The wild cat raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Although he lost his memory, the only thing that was stubborn about me as the only one, really didn't change at all.

"Aren't you going to attack the Yaozu? Just right, I want to attack the Yaozu too! The current Yaozu is divided into two factions, one is the new king faction headed by my brother Yu Wenxuan, and the other is the princess faction headed by me." group!

It's just that they took over the palace while I was out looking for something.So I want to use your strength to take it back!This is the condition that I help you treat! "

The wild cat knew that what Bei Mingcang wanted to do was to suppress the demon clan and conquer the demon king.

"My brother is stronger than me. He has almost completely inherited my father's ability, or is stronger than my father! I think that only someone as powerful as the devil can be his opponent, so I Here it comes!" [

Yu Wenxuan, I'm sorry!

Wildcat said secretly in his heart.

However, only the power of the Demon King can arouse Bei Mingcang's true desire.

"Wang, the current demon clan is indeed divided into two factions!"

Ni added on the side.

Although the situation is slightly different from what the wild cat said, but I am not deceiving the Demon King.

"Do you want me to take you in?! Hmph, yes, what do you give in exchange?!"

Bei Mingcang crossed his hands, looking at the wild cat with arrogance and contempt.


The wild cat looked at him, looked straight at him, and spit out a word directly.

When everyone heard it, they almost fell to the ground.

What is the idea of ​​the princess?


Bei Mingcang took a meaningful look at the wild cat.

"Yes, my price is myself! As long as you promise to take me in, I can stay by your side and do everything for you!"

In other words, you can do whatever you want!

This was the promise she made to Bei Mingcang back then.

Because Bei Mingcang once said to her: Woman, I want you!

In fact, the wild cat also wanted to tell Bei Mingcang: Jiujiu, I want you too! [

Now she offered herself not only because of such a promise, but also because she fell in love with him without knowing when.

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