In vain, after he left, she couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and couldn't think of him all the time, but he was here, enjoying all the blessings!

"Xuanyuan Jiufang>

The wild cat gritted its teeth and chanted Bei Mingcang's holy name.

Bei Mingcang, who had just returned to normal, immediately covered his chest and let out a low cry of pain.

"Wang, what's wrong with you?!" [

A group of enchanting women next to him hurriedly asked.

"Xuanyuan Jiufang>

Don't push those women away!


Then I will read it a few more times!

This time, Bei Mingcang chopped off the woman beside him with a painful palm, and his eyes turned blood red.

"Cat demon, didn't you say you can heal?!"

Bei Mingcang fell from the seat in front of the wild cat.

Wildcat nodded, then with a shake, summoned Mi'er.

"Master, Mier misses you so much!"

As soon as Mi'er flew out, she quickly ran to the wild cat, rubbed the wild cat's face, and acted coquettishly.

"Mi'er, hurry up, help him heal!"

The wild cat quickly pointed to Bei Mingcang and said.

Mi'er tilted her head and looked at Bei Mingcang, then said to the wild cat in doubt:

"Master, but he was not injured!"

cough cough...

Well, she knew that Bei Mingcang was not injured.


"He's hurt inside, you can't see it!"[

"You want this little thing to treat me?! Ridiculous!"

Beimingcang snorted coldly, looking at Mi'er with contempt on his face.

"Master, he bullied me!"

Mi'er pouted, with an aggrieved expression on her face.

The wild cat looked at Bei Mingcang:

"Xuanyuan Jiufang>


Bei Mingcang fell to his knees on the ground in pain.

"Okay, I don't care what you are, hurry up and eliminate this damn pain for me!"

Bei Mingcang roared extremely angrily.

"Master, why did he become so fierce, he was obviously not fierce before!"

Mi'er hesitated, not wanting to go forward.

The Jiujiu that the master said before, although it looks fierce, is not really fierce, but this one in front of him is really fierce.

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