Wildcat, a crashing drink! (10)

Slowly, she has been able to cast some powerful spells.

Although it was still a drop in the bucket compared to Bei Mingcang, relatively speaking, her spells were at least comparable to An Ti's.

In addition to the effect of the third spirit stone, it can not only heal injuries, but also relieve fatigue, and it is also of great help to everyone.

If we say that the biggest thing that happened during this period of time is probably the transformation of a large number of fairies from the Feiyu Clan. [

Because Kong Xuan became a man, and because of Wu Liyang's uncleanness, a large number of fairies of the Feiyu tribe turned into women, which seriously caused the male to female ratio of the Feiyu tribe to be out of balance.

Wu Liyang was like a fish in water, and her life was like a night of singing and dancing.

And Xiaofu chased the mandala all day long, asking the mandala to return the alchemy.

Gaefeng always silently guards the wild cats, while Xuan Xiao is still indifferent.

However, the wild cat found that after listening to their thoughts that night, the whole person was actually much more relaxed.

Occasionally, the wild cat would talk to Gaefeng and Xuan Xiao, and gradually, the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

This day Ye Mao suddenly remembered that Xuan Xiao was drunk and said that he was always alone, except for An Ti.

So what kind of position does An Ti occupy in Xuan Xiao's heart?

"Xuan Xiao, that, I want to ask, you and An Ti, are..."

How to ask?

After the wild cat asked, he was suddenly a little embarrassed.

What is the relationship with others?

It was as if the wife was investigating her husband's affair, but obviously, she never thought that they would be husband and wife.

Although, Xuan Xiao is the side husband.

Xuan Xiao's silver eyes looked at the wild cat, and there was a trace of softness in his eyes.

"An Ti... When An Ti saw me for the first time, she told me that she wanted to protect me!"

As Xuan Xiao said, a gentle expression appeared on his usually indifferent face, which stunned the wild cat.

It turned out that Xuan Xiao would also have such an expression.

Apart from the fact that Xuan Xiao's usual indifferent expression was broken when he was drunk that day, this is the second time Wild Cat has seen other expressions on Xuan Xiao's face. [

-------------------------------- Lanlan has something to say -------------- ---------------------

This is the end of No.13 of "The Concubine Is Very Lovely and Cute" live broadcasted by TXTV today, thank you for watching, see you tomorrow!

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