The wild cat suddenly collapsed to the ground!

These side husbands are especially helpful when troubles arise!

A thunderbolt struck her!

The wild cat had black lines on his face, seeing what the two of them had done, he was really worried that Bei Mingcang would slap them with a palm.

But surprisingly, Beimingcang actually sat there with a haughty expression and extremely quiet. [

So weird!

He is angry again!

"Princess, the competition is about to start. I will help the princess to tidy up her appearance and close her eyes!"

As Mu Ziqiu said, he walked up to the wild cat.

Wildcat's heart skipped a beat, and he obediently closed his eyes.

Mu Ziqiu helped the wild cat tidy up the corners of his clothes, and then smoothed the messy hair on his forehead. Then, a ball of blue light shot out from his hand and disappeared between the wild cat's forehead in an instant.

Seeing the blue mark disappear on the wild cat's forehead, Mu Ziqiu said:

"Okay, I wish the princess a smooth test!"

The wild cat opened his eyes, and because he was too nervous, he didn't find anything wrong.

"Thank you, Mu Ziqiu, I'm going!"

The wild cat took a deep breath, and then walked towards the ring.

The arena where the wild cat is located is just one of many arenas.

Because there are still a lot of freshmen, each of them has to participate in five competitions, so multiple arenas have been set up.

At this moment, Ye Mao walked up to the ring, and the teacher who was supervising him was already there. Ye Mao's heart was pounding, looking at the freshman who came up from the opposite side, all the bottom line was gone.


Isn't this person the most powerful among the freshmen?

If she beats it, then there is a problem!

Standing opposite the wild cat was a male vixen, the prettiest one among the newborns.

One can tell at a glance that his mana must be very high. [

There is no way, strength determines appearance, and it can be seen from the appearance that there is a gap between them.

Do you really want to use the power of others to cheat?

Ye Mao looked at the vixen opposite with a pair of captivating eyes, and felt uneasy.

"Then, let's start the game!"

The supervisor teacher said from the side.

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