Looking at the wild cat, his smile subsided, and the rest was cold and murderous:

"Why?! Why is everyone like this?"

The wild cat looked at him cautiously, and smiled at Gu Yue. She was not sure of winning, but she couldn't do it if she wanted to escape!

"Why is she like this, and you are like this? I'm just waiting for you to go home! I'm just standing by your side! Princess, why don't you understand?"

When Gu Yue smiled, it was extremely cold, but...[

In this coldness, there is a deep sadness...

The wild cat was a little dazed for a moment.

But during the short moment of daze, Gu Yue suddenly attacked with a slight smile.

When Mandala saw it, black energy gathered all over his body, and immediately after, countless vines attacked Gu Yue with a slight smile.

Gu Yue smiled slightly, and a ball of dazzling white light struck, and there was a loud bang.

The white light collided with the vines, making a loud noise.

The wild cat was affected by the impact and took several steps back.

But the mandala was hit and flew out at once.

Facing the mana of Gu Yue's smile, the power of the mandala is still too low.


The wild cat saw it, and quickly flew to Mandala's side. Mandala's face was a little pale, and he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up and said:

"Princess, I'm fine!"

"You wait, I'll treat you right away!"

As the wild cat said, it was about to summon Mier.

"Be careful--"

Mandala hugged the wild cat and jumped away from the spot.

A ray of white light hit, and suddenly a big hole was blown out where they were standing just now.

"Princess, I'm not in the way! Deal with him first and hold tight! The princess should run away first, I'll stand up for it!"

As the mandala spoke, a mass of black air filled the air, and countless petals were flying in the air. [

The petals flew towards Gu Yue with a smile. The wild cat saw it and waved the broom in his hand, and countless ice arrows shot towards Gu Yue with a smile.

The petals quickly surrounded Gu Yue with a smile, and suddenly, the sound of an explosion came.

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