Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 495: The Human Realm, Everyone's Crisis!

"Little Maomao, I want to follow Xiaomaomao too! If I don't follow Xiaomaomao, I will get lovesick!"

Wu Liyang twisted her body and walked to the side of the wild cat and said.

"It seems that there are a lot of beautiful men going to the human world, so the slave family will also go! However, the slave family, the Feiyu clan, can fully cooperate with those who stay in the demon clan."

Kong Xuan blinked at the wild cat with a shy look on his face.

The final decision is that Gaefeng and Xuan Xiao will stay in the Yaozu, and the Feiyu tribe will fully support them in case there is any change in the Yaozu. [

Although the wild cat didn't want to take so many people there, it didn't hurt to bring a few more people!

The night finally arrived after everyone had been waiting.

When the moon was in the mid-heaven, the wild cat raised his arm, and suddenly three dazzling lights came out from the bracelet.

White, blue, and red, three beams of light emanated from the bracelet, and according to Kong Xuan's instructions, they shot towards a bridge that Kong Xuan asked people from the Feiyu tribe to build.

The wild cat looked at the bridge built by thousands of harpies of the Feiyu tribe, and suddenly felt that it was like a magpie bridge.

However, this is not the time to be delusional.

When the three rays of light shot at the bridge made of feathers, a golden light flashed, and the bridge turned into a golden color, exuding dazzling light.

And at the other end of the bridge, there was a scene of heavy snow flying and white snow.

That end—is the Human World!


Before getting on the bridge, the strong wind suddenly pulled the wild cat, with infinite worry in his eyes, and then said:

"Please take care of the princess, Lie Feng, wait for the princess to come back!"


The wild cat nodded with a smile, then took the lead and walked up to the gleaming feather bridge.

The others also walked onto the bridge and crossed the long bridge. The wild cat looked at the snow-flying scene in front of him, then at the blooming spring flowers here, and then stepped into the ice and snow world over there.

It’s so cold!

In the human world, it is actually winter!

Standing in the wind and snow, the wild cat suddenly felt very cold, felt uncomfortable for a while, felt a little dizzy, couldn't help but staggered and fell backwards.

Bei Mingcang supported the wild cat, frowned and asked: [

"Woman, what's the matter?"

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