The wild cat suddenly remembered that the mandala could communicate with the flowers and trees.

Mandala frowned slightly, and then said to the wild cat:

"Princess, please look around!"

The wild cat was taken aback for a moment, then looked around, with a look of disappointment on its face.

There is a vast expanse of white snow here, and there is no one inhabited everywhere. There is nothing but wind and snow. How can there be plants? [

Then, the natural intelligence agency of the mandala is useless.

"Don't worry, my concubine, Young Master Wu is so beautiful, no one will be willing to hurt him!"

Kong Xuan walked up to the wild cat, watched her holding Wu Liyang's clothes in a daze, changed from her usual seductiveness, and spoke seriously for the first time.

"Let's look for a place where there are people, maybe Young Master Wu is not necessarily there!"

Mandala continued.

Wildcat looked at everyone, then nodded.

Everyone around her, she doesn't want anything to happen to them.

"Peacock, take a look, where are people smoking?"

Bei Mingcang pointed with his long hand, ordering Kong Xuan.

When Kong Xuan heard it, his eyebrows were stained with joy:

"Oh, this is the first time that the beautiful son has let the slaves do things, the slaves are so happy!"

After Kong Xuan finished speaking, he suddenly transformed into his original form.

A fiery red peacock suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

With a scream, he flapped his wings and flew high, disappearing in front of everyone in an instant.

Looking at the vast snowstorm, Ye Mao's brows became more and more wrinkled.

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Wu Liyang closed her eyes, only feeling that her body was getting softer and warmer.

It seems to be different from the ice cold before.

His biggest mistake was that he didn't think that the human world was in the cold winter, and when he arrived in the human world, he fell into a state of hibernation due to the cold wind and snow. [

In the end, the body became colder and colder, so that it turned into its original shape, and then it was frozen and lost consciousness.

Right now, he was still in a drowsy state, but he felt his stiff body becoming softer and softer, the cold feeling gradually dissipated, and his body felt warm.

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