Xuan Xiao couldn't dodge in time, and was thrown to the ground by the wild cat, and became the wild cat's meat shield.

The wild cat closed its eyes, only felt soft under its body, and a strong heartbeat came from its ears,

It seemed that there was still a smell of blood, which was very close to him.

Ye Mao opened his eyes awkwardly, and saw a pair of golden eyes looking at him in astonishment.

And the owner of this pair of golden eyes has long silver and smooth hair, and there are spots of bright red blood on the corners of his lips. [


Why did she pounce on Xuan Xiao!

It's too bad, Xuan Xiao must hate himself even more now!

Seeing the bright red blood on the corner of Xuan Xiao's lips, the wild cat quickly stood up from his body and left quickly.


Didn't she break the lips of others when she pounced on the mandala like last time?

But wait, why is my face burning?

Not caring so much, the wild cat hurriedly stood aside, stretched out a hand towards Xuan Xiao, trying to pull Xuan Xiao up.

Xuan Xiao looked at the wild cat's hand, and finally stretched out his hand towards her. The wild cat used force to help Xuan Xiao stand up from the ground, and said apologetically:

"Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Xuan Xiao looked at the wild cat, with unknown emotions shining in his golden eyes.

He couldn't help sticking out his tongue to lick the bloody taste on his lips, and then frowned deeply.

It was indeed the smell of blood.

Could it be that he really kissed the princess's face just now?

Because it is obvious that the princess has a clear tooth mark on her face, and there is a faint blood stain on it.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it! That... I really didn't want to belittle you!"

Wildcat kept apologizing.

It's over, now Xuan Xiao must hate himself even more.

Originally, he hated himself, and now that he had belittled him, he must have become even more angry. [

"The princess didn't treat me lightly!"

Xuan Xiao looked at the wild cat who kept bowing and apologizing, and frowned slightly, with a trace of expression that he didn't understand on his indifferent face.

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