Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 585: One step at a time, leading you into the game!


The wild cat called her softly. Although Mi'er was reluctant, she still stepped forward and shrouded Bei Mingcang's body with a ray of light.

Mi'er's light originally has the ability to eliminate fatigue, eliminate pain, and scars.

So when the ray of light shrouded Bei Mingcang's body, not only did Bei Mingcang's pain disappear, but all the discomfort on his body also disappeared.

Immediately feel refreshed! [

"Cat demon, I believe your words! You, stay here and heal my wounds!"

Bei Mingcang pointed at the wild cat with one hand, and said arrogantly.

When the wild cat heard it, the smile on his face gradually widened, and then his eyes sparkled, and he nodded fiercely:

"it is good!"

that's nice!

You can stay by Beimingcang's side now!

She believes that as long as she works hard, Jiujiu will definitely be able to come back!

"King, are you okay?"

The enchanting women who had just been split by Bei Mingcang's palm all posted up again.

Seeing that it was about to lean on Beimingcang's body again, the sourness in Ye Mao's heart came again.

It seems that just staying here is not enough!

The point is, it is necessary to drive away the flies around him!

"Master Demon King, there is one thing I forgot to tell you about your injury!"

The wild cat smiled, seeing that the group of women were about to post, she quickly added another sentence.

"What?! Don't indulge my king's appetite!"

Bei Ming raised his eyebrows unhappily.

Wasn't it cured just now?

"Because your injury, Demon King, has been done for 500 years, so the sequelae are very serious. One or two treatments can't solve the root cause, so you need to treat it several times!"

The wild cat said quickly, and then stepped forward, pushing away the woman beside Bei Mingcang. [

"Your value, isn't that the case?!"

Beiming raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! However, this requires your cooperation, Lord Demon King!"

Wildcat frowned, pretending to be difficult.


"Yes! This injury has accumulated for 500 years, and the sequelae are really serious! Many times, it will be triggered inadvertently! Therefore, you must pay attention to many aspects at ordinary times!"

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