"Wow - the devil is going to kill someone! Hong, be careful!"

The man screamed exaggeratedly in panic.

"Ni, that means, it's really the Demon King!"

Even though she was attacked, the woman's voice still didn't fluctuate at all.

"Ni, Hong, do you two really want to die? How dare you spoil this king's good deeds!"

Bei Mingcang raised his eyebrows, his veins were exposed, and black whirlwinds swirled around his body.

Ni, Hong? !

The wild cat quickly poked its head out of Bei Mingcang's arms to look, but saw a man and woman suddenly appearing, kneeling in front of Bei Mingcang.

"See the Demon King!"

A man and a woman knelt on the ground and looked respectfully at Bei Mingcang.

Who are these two people?

Bei Mingcang's men?

Why doesn't she know?

"Yo, princess!"

The man raised his head and showed a bright smile towards the wild cat, so gorgeous.

The wild cat found that he was wearing colorful clothes, just like the rainbow in the sky just now.

"Ni, if you disrespect the princess like this, Lord Demon King will punish you again!"

The woman who was also dressed in colorful clothes raised her head and said without any emotion on her face.

The wild cat looked at a man and a woman kneeling on the ground in astonishment, unable to react for a while.

These two people look exactly the same. If it weren't for their voices, they wouldn't be able to tell which of them was male and which was female?

If you want to tell the difference, the colorful colors of the clothes that the woman is wearing are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

The colors of men's clothes are just in the opposite order.

But they call themselves princesses? !

Why did the wild cat suddenly feel that he was so vain in his heart. [

This voice, princess, sounds so pleasing to the ear!

"Woman, these are the former subordinates of this king. They are all dragons. What you saw in the sky just now was not a rainbow, but Ni's figure!"

Although Bei Mingcang was very upset that the pair of neon interrupted his good business, he still explained it to the wild cat.

"You are the neon?! The one in the sky?"

The wild cat looked at them in astonishment, unbelievable.

It turns out that the rainbow looks like this?

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