"How's it going?"

The gray masked man asked.

"The princess seems to have formed an alliance with the demons, and brought back a large number of demon soldiers this time. It is said...the demon king is also among them..."

The soldier hesitated, but still told the truth.

"The devil?! I should have thought of it earlier!" [

The gray masked man smiled wryly.

"Where are they now? Have you seen a little human girl?"

Yu Wenxuan asked anxiously.

"This... I didn't see it!"

The soldier replied.

"Where are they now?"

The gray masked man asked.

"Golden wolf family!"

replied the soldier.

Golden wolf clan? !

"You go down!"

The man in gray said.

"Any questions?"

Yu Wenxuan asked.

"Nothing?! I want a big fight. It's about to start. The king is better prepared!"

After the man in the gray mask finished speaking, a blue light suddenly appeared from his body, making him unstable and almost transparent.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at the almost transparent body of the man in the gray mask, Yu Wenxuan was worried for a while.

The gray-clothed man hurriedly pinched his hand, stabilized his figure, and said: [


"Are we really going to fight?"

Yu Wenxuan asked.

"King, please believe in your strength! You are the king of our demon clan, the king who leads our demon clan to revitalization! You have inherited the best strength of the demon king, and you are qualified for this responsibility!

Besides, these are your people, and as a descendant of the Demon King, you have the right to protect them! "

The man in gray said.

Yu Wenxuan frowned, and nodded for a long time:

"I understand!"

---------------------So, let's change the scene again------------------- ----

The wild cat drove Mi'er to treat Mu Ziqiu. Seeing that Mu Ziqiu's complexion was getting better and better, when he was about to wake up, he suddenly became unchanged again.

No matter how hard Mier tried, Mu Ziqiu was still in a coma, and fell asleep so quietly, never waking up.

The inner alchemy in his body has obviously gathered together, although it will take a certain amount of time to recover, but it is not impossible to wake up yet?

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