She was embarrassed to open her eyes, because it seemed that she already knew about herself and Bei Mingcang after hearing what they said.

Although she doesn't regret having a relationship with Bei Mingcang, and she really loves Bei Mingcang, how can she be ashamed to face other people's ambiguous eyes?

Therefore, the wild cat has been pretending to be asleep!

and so……

She knew that Mandala had taken off her bracelet. [

Now she is capable of stopping the mandala, but she didn't...

She seemed to be afraid that the moment she opened her eyes, the mandala would leave her forever.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open, and Bei Mingcang strode in. Seeing the wild cat in a daze, he frowned, walked forward, grabbed her and asked:

"Woman, what are you thinking?"


The wild cat was stunned for a moment, and then saw Bei Mingcang, and his face suddenly turned red.

All the bits and pieces just now echoed in her brain.

She seemed to be really active just now!

Or, in fact, she took the initiative!

In the past, she really couldn't believe that she would do such a thing.

With her heart pounding, she turned her head away, not daring to look at Bei Mingcang again, otherwise she would die of shame.

"I didn't think about anything..."

"Woman, don't look at me!"

Bei Mingcang turned the wild cat's face domineeringly, and looked at her with piercing eyes, his eyes were full of flames.

The wild cat froze for a moment, subconsciously trying to hide.

She is too familiar with this flame!

Because in the past, Bei Mingcang often looked at himself like this!

He just came here once, so he won't want to come again!

"I'm not here, you dare to think about other men, see if I don't punish you well!"

As Bei Mingcang said, he turned over and attached himself to the wild cat, lowered his head, and kissed the red lips that were as delicate as petals.

The wild cat was panting from being kissed, and finally got a gap.

"Don't... Jiujiu... In broad daylight, others will know!"

Wildcat said with a flushed face.

"Little fairy, why didn't you say that when you seduced me at Huahai just now! But... your taste is too sweet, I can't get enough of it!"

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