He just didn't want the princess to be so alienated and timid every time she saw him, always apologizing.


The wild cat was taken aback, what happened to the blood on his lips?

"It was me... I accidentally kissed the princess!"

Xuan Xiao looked at the wild cat and said, Xuan Xiao looked at the wild cat, his eyes wandered for a while. [

When the wild cat heard it, his face turned red.


It turned out that the burning feeling on his face was kissed by him? !

At this moment, Bei Mingcang's roar suddenly came:

"Woman, what are you doing again? Why did you hurt yourself again?"

Bei Mingcang chased the wild cat out, and suddenly heard the wild cat's exclamation, and then felt the burning pain on his face.

He knew intuitively that this woman was hurt again!

Xuan Xiao let go of the wild cat's hand, and his eyes returned to a state of indifference again.

"Me? Me? Not hurt..."

Could it be the burning feeling on his face?

Could it be that when Xuan Xiao said that he accidentally kissed himself, he kissed his own face.

This time, it wasn't she who broke someone else's lips, but someone who broke her face?

"What happened to your face?"

Sure enough, Bei Mingcang saw the scar on the wild cat's face at a glance, and asked with a frown.

The wound on the face?

It seems that it was really smashed by Xuan Xiao.

The wild cat turned around quickly, gathered a ray of light in its hands, and quickly healed the scars on its face, then turned around and looked at Bei Mingcang with a smile and asked:

"Where are the scars? Why don't I know?"

When Bei Mingcang knew that he had been slapped in the face by Xuan Xiao, he might get angry again, so he quickly eliminated the evidence. [

Bei Mingcang obviously saw the wild cat's action, raised his eyebrows in displeasure, and then looked at Xuan Xiao behind the wild cat even more displeased.

"Woman, go!"

As Bei Mingcang said, he was about to leave with the wild cat.

"and many more!"

Xuan Xiao suddenly made a sound, and grabbed the wild cat's hand.

"Tiger Clan, what are you going to do?"

Bei Mingcang was obviously very upset watching Xuan Xiao hold the wild cat's hand.

Xuan Xiao took a look and withdrew his hand.

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