Charming Demon King Palace: This concubine is very charming and cute

Chapter 645: No matter what, let's face it together!


Bei Mingcang stepped forward, grabbed Ye Mao's hand, and walked forward with her.

The wild cat smiled at Bei Mingcang, and firmly held his hand back.

No matter what they encounter, they will face it together.

This is what Bei Mingcang said to her last night. [

Mu Ziqiu lying on the bed was still pale and lifeless.

Fortunately, he is still alive.

The wild cat is very at ease.

Looking at Mu Ziqiu lying unconscious on the bed, the wild cat stepped forward, knelt down beside Mu Ziqiu, and said:

"Mu Ziqiu, when will you wake up? I'm sorry, I broke my promise again. I said that when I see you again, I will become stronger!

But...not only did I fail to become stronger, but the harmed Wu Liyang and Mandala left me.Am I useless? "

"Princess, it's not your fault!"

Lie Feng said from the side.

"I don't think they want you to blame yourself so much. If that happens, they will be upset!"

Xuan Xiao, who was always cold and quiet, actually spoke.

"I'm fine! Because I have to avenge them!"

The wild cat smiled, and with a flick of his wrist, it transformed Mi'er, and asked Mier to heal Mu Ziqiu, hoping to wake Mu Ziqiu up.

When Mi'er's soft light enveloped Mu Ziqiu's body, his complexion unexpectedly began to slowly improve.

---------------------------- Hello everyone, I am the scene dividing line ------------- --------------------------------

"Wang, you said you gave the spirit stone to Elder Wu?!"

The gray masked man looked at Yu Wenxuan in shock.

"Yes! He said that he would use the spirit stone in the succession ceremony, so let me hand over the spirit stone to him for safekeeping." Yu Wenxuan replied.

The man in the gray mask frowned when he heard this:

"Now, go get it back!" [

He had a hunch that it would not be that simple.

"King Qi, Military, Ye Miaomiao has returned to the Yaozu!"

At this moment, a soldier from the Yaozu came in and knelt on the ground to report.

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