"This stupid princess!" Xiao Fu cursed.

"The princess has a power that makes people reluctant to hurt her!"

Mandala said.

That is a kind of heart-warming power!

"That's because Lord Demon King has been sealed for too long, and when he was sealed, he still had a sword stuck in his body. The power of the demon sword is very strong. It has been stuck in Demon King's body for 500 years, so it hurt the inner alchemy."[

It is precisely because of the injury to the inner alchemy that the strength will be weakened and the heart will ache! "

The wild cat kept talking nonsense, and the more he said it, the more it seemed true.

"If it is not treated in time, the heart will hurt more and more frequently, and the strength will disappear faster and faster!

At that time, not to mention crushing the monster clan, even ordinary monsters may not be able to beat it! "

"Wang...she is the princess of the demon clan, she has inherited the abilities of the demon princess, and has a unique healing technique!"

Ni was helping the wild cat to speak, and only hoped that Bei Mingcang would agree with the wild cat quickly.

The wild cat tried its best to make it up, and then took advantage of everyone's inattention, and read it again in a low voice:

"Xuanyuan Jiufang>


Bei Mingcang let out a loud cry of pain.

"Look, look, I'm not wrong! How is it? Is it better?"

The wild cat fluttered its blue eyes and looked at Bei Mingcang with great concern.

Jiujiu, I'm sorry!

Although I promised you that I would never read your holy name again, but...

In order to restore your memory, so, I have to do this.

"Cat demon, what treatment are you talking about? Hurry up!"

Bei Mingcang grabbed the wild cat's hand, pulled her into his arms with all his strength, and looked down at the wild cat.

That familiar embrace, that familiar heartbeat, and that familiar smell made Wildcat's eyes sour, but, no!

The wild cat withdrew its sad emotions, and then said: [

"Then, did Lord Demon King agree to take me in? Did he agree to let me take refuge?"

"Take refuge with me?! Hmph, why?! I just said that I want you to heal, but I didn't say I want to take you in!"

Bei Mingcang snorted coldly, the pain subsided, and pushed the wild cat out again.

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