But at this moment, the wild cat's ice arrows shot at Gu Yue's smile one after another, and there was only a constant sound.

Gu Yue smiled and stood there without moving.

Did you make it?

The wild cat smiled slightly at the exploding Gu Yue, and frowned tightly.

After the explosion of the petals, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the scene in front of him made Wildcat's frown deepen. [

Holding the broom in her hand, she was preparing for the second round of attack.

Mandala wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and black air filled the surroundings.

That Gu Yue in mid-air smiled, but was surrounded by a wall of light. The mandala and wild cat's attacks didn't hurt him at all.

It's just that on the light wall, countless ice arrows were inserted into it, causing cracks in the light wall.

With a crisp sound of clattering, the light wall was shattered into pieces, and disappeared into the air together with the Frostbolt.

"Wind Blade—"

When the wild cat saw it, it jumped up into the air. With a wave of the broom, it turned the weather into a blade and attacked Gu Yue with a smile.

Gu Yue looked at it with a slight smile, turned sideways to hide, and then a white light struck, blocking all the wind blades back.

However, one of them scratched his cheek.

He stretched out his hand, touched the injured face, then held it in front of him, and found that there were bloodstains, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Miaomiao has really become powerful. Not only can she break my protective shield, but she can also hurt me! Then... I will be more polite!"

Gu Yue said with a slight smile, and flew towards the wild cat fiercely, stretching out her sharp claws, she was about to attack the wild cat.

"Princess be careful!"

Seeing the mandala, he waved his hand, and countless vines smiled towards Gu Yue.

This time, Gu Yue's smile was actually entangled in vines, unable to move.

The wild cat saw and waved, and once again struck countless ice arrows.

She looked ahead cautiously, not knowing whether she succeeded or not.

Suddenly, the ice arrow pierced Gu Yue's body with a slight smile.

The wild cat was shocked, it was not an entity. [

"Miaomiao, I forgot to teach you something, what you see may not be the truth!"

Gu Yue's smiling voice came from behind the wild cat, so close.

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