Kong Xuan took the wild cat's hand with the bracelet out of the quilt, and then inlaid the spirit stone from Feng Susu on the bracelet.

Suddenly, a burst of dazzling green light struck, covering the entire room, and on the bracelet, a stream of light overflowed.

Kong Xuan lay in front of the bed but did not leave. Feng Susu frowned and said coldly:

"Dead peacock, I gave you all the spirit stones, what are you still doing here?"

"Because Aifei said, she will give me this!"

As Kong Xuan said, he took out the Beimingcang human-like doll that the wild cat had given him earlier.

"I really like it!"

Kong Xuan looked at the doll of Beimingcang with a fascinated expression.

Feng Susu couldn't bear it anymore, she stepped on Kong Xuan's head, kicked him to the ground, and then left with one hand dragging his collar.

"You pervert!"

Feng Susu dragged the trampled Kong Xuan, hit the door and dragged out, regardless of whether she hit Kong Xuan's head or not.

Mandala watched the two leave before stepping in from the window.

Looking at the newly added green spirit stone on the wild cat bracelet, looking at the radiant bracelet, he frowned.

Then he looked at the ring on his finger, Mandala finally stretched out his hand towards the wild cat.

There was a flash of light, and the bracelet appeared in Mandala's hand.

Looking at the bracelet with reversed light, Mandala looked at the sleeping face of the wild cat and said:

"Princess, I'm sorry! I have something to do, but... Mandala will never betray the princess!"

After speaking, the figure of Mandala disappeared into the room.

In the room, the wild cat that had been sleeping slowly opened her eyes, looking at her empty wrist, her eyes were lost for a while.

Then I glanced at the direction where the mandala disappeared, and the words that the mandala left sounded in my mind:

"The mandala will never betray the princess!"

In fact, she woke up a long time ago, she had already woken up when Kong Xuan and Feng Susu came in.

With Kong Xuan's ostentation, how could she still be able to sleep.

It's just that she was embarrassed to open her eyes, because it seemed that she already knew about herself and Bei Mingcang after listening to them. [

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