Although this bracelet can be turned into a weapon according to one's own wishes, the power emanating from the weapon still needs one's own mana support.

So the wild cat's continuous shooting just now almost exhausted all its mana, and it was so tired that it was out of breath and sat on the ground weakly.

Although those monsters were terrifying, she still couldn't kill them.

It's not her mother, nor is she pretending to be 13, but she really didn't dare to do it.

She didn't dare to kill a fish when she was asked to kill it when she was at home. Every time she saw Huo'er raising a knife, she couldn't help but close her eyes. How could she dare to kill these things all at once now. [

So the bullets fired from her machine gun were actually anesthetic bombs.

At this moment, a bunch of lifeless hands around her are being quickly recovered.

Xuan Xiao and Bei Mingcang quickly came to the wild cat, Bei Mingcang pulled the wild cat into his arms, then looked at the wild cat with a frown and asked:

"Woman, is there anything wrong?"

The wild cat shook his head, and then the machine gun had been turned into a bracelet and worn on his hand.

She just ran out of mana and was a little tired.

Xuan Xiao took a deep look at the wild cat, making sure that the wild cat was fine, and then walked towards the place where the wild cat had been, and used the spear in his hand to pick up the dust on the ground, and then the true face of the huge pile of tentacles appeared In front of the three of them.

Under the soil, there are huge gophers, all of which are unconscious in the soil at this moment.

Presumably, they were hit by the wild cat's anesthesia bomb just now, so they all passed out.

But the wild cat turned pale with fright when he saw the piles of gray gophers.

She wasn't that scared just now, but at this moment, she had goose bumps all over her body, and she couldn't help shivering.

So many... mice!

Besides snakes, her second fear is mice!

Gray, pointy face, small black bean-like eyes, especially when bared teeth, so scary!

When she remembered that she had been grabbed by these gophers just now, she couldn't help but shivered again, and got goosebumps all over her body again.

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