This little human girl feeds him earthworms? !

What is it like to be the young master of his noble snake clan?

Eat earthworms? !

Wu Liyang had never suffered such humiliation and pain before, and then curled up, retreated into the warm nest, and closed her eyes.

How could it be possible to eat earthworms! [

The little girl who claimed to be Xiangxiang looked at it with a worried look on her face:

"Little snake, why don't you eat it? My brother said that snakes want to eat earthworms and worms! Do they want to eat worms?! But in winter, there are no worms!"

Wu Liyang was lying in the nest, and when she heard the little girl's words, she pretended to be dead again.

earthworm? !

insect? !

Are all human beings like this without trying?

He is the noble young master of the snake clan, and he is not an ordinary snake. What earthworms and bugs he eats, he is not a chicken!

"I know, the little snake must have been frostbitten in the snow and was sick, so he didn't want to eat. When Xiangxiang was sick, he didn't want to eat, but brother can help me treat it! Go find brother!"

The little girl's eyes suddenly lit up, as if she felt that she had discovered a new world, then she immediately stood up and ran towards the door.

This time she came back faster, and even dragged someone:

"Brother, brother, look at the little snake, it seems very spiritless, did it get frostbitten in the snow before? Brother, hurry up and help him heal!"

"Xiangxiang, don't worry, the little snake might just be sleepy and want to sleep, has Xiangxiang forgotten? Didn't my brother say that snakes hibernate in winter!"

A clear man's voice came, and then the footsteps stopped in front of Wu Liyang.

"But the little snake is so pitiful. It must have been abandoned and bullied by others just like us. That's why it sleeps alone in the snow in such a cold winter! So brother must help the little snake!"

The little girl spoke with a choked voice.

Wu Liyang couldn't help laughing, he was just frozen.

At this moment, the kitten is probably worried to death, so look for him frantically!

It's just... the brother this little girl is talking about seems very unusual!

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As compensation for the wrong T, Lanlan agreed to add more updates, so today is the fifteenth update.

It's time to say goodbye to everyone again. Today's live broadcast of "Ben Concubine is Very Lovely and Cute" by TXAV is here. Thank you for watching, see you tomorrow!

Also, condolences to the victims of the fire in Shanghai!

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