"For this test, it's up to the point. You can't hurt the other party. The time is [-] minutes. Then, Your Royal Highness, little raccoon, let's start!"

The supervising teacher saw that the two sides were ready, so he announced the start of the competition.

The wild cat looked at the other party nervously, but saw the other party smiled at him, and then blinked:

"Then, Your Royal Highness, here I come!"

As soon as the vixen finished speaking, he rushed towards the wild cat. The speed was so fast that the wild cat could hardly see his movements clearly. [

The wild cat only felt a gust of wind coming, her eyes widened coldly, and she felt a figure approaching her fiercely, with a gust of wind, hitting her accurately.


The vixen's handsome face suddenly magnified infinitely in front of the wild cat. The wild cat looked at him, and almost subconsciously punched it out.

Don't say anything about spells, she punched subconsciously without even thinking about it.


This punch didn't hit the vixen!

Not only did he not hit him, he didn't even touch the opponent's fox fur.

But why did she hear the vixen's screams? !


The vixen let out a long wail, and flew out in the astonishment of the wild cat, then fell heavily on the ground, tilted his head, and passed out.

what? !

The wild cat looked at the vixen who had fainted on the ground, and blinked, then looked at his hands, and blinked.

Is this yourself?

Or is something wrong with the vixen? !

Obviously, she didn't use her magic power at all, and she didn't have a vixen at all!

He didn't even touch a hair, so why did the vixen fly out screaming and fainted?

The feral cat looked around to make sure that there was no one around who could help him.

"The winner, Your Royal Highness!"

The supervisor teacher raised his hand all of a sudden, indicating that the wild cat had won. [

Win by yourself? !

so easy? !

Wildcats are simply utterly unbelievable.

But the wild cat didn't know, the fox lying on the ground breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, he was the first to appear, otherwise he didn't know how to lose.

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