But he couldn't bear to see the wild cat's appearance at this moment, so he turned his head, looked at Xiaofu and said:

"Golden Wolf, where is the dead snake?"

When Xiaofu heard this, she frowned:

"I'm a wolf, not a dog!"

But dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, she still sucked her nose, and then pointed her finger in one direction: [

"He smells like him here."

When the wild cat heard it, it hurriedly ran in that direction.

Turning around a snow hill, the wild cat saw a corner of the clothes in the snow.

Taking a closer look, it was Wu Liyang's clothes, which were under the weight of snow at the moment.


Wu Liyang was buried in the snow, isn't she completely frozen? !

The wild cat panicked, and then shoveled the snow with both hands:

"Wu Liyang, don't worry, I'll rescue you right away! Then let Mier help you heal."

Seeing the anxious look of the wild cat, everyone quickly followed, and together with the wild cat, they scraped away the snow covering Wu Liyang's body.

But when he dug it open, there was no figure of Wu Liyang under the snow, only a piece of empty clothes.

The wild cat was stunned for a moment, then picked up the clothes, and dug into the snow again, but Wu Liyang was still nowhere to be seen.

Didn't he freeze to death?

Although he was a bit thick-skinned, a bit lewd, a bit playful, and seemed to have a bit of purpose, but he wouldn't end up like this? !

"Jiujiu, what should I do? I lost Wu Liyang! He is going to hibernate, and now there is no one around, what should we do? What if he freezes? What if he is caught and eaten by an eagle? What if What if it was peeled and stewed for soup? The skin can also be used to make an erhu!!"

When the wild cat was worried, it really thought of all kinds of messes.

"Woman, don't panic!"

Looking at the appearance of the wild cat, Bei Mingcang frowned, then turned to Xiaofu and said:

"You, smell it again!"

Xiao Fu shook her head and said: [

"Except here, there is no breath in other places."

"By the way, Mandala, can't you ask the plants and trees for news? Quickly ask!"

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