This is the second time Wildcat has seen other expressions on Xuan Xiao's face.

And that soft smile is so beautiful, it has a power that makes people want to sink into it.

"I'm the young master of the White Tiger Clan, and if I don't advance, I'm responsible for protecting the White Tiger Clan and the Monster Clan, so I must be strong.

I have always been the only one to protect others, but when An Ti saw me, the first thing she said to me was: Brother Xuan Xiao, let me protect you. "

It was the first time Xuan Xiao said so much to the wild cat, and it was about An Ti, but it could be seen that Xuan Xiao really valued An Ti very much. [

"It's ridiculous! It's obvious that An Ti didn't even completely lose his tiger shape, but he said he wanted to protect me. I also thought it was ridiculous at the time, so I ignored it.

But after that, she came to watch over my practice every day, helping me find food when I was hungry, and wiping my sweat when I was tired.She was talking next to me when I was silent.

Gradually, I got used to her presence.I think that's her way of protection!So, princess..."

Xuan Xiao paused for a moment, then looked at the wild cat, that indifferent face suddenly and slowly opened up, and actually smiled.

Xuan Xiao smiled.

"What?!" The wild cat was a little flattered, because this was the first time Xuan Xiao smiled at him.

"When the princess protected An Ti many times to protect others, Xuan Xiao actually knew that the princess is a person worthy of Xuan Xiao's dedication. The princess will be a competent demon king! It is Xuan Xiao's honor to be with the princess. !

Therefore, Xuan Xiao asked the princess not to say things like giving me back my freedom in the future.Xuan Xiao's freedom is by the princess' side! "

Xuan Xiao looked at the wild cat and said word by word.

The short-lived smile on his face disappeared, replaced by seriousness.

Ye Mao opened her mouth slightly when she heard Xuan Xiao's words, she didn't know whether it was moved or shocked, but now her heart was beating violently.

Xuan Xiao meant that he admitted himself? !

"You mean: you don't hate me anymore?"

This happiness came so suddenly that she couldn't believe it was real.

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