What surprised Wu Liyang the most was that in order to travel to the human world, one must have strong magic power. This person must have an unusual identity.

Judging from his appearance, he is also a person with good mana.

Wu Liyang looked at the young man cautiously, and then at the worried little girl beside him, secretly preparing for it.

If this boy has any unusual actions, even though his strength is suppressed at the moment, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have the ability to attack.

The young man lifted his fur, glanced at Wu Liyang who was hovering around, and once again showed a warm smile on his face, stretched out his hand, patted the little girl's head and said: [

"Little Snake is only slightly frostbitten, it doesn't matter, brother will help him recover now! Xiangxiang will wait by the side, please?"


When Xiangxiang heard this, she sat quietly beside her.

The young man lowered his head, reached out to take a pendant from his neck, and placed the pendant on top of Wu Liyang.

Wu Liyang's whole body tensed up, not knowing what this young man was going to do.

However, this pendant makes people feel very powerful.

Wu Liyang looked, but found that it was a pendant made of purple opal.

Lingshi? !

This thought flashed through Wu Liyang's mind.

Because he had seen the spirit stones on the bracelets of wild cats, they were all opals of different colors, white, blue, red.

And the purple opal in front of me, which makes people feel very powerful, is a spiritual stone?

Just as she was thinking, a dazzling purple light suddenly emitted from the pendant, instantly covering Wu Liyang.

Wu Liyang was startled, and found that he was enveloped by purple light and couldn't move at all, his whole body was trapped.

This young man was indeed no ordinary person.

Wu Liyang was about to resist with luck, when suddenly a voice came from his mind, it was the boy who was speaking.

"You'd better not resist, if you have no malice, I won't do anything to you!"

Wu Liyang opened his eyes, and saw the boy's body appeared in his consciousness. He was standing in front of Wu Liyang, holding the opal in his hand and looking at him.

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