Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 509: Beautiful boy, is he a half-demon? !

At this moment, the kitten is probably worried to death, so look for him frantically!

Although the kitten on the surface always loathes her, Wu Liyang knows that if something happens to her, she will treat herself like Mu Ziqiu.

This little cat has to say that she has her own unique charm, which can make everyone around her gather around her.

Sensing a man approaching, Wu Liyang suddenly opened his eyes cautiously.

Because he sensed an unusual aura on him, he would definitely not be an ordinary human being, nor would he be an ordinary Orion! [

He has the breath of a goblin!

Wu Liyang opened her eyes and saw a beautiful young man appearing in front of it with a warm smile on her face.

The clothes on his body are very ordinary, ordinary cotton padded jacket, but his appearance is quite outstanding.

Fair skin, big eyes, handsome eyebrows.

Not to mention in the human world, even in the demon world, she is also a top-notch beauty.

And this young man looked very warm and sunny, but there were shadows in his eyes, as if he had endured a lot of suppressed pain.

But Wu Liyang only saw that black eye, and the other eye was covered by long bangs, so she couldn't see it.

This person has the aura of a goblin and a human aura.

Why are there fairies here?

And that little girl is clearly human!

"Brother, look at the little snake!"

The little girl took the boy's hand and quickly squatted down in front of Wu Liyang.

"Okay, okay, Xiangxiang, don't worry, brother, just take a look!"

As the boy said, he lowered his body and lifted the fur covering Wu Liyang's body.

The moment he lowered his head, Wu Liyang saw another eye covered by bangs.

That eye is blue in color!

One black and one blue? !

This person's eyes have two colors!

He——is a half-demon! [

That's why he covered that blue eye with his hair, and that's why the little girl said they were abandoned by other people.

How can human beings tolerate half-demons?

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