"Gaefeng, is it okay? In fact, if something happens during my visit to the human world and cannot be stopped, please rescue those important people."

The important people that the wild cats talk about actually refer to the important people to them.

If the heir of the demon king rumored among the monsters really wants to take the opportunity to seize the throne, the wild cat actually doesn't care.

If he is more capable, why not? Isn't what the monsters hope for is the revitalization of the monsters?

But the wild cat knows that no matter which dynasty changes, it will definitely eradicate the supporters of the previous dynasty without hesitation. [

Gale Feng glanced at the wild cat, clenched his fists, and then said:

"If the princess wants, I can stay, but... the princess, please protect yourself well."

When the wild cat heard it, he smiled:

"Well, I will! Thank you, Gale!"

"It is Gale's duty to do things for the princess!"

A trace of pain flashed in Lie Feng's eyes, and he said immediately.

"No, it's not your duty. It's not your duty to do things for me! It's just that I am very grateful that you have been with me and protected me. At this critical moment, I hope that you can also stay with me until the end .”

The wild cat looked at the crowd and smiled.

"I...stay here!"

Xuan Xiao said suddenly.

"Thank you, Xuan Xiao!"

Wildcat laughed.

Then, if Xuan Xiao and Lie Feng stayed, plus Mu Ziqiu's Dog Clan, at least three of the five major tribes on the Yaozu Continent supported it.

In this case, if there is any conflict, it can at least play a balancing role.

"Princess, I will go to the human world with you! Believe in my ability, it should help you!"

Mandala said.

His ability to control people's hearts and understand plants is indeed very good.

In an unfamiliar environment, he can also control everyone without killing anyone.


Wildcat nodded.

"Then, I'll go too!"

Xiaofu frowned and had to follow Mandala.

So even if you don't want to, it's still worth going.

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