When she remembered that she had been grabbed by these gophers just now, she couldn't help but shivered again, and got goosebumps all over her body again.

Bei Mingcang looked at the wild cat in his arms, frowned, and asked:

"Woman, are you afraid of mice? You are a cat!"

Isn't the woman he fell in love with so useless? As a cat, she's afraid of mice!

"Where...is the fear, I am absolutely not afraid! I just don't like them very much!" [

Wildcat stammered in denial.

But her pale face and stammering words undoubtedly betrayed her true emotions.

Bei Mingcang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, he held the wild cat in his arms and said:

"Don't worry, there is my king here, so don't be afraid."

The wild cat pouted, and murmured to himself in a low voice:

"I wasn't afraid..."

Xuan Xiao walked to the group of gophers who were stunned by wild cats, frowned, and then fiddled with one of them.

"The princess just stunned them, but didn't kill them. In this way, when they wake up, they can ask who is so bold to attack the princess in the academy! How dare they do it under my nose !"

Xuan Xiao at this moment was obviously very angry.

He has always been responsible for the safety of the academy, but someone dared to attack him right under his nose, obviously he did not regard him as the young master of the Tiger Clan.

However, just after Xuan Xiao finished speaking, the originally opened barrier disappeared quickly, and then everything returned to calm, and the surrounding environment returned to its previous state.

There are lush trees everywhere, the ground is flat, and everything disappears at that moment.

The wild cat stared blankly at everything in front of him, in disbelief.

How could it be possible, the huge monster just now, the blood splattered everywhere, and those gophers who were stunned by him all disappeared in an instant.

"Damn it! It's actually one step faster!"

Xuan Xiao clenched the spear in his hand, his face became more stern.

"Why did it disappear?"

The wild cat looked at all this in confusion, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

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