It turns out that the rainbow looks like this?

Fair skin, colorful clothes, beautiful face.

One is lively and the other has a poisonous tongue.

It turns out that the rainbow in the sky is so interesting.

"I like you so much!" [

Wildcat was barely excited enough to come forward and hold their hands.

What she likes to see most is the colorful rainbow across a mountain.

So beautiful.

"Woman, what are you talking about?!"

Bei Mingcang raised her eyebrows unhappily, just now she said she likes herself, and in the blink of an eye, she actually said that she likes someone else in front of her.

"Ahem, princess, I like Hong! I'm sorry, but I'm going to let you down!"

Ni Qing coughed and said.

"Yes, I like Ni, so Wangfei, Shu Hong can't obey!"

Hong said on the side with a blank face, his tone was still without the slightest ups and downs, without the slightest emotion.


The cold sweat on the wild cat's head! !

Is this also possible? !

What kind of people are these demons?

"Tell me, what's the matter? After you're done talking, let me go!"

Bei Mingcang said irritably.

"Since Sanyan told us that you are awake, Lord Demon King, we have been inquiring about you. Not long ago, we found Lord Demon King, but found that Lord Demon King was attacked.

Of course, with the skill of Lord Demon King, there is naturally no room for us to intervene.So we went to investigate this matter. "

This is the reason why Neon came to see Bei Mingcang.

"We found that these monsters seem to have listened to someone behind their backs and were instigated, so they believed a rumor: that is, if you get the inner alchemy of the princess, you can get the power of the demon king! [

Even if you don't get the inner alchemy and get the flesh and blood, you can still increase your mana and quickly cultivate into a human form! "

Ni looked up and said the news from his investigation.

The wild cat is stunned, is that so?

So, who is behind it?

The last time she heard those monsters said they were going to eat herself, but she never thought that there was such a thing behind her back.

"and then?"

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