Yes, not to mention, hurting the princess, this is a fact!"

Liefeng then spoke.

"No! What we have to do is to convince the public with virtue, not suppression. In this case, even if everyone is obedient, but from the heart, they still have a sense of resistance.

There is a saying in the world: water can carry a boat and also capsize it!What kind of demon king, what elder's house, to put it bluntly, needs the approval of all the demon clan members to be the demon king.

Furthermore, didn't the elder say that after the great war 500 years ago, there are very few powerful goblins left in the current goblin race?Now is the time for us to employ people, isn't it?

So, what we have to do is not to kill, but to recruit! "

When the wild cat was in a hurry, he crackled and said a lot of theoretical knowledge.

These things are the experience summed up in China's 5000 years of history.

It is also common sense that everyone knows, but when everyone listened to the wild cat, they all looked at her and froze on the spot.

The wild cat looked at everyone in astonishment, and then asked suspiciously:

"Did I say something wrong?"

Why do everyone look at themselves as if they saw an alien.

"Hehe... It's a blessing for our monster race that the princess can think like this. What the princess thinks is actually far more profound than any of us.

Convince people with virtue!If the princess can do this, I think, the revival of our monster clan is just around the corner! "

Elder Xuan suddenly smiled, showing admiration for the wild cat. [

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